Chapter 06 Migrant workers fall from the building

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"Except for that Bugatti, you can choose whatever you want. You know where the key is." Mo Ming smiled, which warmed people's hearts.

"Why not Bugatti?" Luo Xiaobai was a little dissatisfied. In his dream, he drove it often.

"Last time I went out with some friends, there were some problems with the car, and we didn't have time to repair it." Mo Ming was not reluctant to lend the car out.

It turns out that Luo Xiaobai decided to forgive him.

In fact, he prefers the low-key Audi to the Bugatti.

Because the car was registered in the villa area, Luo Xiaobai drove out smoothly and went directly to the Chinese medicine clinic.

Parking the car in the parking space across the road, Luo Xiaobai carried a shoulder bag to the Daren Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic and found that many people gathered at the door. "Everyone, give way."

Luo Xiaobai squeezed in. He would be late if he was late. .

"Xiao Bai, wash your hands, and then come in and help me!" Mr. Zhou's voice sounded from behind the curtain.

Luo Xiaobai responded immediately, knowing that there must be trauma patients inside.

After disinfecting his hands, Luo Xiaobai went to the examination bed inside, where an uncle in his fifties dressed as a migrant worker lay on it. This man's face was covered in blood, and Mr. Zhou was trying to stop the bleeding from his injured head.

"Xiao Bai, is it okay to suture the wound on your right leg?" Mr. Zhou asked while using gauze to stop the bleeding.

"No problem!" Luo Xiaobai cut the man's trouser legs open with scissors and disinfected the wound, "Mr. Zhou, the injured person's calf bone was comminutedly fractured!" Mr. Zhou frowned, "Stop the bleeding first." "Okay!


Luo Xiaobai said this, but he picked up the scalpel and began to help the other party to immobilize, reset, and fix it. After making sure that this set of surgical procedures was completed, he sutured.

Mr. Zhou's attention was always on the wound on the patient's head, so he did not pay attention to Luo Xiaobai's movements. By the time he found out, Luo Xiaobai had already reached the last step.

"Xiaobai, don't be ridiculous!" Mr. Zhou's heart trembled. If a medical accident occurs, he will need to take responsibility.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhou, the other party's leg bones have been fixed. How is the head injury?" Luo Xiaobai wrapped the wound with a bandage.

Mr. Zhou sighed, "Falling from a high altitude, the situation is not good."

Seeing that the other party's body began to twitch, Luo Xiaobai took out the golden needle and said, "You continue, I will help stabilize his injury."

Mr. Zhou is still the first to live at such an old age. The first time I saw gold needle pricking acupuncture points, I was extremely shocked.

He knew that Luo Xiaobai's medical skills were not low, and he might have inherited a master of traditional Chinese medicine, but he did not expect that he could even know how to prick acupuncture points with gold needles.

Seeing that the injured person's physical condition gradually stabilized, Mr. Zhou continued the work at hand.

Half an hour later, although the injured fell into a coma, he was no longer seriously injured.

As soon as Mr. Zhou and Luo Xiaobai went out, they were stopped by a man in a straight suit, "How is the condition of the man inside?" "He was rescued, but his leg injury needs to be recuperated, and his head was hit. I don't know if it will happen.

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