Chapter 09 Short vacation (2)

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In the Park There is an artificial lake in the middle of the park. There are many people rowing on the lake. The cartoon boats float on the lake, forming a nice scenery.

It is the May Day holiday, and there are many families bringing their children here to play.

Mo Ming and Luo Xiaobai are undoubtedly a strange couple, two grown men actually come here to visit the park.

Fortunately, these two people have good looks and have not been criticized.

"The environment here is good." Mo Ming said. Surrounded by greenery and rippling lake water, it is suitable for romance.

"There is a zoo up the mountain, do you want to go?" Luo Xiaobai joked, there should be more naughty children there.

"Looking at the monkey? Forget it, just looking at you is enough." Mo Ming was not someone to be trifled with. He wanted to tease him, but there was no way.

Luo Xiaobai bared his teeth, he was still the same bastard as always.

"The monkey is angry." Mo Ming pretended to be surprised.

Luo Xiaobai grabbed him directly, "Monkeys can also scratch people!"

Mo Ming grabbed the little guy's hand and raised his voice, "Are you sure you want to flirt with me here?"

Seeing the pedestrians who were already filming with their mobile phones, Luo Xiaobai Xiaobai quickly retracted his hand. He was not afraid of anything, but it was unclear whether Mo Ming had the courage to make his relationship public.

While walking by the lake, Luo Xiaobai saw many parents with their children holding fishing nets and leaning half out to catch fish.

Luo Xiaobai frowned slightly. Every year, some people drowned in the lake in the Labor Park, so boating is now required to wear life jackets. Why would anyone do such a dangerous thing?

However, these fishermen may not feel it is dangerous.

"Dad, dad, fish it out quickly!" A little boy of four or five years old shouted anxiously, shouting as he walked towards the lake.

"Caught it!" The boy's father lifted the fishing net.

The little boy jumped up happily, but when he didn't want to land, he stepped on a stone and fell into the lake.

Before the boy's father could react, his son was already splashing in the water.

"Help, is there anyone who can swim?" The boy's father was obviously a landlubber.

Fortunately, there are actually people nearby who can swim.

An old man about sixty years old jumped in and swam quickly towards the child. However, due to drowning, the child kept struggling in the water and could not get close at all.

As soon as the old man swam over, he was kicked several times.

"Knock him out!" Luo Xiaobai came to the lake and said to the old man who was rescuing him.

While he was talking, another middle-aged man jumped down. His wife and daughter were beside him, so the middle-aged man who went to rescue people must be careful.

The middle-aged man came up behind the little boy, knocked him out with one palm, and then rescued the child together with the old man who had entered the water before. Luo Xiaobai quickly went over, dug the dirt out of the child's mouth, and then started to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Seeing that the child spat out twice in a row, Luo Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief. After diagnosing the child's pulse and making sure it was OK, he patted the child's

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