Chapter 468 Red Blood Fruit

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The next day, Luo Xiaobai found Huangfuyuan and asked about Jianfeng's budget.

"Budget, there is no budget!" Huangfuyuan answered in a bachelor's manner.

Luo Xiaobai was dumbfounded, "Didn't the master give you the amethyst?"

"Of course I did, but I didn't say how much I could spend." Huangfuyuan told the truth, he could buy none or spend it all.

Luo Xiaobai's eyes lit up when he heard this, "How much is that?"

Huangfuyuan blinked, "Wait for me and take a look."

Luo Xiaobai had a black line on his head. It turned out that Huangfuyuan didn't even look at it.

"The total is two hundred thousand." Huangfuyuan said.

Luo Xiaobai looked disappointed, "Only two hundred thousand?"

"Is that less?" Although Huangfuyuan didn't have much demand for amethyst, he also knew that this was definitely not a small amount.

Luo Xiaobai calculated that if he borrowed all the two hundred thousand, plus the amethyst in his hand, he should buy the red blood fruit.

"I'll contact the leader and borrow these 200,000 amethysts first." Luo Xiaobai said and took out the communication


Huangfu Yuan held his wrist, "No need to contact the leader, just take it. I don't plan to buy anything anyway." Luo Xiaobai looked grateful, Senior Brother Huangfu was so interesting


Two days later, the much-anticipated auction finally began.

Any guest with an invitation letter will receive a auction item list when entering the auction house. When they saw the red blood fruit on the auction list, many people became uneasy.

Although Luo Xiaobai had expected this, his heart still couldn't help but tremble.

There is a separate private room in Jianfeng. Huangfuyuan, Luo Xiaobai and their Taoist companions, as well as the four young disciples of Jianfeng, came to the private room.

The maid held the teapot and filled it with tea after the eight people were seated. "The auction won't start until half an hour later. You can have some refreshments first," the maid said respectfully .

Huangfu Yuan waved his hand, "We understand. You can go out without waiting."

"Yes!" The maid has also seen the world and knows that some masters have strange tempers. When there were only eight of them left in the private room, Luo Xiaobai grabbed a piece of butterfly cake and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I'm going to be slaughtered in a while. Let's eat some more first and then talk" While eating, he said. Except Mo Ming, everyone else looked at Luo Xiaobai in surprise. How much grudges does he have with the auction house? ! People from other sects also arrived one after another, and they were all very satisfied and expected to spend a lot of money. Half an hour later, the auction officially began.

The first auction items were some weapons and protective equipment, and then several high-level items appeared. Every time an elixir appears, there will be a rush of looting, but the price is well controlled and the auction house does not take away too much. Until the Red Blood Fruit appeared, the entire auction venue was silent.

"The Red Blood Fruit is also called Qilin It is said that the fruit is formed by the blood of Qilin, and it is difficult to produce one in tens of millions of years. By chance, someone got this fruit, and our auction house bought it at a high price. We didn't want to sell it originally, but the boss believed that such a natural treasure should be handed over to the people who need it. Now, start the auction of this red blood fruit, the base price is 10,000 amethyst, start bidding! " Following the auctioneer's words, it was still quiet below.

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