Chapter 46 Cruise ship goes to sea

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Mo Ming borrowed the cruise ship from a friend. As for the one he bought, it is still under construction. Because of his obsessive-compulsive disorder, many changes were made to the interior of the newly purchased cruise ship.

"Is there someone driving inside?" Xiang Yu looked at the huge cruise ship in front of him. This was the mode of transportation they were going to take.

Mo Ming waved to the crew above, and the elevator was lowered.

"There are two captains and a dozen crew members." Mo Ming took the suitcase from the little guy's hand. These people were hired by him with high salaries. In addition to sailing the ship, they have other uses. After all, this time they went to sea. The route is not short.

"Where are the passengers? There won't be just the four of us, right?" Xiang Yu did not let Chu Yu take over the suitcase, but carried it one by one.

"That's right." Mo Ming said without looking back: "I'll make do with it this time. When I go out to sea next time, my cruise ship can deliver it." Xiang Yu didn't understand that such a luxurious cruise ship or make do? This is extremely irritating, otherwise it would be extremely irritating to say that people are more powerful than others!

Arriving on the deck of the cruise ship, the captain asked: "Can we sail now?"

Mo Ming glanced at the time, "Let's sail. The weather has not fluctuated too much in recent days, right?"

"The weather forecast shows no , but there are unforeseen circumstances, and it is difficult to confirm before arriving at the destination." The captain's character is very cautious.

Mo Ming waved his hand, indicating that he could go back to the cab.

When the cruise ship started, almost no bumps were felt.

As a result, as soon as the boat started, Xiang Yu lay on the railing and retched.

The corner of Luo Xiaobai's mouth twitched, "You don't get seasick, do you?"

"I don't know, this is my first time on a boat." Xiang Yu took the time to say something, and then continued to retching.

Luo Xiaobai twitched the corner of his mouth and took out a magic pill from the suitcase, "This is for you."

Xiang Yu took what Luo Xiaobai handed him and asked suspiciously: "Dali Pill?"

"What Dali Pill? " This is a magic pill. You will not get seasick after taking it. If I hadn’t brought other medicinal materials, I would have been reluctant to give you this medicine to cure seasickness." Luo Xiaobai had a pained expression on his face.

Xiang Yucai doesn't care if it's a magic pill or a powerful pill, as long as it can cure seasickness.

丨Koucai took the brown pill, and Xiang Yu felt that his nausea and dizziness had subsided a lot.

"It's really useful." Xiang Yu regained his energy.

Luo Xiaobai glanced at him angrily, "Nonsense."

Xiang Yu suddenly thought of the pile of medicinal materials Luo Xiaobai bought from Chu Yu, seemingly just to make this all-purpose magic pill, "I remember you said at the beginning Give me a magic pill."

"I didn't give it to you just now." Luo Xiaobai spread his hands and said that he would not take out the second pill.

Xiang Yu wanted to know that this magic pill could cure any disease, so he would rather continue to vomit than eat it.

Unfortunately, now that the magic pill has been taken, there is no point in regretting it.

At noon, everyone ate in the restaurant of the cruise ship, and in the afternoon, they sat on the deck to enjoy the sea breeze and sunbathe.

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