Chapter 27 Making Mistakes

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Luo Xiaobai was speechless, "You are so unreasonable."

"You said I was unreasonable!" Mo Ming was angry!

Luo Xiaobai also became stubborn, "You are just being unreasonable. Even if Brother Chu knows about our relationship, I will not be with Brother Chu. You look so ugly today!" Mo Ming narrowed his eyes. Along the way, he has been pampering him and pampering him.

But if you look carefully, they only spent half a year together.

But in the past six months, Luo Xiaobai had been riding on his head.

Mo Ming took a deep breath. As the chairman of Mingdu Jewelry Group, when had he ever been so cowardly?

He likes Luo Xiaobai, so he dotes on him, but once his love is gone, Luo Xiaobai will be nothing!

"Luo Xiaobai, I'll give you a chance to take back those words you just said." Mo Ming's tone gradually became darker.

Luo Xiaobai didn't think he was at fault, not to mention that in his dreams, Mo Ming would let him go and pamper him.

As a result, Luo Xiaobai now forgot one thing. Although Mo Ming was with him now, he was not the person in his dream who shared life and death with him and fought side by side.

Mo Ming pushed Luo Xiaobai into the car and took him back to the villa.

Luo Xiaobai only thought that Mo Ming lost his temper, which would lead to a cold war for several days.

But unexpectedly, after returning to the villa, before he could slip on his shoes and enter the house, Mo Ming had already raised his hand and slapped him in the face!

Luo Xiaobai looked at Mo Ming in disbelief, as if he didn't know this person.

Mo Ming's heart also trembled. Subconsciously, he knew that this was wrong, but his dignity did not allow Luo Xiaobai to disobey and trample again and again.

Luo Xiaobai was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he didn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

Mo Ming grabbed his hair and, like a domestic violence man, dragged Luo Xiaobai into the room and tore off his clothes.

Seeing Mo Ming take out the belt from his waist, Luo Xiaobai had a bad feeling in his heart.

This feeling soon came true, and Mo Ming whipped his belt.

A bloodstain appeared on Luo Xiaobai's chest, but Luo Xiaobai didn't feel any pain in his skin. He only felt that something was broken in his heart.

"Am I too good to you? That makes you forget your identity. I like it." When I love you, I can pamper you to the sky, but when I don’t like you, you are nothing!” Are you


Luo Xiaobai's eyes were hot, as if some liquid was flowing out.

Mo Ming's hand holding the belt was trembling. He told himself that he couldn't be soft-hearted. This man had to be taught a lesson so that he would remember it.

Just give him a good beating and he will be obedient in the future and won't go looking for that Chu Yu. As long as he is obedient, I will continue to hold him in my hands.

The belt was pulled down again, and Mo Ming had no intention of holding back.

Luo Xiaobai curled up and instinctively hugged him into a ball.

For a moment, dreams and reality were completely separated. Ever since he had that strange dream, being with Mo Ming had become an obsession. But Mo Ming, who didn't have those memories, was still his Big Bird brother?

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