Chapter 470 Boundless

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Luo Xiaobai shook his robe and said, "You tell me."

"I will wait for a group of people here. Once I kill them, I will go with you!" Wu Ya said.

"You want to kill people again?" Luo Xiaobai's mouth twitched, are you addicted to killing people?

Wuya nodded expressionlessly, "Yes, that group killed my best friend, and I want to avenge him

." Okay, but don't expect us to help you. "Mo Luo was about to agree when he saw Luo Xiaobai, and he said first that they were not free thugs.

Wu Ya didn't expect their help at first. After Huangfu Yuan removed the sword, he stood among the corpses, waiting. As the group of people appeared.

Wuya's isolation made Huangfuyuan feel a little distressed.

"We won't really wait here stupidly, what if this is just his delaying words?" "Mo Luo stood aside depressedly.

Huangfu Yuan glanced at Mo Luo and said, "If you have something to do, you can leave first. "

Mo Luo was choked. His purpose was not to leave by himself.

Just when Mo Luo was secretly depressed, a spiritual boat came here.

"It's the Qinglin Sect. "Mo Ming saw the pattern on the spirit boat.

Luo Xiaobai looked at it immediately, wondering if this group of people was what Wuya was waiting for.

As the Qinglin sect's spirit boat came over, Wuya put on the mask again. Ya held out his spear.

"Whoever is blocking the way, get out of the way quickly. "The disciple of the Qinglin sect driving the spirit boat shouted.

"Qingzhe of the Qinglin sect, come out! "Wu Ya narrowed his eyes and looked at the people on the spirit boat.

A man in Tsing Yi leapt from the spirit boat, with his hands behind his back and an arrogant attitude, "Who are you and what do you want from me? "

With the appearance of Qingzhe, the aura on Wuya's body changed obviously, "Do you still recognize this gun?" Qingzhe looked at the spear in Wuya's hand, and his expression changed instantly, "Qingfeng is


. Who?" "It seems I found the right person!" As he said that, Wuya raised his gun and attacked Qingzhe.

Qingzhe only has the cultivation level of Immortal Lord and is no match for Wuya.

Seeing this, the other Qinglin disciples got off the spirit boats and joined the battle.

Wuya's combat prowess was truly unparalleled. He killed seven in and seven out among the disciples of the Qinglin Sect.

Qing Zhe knelt down on one knee, no longer as arrogant as before, "Are you the close friend of the casual cultivators that Qing Feng mentioned?" "

You know it's too late now!" Wu Ya pointed the gun at Qing Zhe's chest.

"Don't kill me. Even though I was the one who made the move, the order was given by the master, and I was just following the order!

" Wu Ya pointed at the fatal spot, and Qing Jie was so frightened that his calves went weak.

Wuya despised people who dared to act but did not take responsibility the most in his life. "Why did the leader of the Qinglin sect order his disciple to be killed?" "

Everyone has no guilt but is guilty of harboring a treasure." Qingzhe did not dare to hide anything.

"You mean, Qinglongbi?" Wuya frowned.

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