Chapter 15 Vacation

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As the plane prepared to land, Luo Xiaobai discovered that he had actually watched anime for nearly seven hours and forgot to sleep!

Mo Ming glanced at the little guy, "I'll see if you have the energy to play in a while."

"You have the energy to play such an important thing anytime!" Luo Xiaobai said energetically.

After getting off the plane, the two found the hotel's reception car, then went to the booked hotel to put their luggage away, then rented a car and headed to the beach. Although it is morning, the temperature here is still very hot, with temperatures ranging from twenty-six to thirty-one all day long.

When he came to the beach, Luo Xiaobai had fun. Compared with the sea in China, the sea water here was much clearer. The beauties wearing bikinis were definitely a beautiful sight.

No wonder everyone likes to go abroad to play, it seems there is a certain reason.

Mo Ming came over with two surfboards on his shoulders, "Can you play?"

"You must!" Luo Xiaobai thought of the surfing skills that Mo Ming had taught him in his dream. It should be okay, right?

The two of them came to the beach with their surfboards in hand. Seeing Luo Xiaobai lying on the surfboard, Mo Ming burst out laughing, "Is this what you call knowing how to play?" Luo Xiaobai's face turned red with embarrassment

. "I'm adapting!"

Mo Ming raised his eyebrows, "Then you adapt slowly."

After saying that, he put on his sunglasses, stepped on the surfboard and started to look cool.

Luo Xiaobai pouted her cheeks and continued to lie on the surfboard.

"Do you need me to teach you?" After a while, Mo Ming came to Luo Xiaobai.

Luo Xiaobai thought for a while, "It's not a question of whether you teach or not. It seems that I can't learn it." "

I trust you, you won't be so stupid." Mo Ming began to guide Luo Xiaobai in surfing methods and techniques.

An hour later, Luo Xiaobai fell into the water for the tenth time.

Mo Ming discovered that there are people who really can't learn to surf. It can be seen that the little guy knows everything. The fundamental reason is that he is too timid


After playing for a long time, the two came to the beach under a sun umbrella. Mo Ming ordered a glass of red wine and a glass of orange juice.

"Didn't you say that you are very strong in the world of cultivation? You have killed everyone, so why are you afraid of surfing?" Mo Ming was very puzzled.

Not to mention Mo Ming, Luo Xiaobai was also puzzled, "I just don't dare to stand there, I feel unsafe." Mo Ming couldn't help but laugh.

While the two were chatting, two people in bikinis came over. Blonde beauty.

"Two handsome guys, do you want to play volleyball together?" A beautiful woman pointed to the beach volleyball not far away.

Luo Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he asked Mo Ming, "Are you going?"

Seeing the little guy's appearance, Mo Ming naturally would not refuse, so he stood up and said, "Let's go."

The two beauties looked at each other, and then They came to them from left to right.

As long as they don't do anything outrageous, Mo Ming and Luo Xiaobai won't mind.

Beach volleyball has no strict rules and is mainly for entertainment.

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