Chapter 11: Small Punishment

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Before entering the Purple Night Club, Luo Xiaobai poured some water into the palm of his hand, lifted up the bangs on his forehead, and unbuttoned two of his clothes.

If you don’t have a membership card here, it will take some effort to get in!

Sure enough, after getting off the car, Luo Xiaobai just walked in. The security guard at the door just asked.

"Master Mo, they are in private room No. 1 XIV." The security guard politely pointed out the place to Luo Xiaobai. As the saying goes, villains hold grudges but gentlemen have long ambitions. He is most afraid of offending the little people around such big people.

Luo Xiaobai thanked him and came to the door of Private Room No. 1 XIV with familiarity.

Although the door is soundproof, the sounds inside still come out through the cracks in the door.

However, usually there are no too pornographic scenes in this kind of private room, so Luo Xiaobai was quite calm.

Just as a waiter came to deliver drinks, Luo Xiaobai followed the waiter in.

The colored lights were on inside, and Mo Ming was sitting on the leather sofa in the middle with his arms stretched out. There was a charming beauty sitting next to him, who looked familiar.

"Oh, let me go. Do we have anyone to order the young master?" Song Tao looked at Luo Xiaobai who walked in.

Luo Xiaobai pushed away the waiter who was blocking the way, and looked at Song Tao with a half-smile, "I look like a young master?" Song Tao's eyes lit up

, he stood up and came to Luo Xiaobai, "No, he looks like a domestic. "Yes."

Luo Xiaobai raised his hand and patted Song Tao's shoulder. Song Tao felt a chill in his body, but it was fleeting and he didn't take it to heart. He raised his hand to touch Luo Xiaobai's face.

"Xiao Bai." Mo Ming spoke suddenly, and the surprise on his face didn't look like a disguise.

With a faint smile, Luo Xiaobai walked up to Mo Ming and hugged him gently, "I missed you so much that I couldn't help but come back." Mo Ming hugged

Luo Xiaobai back, "Then stay. Let's play together for a while."

Luo Xiaobai sat next to Mo Ming, completely ignoring the beautiful woman sitting on the other side of Mo Ming.

The beauty's face was cold, but she disguised it well, "Mr. Mo, who is this?"

"My man, Luo Xiaobai." Mo Ming had no intention of hiding anything.

"Mr. Mo still loves to play so much." The beauty covered her mouth and smiled. The meaning in her words was obvious. Luo Xiaobai was just a plaything of Mo Ming.

Mo Ming didn't say anything. This person was his partner and he couldn't do anything too good.

Luo Xiaobai grabbed the snacks on the table, "It's not as delicious as the ones at home."

Mo Ming poured a glass of water for Luo Xiaobai, "The food at home is imported, and it is definitely different from the food here." Hearing this,

Luo Xiao Bai threw the snacks in his hand back on the table, "Then I'll save some for home."

"You haven't eaten yet?" Mo Ming frowned slightly.

Luo Xiaobai nodded pitifully, "Well, I drove back and wanted to give you a surprise." "

Idiot!" Mo Ming raised his hand and poked his little head, and then said to the waiter who hadn't left: "Come on. One meal."

"I haven't eaten either!" Guo Liang's cold voice sounded.

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