Chapter 423 Identity

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The squirrel reported everything he saw today, "That boy is very similar to you, but more like that one."

"Are you sure?" The evil king's voice was trembling.

It took him many years to accept the news of Zi Xi's death. Now such a young man appears. Is it a miracle or a coincidence. "I'm sure, the old slave has been with

that person for some time. , unmistakable. "Squirrel confirmed.

"I understand. You keep this matter secret for now. I will naturally have a way to prove it. "The Evil King's mood gradually stabilized.

"Yes! "Squirrel said goodbye and left.

An Yu and Zi Bao were still wandering around outside, not to mention there were a lot of good things here! Seeing that

the sky was getting dark, An Yu took Zi Bao's hand and said, "We should go back. "

"Okay." Zi Xi responded softly.

Just as the two of them were walking back, a group of people suddenly appeared running towards them. They were all in a hurry, with frightened expressions on their faces. An Yun immediately protected

Zi Xi, although Xiao Xi's repair Wei has recovered, but Dark Fall has become accustomed to protecting him "Ouch!" Not far away, an old woman was knocked down.

Seeing that the old woman was about to be trampled, Zi Xi immediately pushed An Yun away and went to help the old woman up.

"Thank you, thank you, sir! "While the old woman thanked them, she did not forget to remind them, "There is a human-loving monster over there, hurry up!

"Anthropic monster? " "Zi Xi didn't feel the dangerous aura.

An Yun came to Zi Oh and protected him and the old woman to the roadside, "I'll go take a look, Xiao Xi, you go back first. "

Ah, good! " "Zi Luo nodded. He was still very relieved. Even if he was defeated, he would still have a way to protect himself^

"My name is Xiao? "The old woman looked at Zi Xi's face, which looked so familiar.

"Yes, where is your hometown? I'll take you back first. Zi Xi said.

The old woman looked sad, "The house I live in is over there. I'm afraid it has been destroyed at this time."

"In this case, please go back with me first. It's too dangerous here. " "Zi Bao supported the old woman.

"Okay, okay. "The old woman's eyes were sparkling with tears.

Zi Bao only thought that the old woman was homeless and sad, without any suspicion.

When Zi Xi took the old woman back to the restaurant, Hong Shang had already returned and was sitting Eating peanuts in the lobby.

"Zixi, here! "Hong Shang greeted Zi Bao.

After hearing the other party's full name, the old woman had almost determined half of her identity. Now she is completely sure of Zi Bao's identity.

"You came back early. "Zi Xi walked over with a smile.

Hong Shang grinned, and then asked: "Who is this aunt? "

The corner of the old woman's mouth twitched slightly, "Auntie?" But thinking about the way she has changed now, she is really an auntie.

"The person I rescued on the road." "Zi Oh said casually.

Hongshang knew her young master's character, "We won't stay here for a long time. Don't pick anyone back, but this aunt looks familiar to me.

"Isn't it your long-lost mother? " Zi Xi joked.

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