Chapter 433 The Evil King

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"It turns out that we all know each other. It's a good relationship." Mo Luo came over again. Although he couldn't do anything, he shouldn't appreciate the beauty by mistake.

Hongshang smiled charmingly, "This is Master Mo, right? The matter between you and Mr. Huangfu of Jianfeng is a good talk in our cultivation world. I happen to know a senior sword cultivator, so why not ask him to bring a message to Mr. Huangfu?" ?"


Mo Luo was scoffed, thinking that this girl is really hot!

"Are An Yuan and Xiao Oh here too?" Luo Xiaobai looked around, thinking that this guy Mo Luo was really incorrigible, and if Huangfu Yuan knew something, he would have to die.

"We rented a yard here, and they are all here." Hongshang said, Xiaobao would be very happy to see them coming.

Originally, they should have left here long ago, but as a result, space fluctuations appeared nearby.

Dark Fall suspected that the entrance to the Chaos Realm was nearby, so luckily they stayed there first.

The four of them followed Hongshang to a small courtyard. The environment here was elegant and it was a nice place.

Just as he entered, Luo Xiaobai heard Zi Xi's voice, "You made a mistake again. You need to press the grapes into juice first.", "

What are you doing?" "Luo Xiaobai walked over and saw An Yun fighting hard with a basket of grapes,

leaving his hands covered with purple grape juice.

"Xiao Bai! "Zi Bao was very happy after seeing Luo Xiaobai.

An Yun nodded to them and continued the work at hand.

"I want to try to get some spiritual wine to drink, and we just happened to buy spiritual fruit, which is my favorite. of grapes and pressed some juice. "Zi Xi said.

Luo Xiaobai couldn't help but laugh. "Obviously you want to drink, but you want An Yun to brew the wine, and you also give blind instructions. "

How could I forget, Xiaobai, you are an alchemist, you must also be proficient in brewing spirit." Bar!" Zi Luo's eyes lit up when he heard this, so he would have some spiritual wine to drink.

Luo Xiaobai couldn't help but feel proud. His mother had made wine in his early years. Although he didn't do it himself, he knew the production process. "That's natural. Just wash these grapes, add rock sugar, and put them in a jar to take effect. Wait until they are completely ready." After taking effect, just filter out the grape juice and bury it in the ground." "

I see, no wonder it's so hard to get these fresh grapes!" An Yan directly stuffed all the grapes into the jar, because these grapes had already been washed and dried. Clean.

"Come in and sit down." Zi Xi greeted a few people into the living room. It was not good to stand in the yard, which was against the rules of hospitality.

The decoration of the living room was very warm. Luo Xiaobai joked: "I don't know, I thought you would live here forever." "It's possible." Zi Xi smiled lightly, because no one knew when they would find the Chaos Realm

. At the entrance, it would be nice if the Minghuo Pearl was still there.

After Hongshang poured tea for everyone, she sat down and said, "Zi Oh, guess what I heard outside?"

Zi Xi smiled and shook his head, how could he know.

"Guess first." Hongshang hesitated.

Zi Xi thought seriously, "Could it be the Xuantian Sect's business?" Apart from the entrance to the Chaos Realm, he could also care about the Xuantian Sect.

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