Chapter 430 Has ulterior motives

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The woman and Ah Fei crossed the ditch and removed the body from the wooden frame.

"Yade, this is our son A Fei. Weiss is dead. He can no longer harm us." The woman's cry was heartbreaking.

Ah Fei comforted his mother, while holding the corpse's hand, secretly vowing to protect his mother!

At this moment, something like a ring fell from the corpse.

The woman picked up the ring, cried even harder, and then put the ring on Ah Fei's hand, "A Fei, this is your father's token, and it is also a symbol of the Lord of the City that never sleeps. When Weiss borrowed it from Zhang Zhi His face has deceived countless people, but he was never recognized by the emperor because he could not produce this token." "But, my father's body has been nailed here for a long time, why didn't Weiss find the ring?" A Fei looked. Pointing at the chip ring on her finger.

The woman said gently: "Because it is in your father's heart."

A Fei didn't understand it very well, but he knew that it was something left to him by his father.

"Hey, congratulations to the host for completing the random mission. The reward is fifty achievement points and five hundred thousand points." The system's voice sounded in Luo Xiaobai's mind.

It seems that A Fei did not admit his wrong parents this time.

Come to think of it, that orphan-like young man will become the lord of the city that never sleeps. Life is full of surprises.

Feeling relieved to leave A Fei here and reunite their mother and son, Luo Xiaobai and others left the city that never sleeps.

"Hey, why haven't Qiyun and Kaqi come back yet?" When Luo Xiaobai returned to his residence, he found that he had not seen his son.

Mo Ming glanced at the time, "He must have gone crazy."

"This kid." Luo Xiaobai didn't take it to heart. After all, even the most awesome mecha couldn't hurt his son here. .

Seeing the little guy go back to his room to rest, Mo Ming's eyes darkened, Kachi should pay more attention to that.

In the city that never sleeps, Kaqi brought Mo Qiyun to the gambling area.

"This is the largest gold-selling cave besides the red light district." Kaqi introduced.

Mo Qiyun was very curious about this place, "I haven't been to a place like this before. It looks very fun." "Yes, the

gambling here is controlled by the computer system. There is no possibility of cheating, even in the most extreme cases." A high-level hacker can't make a fortune." Kaqi introduced Mo Qiyun. He doesn't come here very often and gets bored playing with things. His parents have taught him this since he was a child, but this is indeed a good place to relax.

Mo Qiyun came to a fruit machine.

"This is an old-fashioned fruit machine. It shakes out three identical patterns and gets points according to the multiple." Kach said.

"This is simple, how do I start?" Mo Qiyun asked.

"Just use your ID card to deduct points." Kaqi pointed to a

place on the machine where ID cards are scanned.

Mo Qiyun put her ID card on it, and after a beep sound, the fruit machine announced that the game had started.

Following the instructions above, Mo Qiyun tapped the keys above. I saw that the patterns on the fruit machine were constantly changing, which was dazzling.

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