Chapter 42 Seeing Through

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Mo Ming got up and went to open the door, only to see his eldest brother and sister-in-law.

"Brother, sister-in-law, why are you here?" Mo Ming was very surprised. The eldest brother rarely comes to his place, let alone bringing his sister-in-law with him. Mo Wei glanced inside and said, "Where are you eating?"

"Well, hot pot, you guys have eaten?" Mo Ming asked casually.

Mo Wei took Fu Jia's hand and went in. "Nothing."

"I asked Xiaobai to prepare two more pairs of bowls and chopsticks." Mo Ming invited the two of them in.

When Luo Xiaobai heard the movement at the door, he had already placed two more sets of bowls and chopsticks, and then took out two more boxes of meat slices from the refrigerator.

"Mandarin duck pot?" Fu Jia looked at the hot hot pot.

"Well, Xiaobai likes spicy food." Mo Ming asked the elder brother and sister-in-law to take their seats.

Fu Jia had known that Luo Xiaobai liked spicy food, but he didn't expect that these two people would start a fire at home. It really felt like living a good life. Mo Wei had already started to use his chopsticks. He had indeed not eaten dinner. In addition, he was training new recruits in the army in the afternoon and exercised a lot, so he was already hungry.

After dinner, Mo Wei and Fu Jia stayed here for the night.

As a result, at night, Luo Xiaobai and Mo Ming did not act recklessly.

"What do you think eldest brother and sister-in-law are doing here?" Luo Xiaobai asked, lying on the bed, holding his head.

Mo Ming thought for a while, "It should be based on how we are doing."

Although this has not happened before, this time because of his seriousness, his eldest brother and sister-in-law also took it to heart.

The Morway couple left the next day.

It seems that they are quite satisfied with their current situation.

Luo Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that his eldest brother and sister-in-law accepted him.

For the next period of time, Luo Xiaobai concentrated on working at Daren Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic. Spring is the peak season of diseases, so the clinic is busy every day.

Mo Ming made the company bigger and bigger, which can be described as making money every day.

As summer approached, Luo Xiaobai received a call from home. Qu Yue's due date had arrived, and a caesarean section was scheduled for the next day.

As the uncle of this fetus, Luo Xiaobai must be present.

On the same day, Luo Xiaobai and Mo Ming drove back to their hometown.

Qu is already in the hospital preparing to give birth. Although she is hospitalized, the family is obviously very excited.

Because the next day, there will be a new member of the family.

It was already evening when Luo Xiaobai arrived. In order not to disturb his parents' rest, he and Mo Ming stayed in the hotel.

Early the next morning, I went to the hospital.

Luo Xiaobing had already arranged for a doctor, and everyone tried to comfort Qu Yue, telling her not to be afraid.

Qu Yue was relatively calm and was pushed to the operating room by the doctors.

At the door of the operating room, Luo Xiaobing paced back and forth anxiously, fully reflecting the anxiety of a father and husband.

After about twenty minutes, the nurse brought out a quilt, which was a quilt made by Xin Xiu herself.

"Where are Qu Yue's family members?" the little nurse asked.

Luo Zhi's family stepped forward collectively.

"Who should I give the child to?" The nurse looked at the men present.

Luo Xiaobing was pushed out and raised his hands but didn't know where to put them.

The little nurse smiled slightly and guided Luo Xiaobing to hold the child well.

Seeing Luo Xiaobing take the child, everyone gathered around. Fortunately, Luo Xiaobing didn't forget to ask the nurse how his wife was doing.

"The mother is suturing her wound and she will be out in a while." After the nurse finished speaking, she went in again.

Luo Xiaobai came forward and looked at his nephew. There was a successor to the Luo family.

The little guy had his eyes closed, his face was flushed, and there were wrinkles on his forehead. He looked nothing like the newborn babies in the TV series.

But in fact, this is what a baby should look like right after birth.

"This one with a small nose and small mouth looks really like our little soldier." Xin Xiu said with a smile.

Luo Zhi was also delighted.

As if being disturbed by some noise, the little baby opened his eyes just a slit and faced Luo Xiaobai.

Luo Xiaobai quickly said, "Look, the baby has opened his eyes!"

Everyone looked at the baby again, and sure enough, he opened his eyes.

"Hey Kiss, these eyes are like Qu Yue's, delicate and beautiful!" Xin Xiu said happily.

Luo Xiaobai also smiled, "This child is really good. His achievements are all the advantages of his parents."

After a while, Qu Yue was pushed out. Luo Xiaobing handed the child to Xin Xiu, then took Qu Yue's hand, "Thank you for your hard work, wife."

Qu Yue shook her head and looked at the child in Xin Xiu's hand. She had already seen it before taking it out.

The family returned to the ward, and Luo Xiaobing and Luo Xiaoxue, with the help of the nurse, moved Qu Yue to the hospital bed.

The mother still needs to be hospitalized for observation for three days before she can be discharged. The baby cannot leave either, and heel blood must be collected the next day. Xin Xiu didn't worry about her child, and she insisted on keeping her company here no matter what.

Luo Xiaoxue was responsible for delivering meals. As for Luo Xiaobai and Mo Ming, after seeing the child, they went to the gold store to choose a small bracelet and a long hair for the child. "Mom, don't work as soon as you go over. Just look at the child.

" Luo Xiaobai told her mother. In the final analysis, she was still afraid that her mother would be tired. After all, Xin Xiu was no longer young.

Xin Xiu didn't feel tired at all, but she knew her son's kindness, "Okay, mom knows, do you want to wait until the child is one month old before leaving?" "No, Mo Ming and I will go back to the Imperial Capital in two days

. I still have something to do." Luo Xiaobai said, as for the gift for the child, he gave it to Qu Yue after he was discharged from the hospital.

Xin Xiu knew that her son was busy, so she didn't say anything more. She just asked them to go back and drive and pay attention to safety, and then went to look after her grandson anxiously.

The corner of Luo Xiaobai's mouth twitched, kissing from another generation!

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