Chapter 469 This person is the weakest

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Until the end of the auction, Huangfu Yuan didn't buy anything, but Mo Luo bought a lot. After all, he, the Demon Master, was very wealthy.

"Let's go. Is Xiaobai okay?" Mo Luo stood up and asked.

Mo Ming hugged Luo Xiaobai and said, "It's okay, just take a nap and you'll be fine."

Mo Luo nodded and ate the red blood fruit worth 400,000 amethysts. It really needed to be absorbed.

Several people returned to Xuantian. Pai's temporary residence, Mo Luo took Huangfu Yuan to see the so-called treasure.

Mo Ming took the little guy back to the house to rest.

Putting Luo Xiaobai on the bed, Mo Ming sat beside the bed, "You can get drunk with just one piece of fruit, you are really promising." As if knowing that Mo Ming was despising him, Luo Xiaobai pouted and turned over

, Continue to sleep well.

Seeing that the little guy was sleeping so soundly, Mo Ming simply lay down next to him and fell into laziness for the whole day. It wasn't until the next day that Mo Ming and Luo Xiaobai appeared in front of everyone.

Mo Luo looked at these two people ambiguously, but they didn't show up for the whole day!

Mo Ming lowered his gaze and glanced at Mo Luo's lower body, who immediately clamped his legs.

Damn it, he remembered that when he first met Mo Ming, the other person's cultivation level was not as good as his at all, but now he was far superior to him.

He has not fallen behind in training. Could it be that his talent is too poor, so he is caught up by Mo Ming, but his qualifications are considered good in the entire cultivation world, otherwise he would not have become one of the five young masters in the first place.

By the way, there is one less fifth master now, but someone proposed to make Luo Xiaobai the new medicine master.

"Xiaobai, how is the absorption of the medicine?" Mo Luo asked.

Luo Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I have more confidence in advancing to the ninth level alchemy master." "

That's good, I think you will be the youngest ninth level alchemy master in the entire cultivation world." Mo Luo praised, when the time comes he will It also saves face to speak out.

"You have to keep up with your cultivation level." Huangfu Yuan came over. There were still a few ninth-level alchemy masters in the world of cultivation, but they hadn't made alchemy for a long time. The reason was naturally because their cultivation level couldn't keep up.

Without strong cultivation, it is very difficult to refine the ninth-level elixir, and when facing the elixir tribulation, you are likely to die. Even if you successfully refine the ninth-level elixir, your lifespan will be reduced.

Luo Xiaobai has now reached the level of Immortal Emperor. It stands to reason that he has nothing to fear even if he faces a calamity. However, only after reaching the level of God Emperor can he be able to do so with ease.

Keeping Senior Brother Huangfu's words in mind, Luo Xiaobai promised: "I will practice hard." "

Well, then come back to Jianfeng with me this time!" Huangfu Yuan said coolly, Junior Brother Xiaobai belongs to Jianfeng after all

. people.

Hearing this, Luo Xiaobai immediately looked at Mo Ming.

Mo Luo, who was next to him, came directly to Mo Ming and hugged his shoulders. "Don't worry, your family and I will also go to Jianfeng to stay for a while." Luo Xiaobai grinned. He did

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