Chapter 429 True and False Father

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At this time, A Fei and City Lord Ye had arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

Ye Yade summoned all the servants and guards and introduced A Fei ceremoniously.

A Fei was a little flattered and looked at Ye Yade at a loss.

"A Fei, from today on, your name will be Ye Fei." Ye Yade said to A Fei.

Ah Fei nodded and responded: "Ye Fei has remembered it."

"You all have also remembered it. From now on, Ye Fei will be your master, the only young master in the city lord's mansion." Ye Yade said to the people below, which can be said to be enough. Save A Fei's face.

Luo Xiaobai, Mo Ming, and Mo Luo had already chased after them, but what they saw was this scene.

"Could we have guessed wrong?" Mo Luo asked suspiciously. He looked like a loving father, and he didn't look like a cheater with ulterior motives.

Luo Xiaobai thought to himself that anyone can make mistakes, but the system cannot make mistakes.

"Let's take a look." Mo Ming said in a low voice.

"Father, where is my mother?" A Fei did not see the hostess here, so where is his mother?

The expression on Ye Yade's face changed slightly, and he pondered for a moment before saying: "Come with me, it's time to meet your mother." With that, Ye Yade led

A Fei in one direction.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but A Fei asked, "Where is this place? The basement?" "

You'll know when you go in." Ye Yade opened the thick password door and walked in first.

A Fei followed in doubtfully.

Luo Xiaobai and the others hid their auras and followed quietly to see what Ye Yade was doing. Did he put his wife in a dungeon?

"It's so cold." As soon as he entered, A Fei shivered.

Ye Yade did not speak, but took him to a big bed made of ice crystals, "The person lying on it is your mother." "Could it be that mother has...

" A Fei looked at the beautiful woman on the bed, I don't know why, but my heart is throbbing hard.

Ye Yade shook his head, "She did not die, but her body fell into a deep sleep. It has been twenty years.

No wonder, A Fei couldn't find any traces of time on this woman's face, "Mother, why did she do this? Asleep? "

Yade pointed to the opposite side of the ice crystal bed, where there was a male corpse nailed to a wooden frame. The man had been dead for an unknown period of time and the body had dried. Even so, A Fei could tell that the man must have died before he died

. He had suffered a lot of torture, and his face was uneven. It was obvious that he had been disfigured during his lifetime.

"Who is this person?" "A Fei felt a little difficult to breathe. Why is this happening? Is it because the air in the basement is thin? "

He is your enemy. He is the one who caused your mother to become like this, so I nailed him here to make amends to your mother. "Ye Yade said sadly.

Ah Fei was suddenly a little scared, and he didn't agree with his approach. There was a corpse where his mother was sleeping. It looked very abnormal no matter how you looked at it. Looking down, Ah Fei found that the man

was There is also a man-made ditch in front of him, about half a meter wide, with some viscous liquid flowing in it, and I don't know what it is. "The liquid in the ditch is mercury, in order to prevent this person's soul

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