Chapter 404 Cutting off

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"You have a good rest, I'll go out for a while." Seeing that Mo Luo was just in a bad mental state, Huangfuyuan was relieved.

Mara waved his hand, he needed to be quiet.

After Huangfuyuan left the main courtyard of the Demon Mansion, he went to find Luo Xiaobai and Mo Ming.

Mo Ming left the Demon Mansion and didn't know what he was doing. Luo Xiaobai was the only one left practicing in the guest room.

"Is something wrong?" Luo Xiaobai asked Xiang Huangfuyuan. He didn't know that this man had already eaten up Mr. Mo last night.

"Come with me to the back." Huangfuyuan said solemnly. He could have gone by himself, but he was afraid of being misunderstood.

Luo Xiaobai's eyes lit up, "You mean Mo Luo's backyard?"

Huangfu Yuan nodded, "That's right."

Thinking of what Huangfu Yuan said before, it seemed that he was going to take action, but he didn't know that Mo Luo had any I didn't clean up those flowers and plants in advance.

Obviously, Mo Luo did not take Huangfu Yuan's words to heart.

When Huangfu Yuan and Luo Xiaobai arrived at Mo Luo's backyard, they found that the place was more lively than a brothel with the sound of singing and dancing. There were several intrigues and pushing people into the water.

Luo Xiaobai swallowed his saliva, "What do you want to do?"

Huangfu Yuan said coolly: "Those who want to leave can leave, and those who don't want to leave can keep their lives. "Cool! Luo Xiaobai gave a one-word evaluation.

Just before the incident of pushing people into the water happened again, Huangfu Yuan swept with his sword and cut off all the peach trees in the backyard, which also meant to cut off the peach blossoms of Mo Luo. ''Ah!


"Wow! "

In the backyard, the pot immediately exploded.

Fortunately, several of the concubines' male favorites were also monks. Although they only had the cultivation of immortals, they calmed down quickly.

"It's you! "The concubine who was driven away yesterday recognized Huangfu Yuan at a glance.

The movement here attracted everyone's attention. Even those who were staying in the room came to the door.

"It's me, Mo Luo . He no longer needs you. Now you have two choices. One is to take your things and leave here and promise never to come back again. The other is to leave the body here. "Huangfu Yuan's voice resounded throughout the backyard.

"Why, I want to see Mr. Demon!"

"Yes, we want to see Mr. Demon! " "

A few people who thought they were good at cultivation and favored began to clamor.

Huangfuyuan didn't have the patience to reason with them, "I'll give you one hour, and those who stay here will die. "

Some people who had been robbed by Mara immediately went back to pack their things when they heard this.

There were also some men and women who had been bullied for a long time, and they felt like they were being pardoned.

At that time, the entire backyard was in chaos.

After an hour, only Ten people stayed, all of them were concubines with immortal cultivation.

Huangfu Yuan looked at the woman he had seen yesterday. Sure enough, she was still here. Since she wanted to die, he would help her! He

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