Chapter 29 Save yourself

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"I want to participate in the operation!"

Luo Xiaobai slapped the agreement and said directly to the doctor in front of him.

The doctor glanced at Luo Xiaobai and said, "Are you kidding? Sign quickly."

"Why don't you sign?" Luo Zhi said hesitantly. It would not do Xiaobing any good to delay.

Luo Xiaobai raised his hand, pushed the doctor in front of him away, and walked directly into the operating room!

"I said what's wrong with you, I'm going to call security!" The doctor hurriedly chased after him.

"What are you kidding about, Xiaobai!" Xin Xiu asked anxiously, why did this child end up in the operating room?

"Auntie, you should trust Xiaobai. His medical skills are very good." Mo Ming is very confident in Luo Xiaobai. He can cure the injury that Brother Shen has delayed for more than ten years, and now it is just a traumatic operation. .

After Luo Xiaobai entered, he began to disinfect his hands and entered the operating room under the surprised eyes of everyone.

"Dr. Wang, who is this?" The surgeon in charge looked at Luo Xiaobai.

How did Dr. Wang, who came after Luo Xiaobai, know, "The patient's family members said they wanted to participate in the operation." The surgeon looked at Luo Xiaobai, "You are also a doctor, but non-doctors from this hospital are not allowed here. Operator, I can understand your feelings as a patient's family member, but surgery is no joke, you need to be responsible for human life."

"The person lying on the operating table is my brother. I can be responsible for his life and death. I don't ask to join the operation. , I just want to borrow this place. If there is any accident, it has nothing to do with your hospital."

Luo Xiaobai pointed to the surveillance video in the operating room, "Do you still need my signature to sign it?" With that, Luo Xiaobai asked Dr. Wang He took the agreement in his hand, turned it over and wrote the letter.

The surgeon in charge didn't expect Luo Xiaobai to be so disrespectful. When he saw him signing and postponing, he simply gave up his position and said, "Okay, come here, we'll watch." Luo Xiaobai didn't use their things and took out his own surgical instruments


Using his clairvoyance ability, Luo Xiaobai first observed Luo Xiaobing's condition. It was indeed very serious. No wonder he issued a critical illness notice.

Come to think of it, even if this surgery was performed on them, the success rate would be less than 20%.

Rather than handing over his brother to others, Luo Xiaobai wanted to do his best to keep Xiaobing alive.

At the instruction of the chief surgeon, Dr. Wang explained the situation to the patient's family outside the operating room and showed them the receipt signed by Luo Xiaobai.

"Isn't Xiaobai just fooling around?" In Xin Xiu's view, Xiaobai has only studied medicine for one year, so how can he operate on people?

Luo Zhi calmed down, "We believe Xiaobai, he is not a random person."

Mo Ming smiled lightly and waited for the good news about the little guy.

In the operating room, Luo Xiaobai first used golden needles to help Luo Xiaobing stop the bleeding, and then performed a thoracotomy.

Seeing that Luo Xiaobai didn't even look at the instruments, he just cut into the knife. The surgeon was dumbfounded. Is this saving someone or killing someone?

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