Chapter 417 Deliberately approaching

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Considering the identities of Chu Yu, Mo Luo, Ao Jin and others, it is really not suitable to leave now.

A family of three, plus Feng Liu, went to the Flower House.

Compared to the first time, there were significantly fewer people today. They all came to watch the excitement of the Three Realms Competition.

"How about we go fight beasts." Feng Liu and Xiang Yu have similar interests and like the bustling Colosseum.

Mo Qiyun's eyes lit up when he heard this, "Okay, I like collecting the bones of immortal monsters the most."

Luo Xiaobai staggered and turned to ask Xiao Qiyun, "Why are you collecting those things?" " Of course, it is to make puppets. Compared with puppets made of wood and stone, bones are more flexible, especially the bones of high-level fairy monsters." Mo Qiyun said it matter of course.

Feng Liu touched his nose and thought that the ghost cultivator was really perverted.

Luo Xiaobai took the snowball out of the system. During this period, he had no time to take care of it, so he sent it to the system. It was rare for the system to not protest.

Thinking about it, that little yellow chicken is too lonely, so from now on, I will put the little white tiger inside the system and let the system train it.

"Dad, is this your pet?" Mo Qiyun looked at the little white tiger in Luo Xiaobai's arms.

"How about it? It's beautiful, it's called Xueqiu." After saying that, Luo Xiaobai patted Xueqiu on the head, "Xueqiu is good, that's your brother Qiyun." "Hoho!" Xueqiu said to Mo Qi

. Yun roared twice.

Mo Qiyun's mouth twitched, why did she have an extra beast brother? No, it should be the fairy beast brother.

The Colosseum is still the most noisy place in the entire Flower House, even more so than the casino.

The four of them found a place where betting was taking place and joined in the fun.

"Black bear versus lightning wildebeest, bets are placed, bets are placed!" the dealer shouted.

Luo Xiaobai looked at the unicorn inside, "This unicorn is very beautiful." "The unicorn

is a branch of the unicorn. Compared with unicorns, which like peace, the unicorn has a very violent personality. Because he often appears in the Colosseum." Feng Liu continued to shake his folding fan.

Mo Qiyun took out an amethyst and said, "I bet on the black bear. This big black bear is really strong." The black bear was sitting in the cage, looking uninterested in making progress. Hearing

Mo Qiyun's words, he drifted towards him and glanced at him. .

Luo Xiaobai also bet on the big black bear. This guy seems a little strange, but the low-level immortal beast has a huge spiritual consciousness.

As for Feng Liu, seeing that they were all betting on the black bear, he went in the opposite direction and took the one-horned horse.

The beast fight started soon. The big black bear was like walking a dog, making the unicorn spin around, and was finally slapped away by the thick bear paw.

"Win!" Mo Qiyun cheered.

Luo Xiaobai was also very happy. This beast fight was not bloody, but it was exciting. He couldn't help but hold up the small snowball in his arms, throw it high into the sky, and then catch it.

Just like that, the big black bear's breathing suddenly became heavier.

"As expected of my contracted beast, well done. You've worked hard today." A gentle man took the big black bear away.

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