Chapter 419 Gain and Lose Again

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There is no airtight wall, not to mention that Xuantian sent many people with mixed opinions, and the news of the stolen Minghuo Pearl spread quickly.

"Bring them up." Chu Yu stood on the steps of the hall with his hands behind his back.

Two embarrassing disciples of the Xuantian Sect were brought in. They were the two people who had caused trouble for Xiang Yu before.

"Junior brother Chu, what are you doing? We are fellow juniors!" One of them shouted excitedly.

Chu Yu raised his hand, revealing the token given to him by Emperor Ziwei.

Seeing the token was like seeing the leader, the two men immediately knelt down.

Chu Yu looked at them coldly, "You are so brave, you dared to spread the news that the Minghuo Pearl was stolen, which caused our Xuantian Sect to lose face!" "It's unjust, it was not us!" The two of them!

He knew in his heart that Chu Yu was making trouble.

"Someone has seen it with their own eyes. You have talked about this matter, and it can still be false!" Chu Yu scolded.

"We have talked about this, but it has not been spread out." The two defended themselves.

Chu Yu, however, didn't care what they said, as long as he admitted it, "It was precisely because you talked about this matter in vain that it was overheard by someone who was interested, causing the matter to be leaked, which is an unforgivable crime!" "No, there are many people who talked about this matter

, Why do you have to make trouble for us!" Thinking of what happened a few days ago, these two people regretted extremely. They didn't expect revenge to come so quickly.

"Are you saying that I am unfair? Anyone I find out will be dealt with seriously!" Chu Yu said to the Xuantian sect law enforcers standing on both sides: "These two people will have their spiritual roots destroyed and demoted to a low level. Planet!"

"Yes!" The law enforcer immediately destroyed the spiritual roots of the two people and then dragged them away.

When Xiang Yu came over, he happened to see the two people being dragged away.

"Why are you dazed?" Seeing Xiang Yu standing at the door, Chu Yu's expression softened.

Xiang Yu walked up to Chu Yu and said, "These two people are not guilty of this."

"You are thinking too much. Although I want to scare the monkeys, I will not wrongly accuse good people. This matter really came from the mouths of these two people. Yes." Chu Yu took Xiang Yu's hand.

Thinking of the character of his own Great Xian'er, he would never wrongly accuse a good person, "Then they deserve what they deserve. Tomorrow is the second day of meeting friends with martial arts. Do we from the Xuantian Sect want to send someone to participate?" "I'll leave this matter to you

. , it would be a good idea to choose some disciples with average cultivation levels to practice." Chu Yu knew that Xiang Yu liked the excitement, and it was rare to encounter such a grand event as the Three Realms Competition, so he didn't want to stay in the Xuantian Sect.

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