Chapter 478 Do you believe me?

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After discussions between Mo Ming and Chu Yu, as well as consulting the other three god emperors in the world of cultivation, they made a decision.

"Are you sure you want to refine this demon-slaying sword?" Chu Yu asked Mo Ming.

Mo Ming nodded, "Only if you are willing to part with this Xuan Qiong Sword." Xuan Qiong Sword is the exclusive artifact of the Xuantian Sect leader.

"Haha, there is nothing I can't bear to do for Xiaobai." Chu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Humph!" Xiang Yu snorted coldly, thinking he was a dead person!

"Xiao Bai is my friend, I should help. After all, the sword is an external possession." Chu Yu immediately changed his mind. Xiang Yu had been doing well recently. He just wanted to stimulate Mo Ming, but he didn't want his sugar daddy to misunderstand him.

Mo Ming found it funny. It was rare that Chu Yu still knew how to care about someone.

Invite three ninth-level weapon refiners from the world of cultivation. These old guys usually don't go out, but the temptation of being able to refine this divine sword was too great, so they couldn't resist coming out.

Only by merging the Demon-Slaying Sword and the Xuan Qiong Sword can they have a super artifact that can fight against the Dark Feather Bow.

On one side, they were refining the sword intensively, while on the other side, Ying Shuo controlled Luo Xiaobai's body, killing countless lives every day.

Luo Xiaobai didn't know how to control the development of things, and was very anxious every day.

Until one day, a thunder struck from the sky.

"What's wrong? Someone broke through to dominate?" Luo Xiaobai asked stupidly.

Yingshuo's face changed slightly, "Another super artifact was born and appeared in the immortal cultivation area." The

first thing Luo Xiaobai thought of was Mo Ming. His big bird monster had not appeared for so long, so he must be thinking of ways to deal with Yingshuo. This abominable demon.

"However, even if you want to kill me, you won't survive." Yingshuo is still relieved. Luo Xiaobai has a high status in the world of cultivation, and several major god emperors have a close relationship with him.

Luo Xiaobai swallowed, it seemed that this Yingshuo was really a madman.

"Finally found it!" Just as Luo Xiaobai secretly complained, Yingshuo suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Luo Xiaobai looked down. It was a blue planet, and it looked familiar.

"This is the earth!" Luo Xiaobai was stunned. How could he find this place?

"It turns out that this is the earth. Although there are no cultivators in it, there are many strange cultivators. They are very close to a certain aura on your body." Yingshuo said.

Luo Xiaobai knew that Yingshuo was talking about super powers!

"What are you going to do?" Luo Xiaobai's heart suddenly rose to his throat.

"There are many creatures here, which are most suitable for sacrifice." Yingshuo raised one corner of her lips.

"You madman, you can't do this!" Luo Xiaobai was furious.

However, Yingshuo curled her lips and smiled, "It is an honor for these people to be the sacrifices for the resurrection of the great demon!" Luo Xiaobai couldn't help making noises in the space of consciousness, but Yingshuo turned a deaf ear and cared about her own arrangements

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