Chapter 12 Food Stalls

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The day after Song Tao was discharged from the hospital, Mo Ming took Luo Xiaobai to Song Tao's home to see him.

Although this is not a villa, it is not cheap to buy a split-level building like this in the center of the imperial capital.

"Master Mo." Song Tao welcomed the two of them in.

Luo Xiaobai looked at Song Tao's face, which was sallow. How many fake medicines had he taken?

"Are you feeling better?" Mo Ming didn't look guilty at all, as if he didn't know that Luo Xiaobai was responsible for Song Tao's illness. Song Tao sat down on the sofa chair, "It's not bad, at least the vomiting and diarrhea have stopped." "

Xiao Bai is a Chinese medicine doctor, let him look at it for you." Mo Ming said to Song Tao.

While on the phone, Mo Ming had already mentioned this matter to Song Tao. In line with the principle that traditional Chinese medicine cannot cure anything, Song Tao very cooperatively reached out and treated it as a friend to make his wife happy.

In fact, Luo Xiaobai didn't need to diagnose the pulse to know that Song Tao's problem was caused by him after all.

However, in order to pretend to be more realistic, Luo Xiaobai still started by diagnosing the pulse.

"Qi and blood are stagnant, causing Yang Qi to accumulate and not be released. It requires acupuncture and medication, and it can be cured within a day." Luo Xiaobai looked like a master.

During this period, Song Tao just listened to others saying that it was not curable. If it couldn't be cured, it was the first time he heard that it could be cured.

"Are you sure?" Song Tao sat up straight.

Luo Xiaobai nodded and took out the deerskin needle bag. In order to cause Song Tao to bleed heavily, he planned to use his special skills.

Seeing that Luo Xiaobai's needle bag contained golden needles, even if Song Tao was not familiar with Chinese medicine, he knew that not everyone could master it


"Okay!" Song Tao began to take off his clothes. Acupuncture cannot be performed through clothes.

"Just take off your upper body." Seeing Song Tao unbuckling his belt, Luo Xiaobai quickly reminded him that using gold needles to prick acupuncture points was equivalent to using a bull's knife to kill a chicken.

Song Tao took back his hand and closed his eyes, looking like he was giving up generously.

Mo Ming looked amused, but his attention was quickly attracted by the action of the little guy applying acupuncture.

Because the little guy is a Chinese medicine practitioner, he did some research. I am afraid that Professor Miao is the only one in China who can use this trick.

And he believed that even Professor Miao would not be as beautiful and skillful as Luo Xiaobai.

Mo Ming began to care about the dream that only belonged to Luo Xiaobai.

After the acupuncture, Luo Xiaobai issued a prescription, "Take it in the morning and evening - you can stop taking it in the future." "

Is this Chinese medicine?" Song Tao took the prescription from Luo Xiaobai.

Thinking that Song Tao definitely didn't know how to decoct medicine, Luo Xiaobai said to him: "You can go to Huajitang in the medicinal material market to decoct medicine, and then you can take it back and store it in the refrigerator, and drink it once to heat it up." "Okay.

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