Chapter 33 Selling fake medicines

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Chu Yu sat opposite Xiang Yu, "I can't get used to eating those things."

Xiang Yu also sat down, "Me too, if you ask me, two deep-fried dough sticks, pancakes and gruel are a serious breakfast." Then, he picked up the soy milk cup towards Yu and drank half of it in one gulp.

Chu Yu smiled faintly, grabbed the pancakes and started eating them.

After dinner, Chu Xing was going to Huajitang. What he didn't expect was that Xiang Yu came with him.

"Don't you even have to go to work?" Chu Yu asked Xiang Yu, is it so free to work that you don't even need to sign in?

"I have a day off today." Xiang Yu said. As for whether he was absent from work or taking a rest, only he himself knew.

The two came to Huajitang, and Doctor Qian had already cleaned everything.

Xiang Yu kept wandering around Chu Yu, curious about everything he saw.

"Is there really a thousand-year-old ginseng?" Seeing Chu Yu sorting out ginseng, he asked Yu. These ginseng are thick and long. They must be over a hundred years old. If you make soup, they will be very tonic.

"There should be, but you can't buy it with money." The Chu family has thousand-year-old ginseng, but it is a family heirloom and no one will sell it.

Xiang Yu pointed to the ginseng plant in Chu Yu's hand and asked, "How old is this plant?"

"Three to five years ago. This is cultured ginseng, so it has grown a bit bigger." Knowing that Xiang Yu was not familiar with medicinal materials, Chu Yu made it clearer.

After finishing speaking, he came to Dr. Qian and said, "Look at these medicinal materials. We can prepare as many as we can. It's best to have them all. If you can't buy them here, you know where to get them." Dr. Qian took them. Chu Yu handed over the order, "I'll go and do it now."

"I don't know what Xiaobai wants so many Chinese medicines for. He doesn't open a shop, so he can't eat it." Xiang Yu was a little dissatisfied, looking at Chu Yu's appearance just now , I knew there must be something difficult to do up there.

Chu Yu smiled lightly, "It must be useful, otherwise Xiaobai wouldn't buy it." "

Yes, his husband is very rich, so there is no need to give them a discount." Xiang Yu's starting point for thinking about things began to change.

Thinking of Mo Ming, Chu Yu still remembered how Xiaobai was injured last time, but when he saw the two people this time, they seemed to have such a good relationship that they were the same


"Boss, would you like to buy medicinal materials here?"

Just as Chu Xing was thinking wildly, a young man wearing a cloth on his head and carrying a medicine basket came in at the door.

Chu Yu walked out of the counter, "Take it, but I want to see what medicinal materials you brought." The young man wiped the

sweat from his forehead, and then took the backpack off his back, "This is it, my father said this The thing is called Blood


When he saw the Ganoderma lucidum wrapped in hay in the basket on his back, Chu Yu’s eyes lit up.

However, he did not jump to conclusions.

Nowadays, many Chinese medicinal materials can be faked, and Ganoderma lucidum is no exception. Some people even fake Ganoderma lucidum. It was soaked in a chemical agent and sold as red ganoderma.

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