When He Cuddles You

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(Important Note!!! Some of the following scenarios will not have Itachi or Kisame. That is because I added them at the last minute due to a Auothor Note when I announce I'm bringing in a new character. Please understand. Thanks for understanding.)
Pein was in his office working on paperwork, as usual, while you sat across him fiddling with the ends of your (h/c) hair before you heard him sigh. "What's wrong?" you ask him calmly, afraid he might snap at you. "Come here." You followed his commands and stood beside him before he pulled you by the wrist into his lap. Your (e/c) eyes widened as he wrapped his arms around you burying his face into your hair. "I just need a moment to relax."
Kakuzu was counting him money,like usual, while you laid in bed doing the same thing before you looked up and stared at him with your (e/c) eyes until he felt the presence of your eyes. "What is it (Y/n)?"  He asked still not taking his eyes off his money. "Will you come cuddle me?" "No. I'm busy." You frowned before a small smile appeared on your face. "I'll pay you twenty dollars for twenty minutes." That caught his attention and his eyes darted to you as you handed him a twenty dollar bill from your own wallet. "Fifteen minutes only." " Deal." Kakuzu sat next to you and continue to count his money while you curled up next to him wrapping your arms around his sides, watching him count the bills.
Deidara was working on a clay sculpture at his desk while you doodled in your sketch book before you glanced your (e/c) eyes up at his arched back as he added details into the clay. An idea popped into your head as you closed the book and walked up to him, carefully wrapping your arms around him, so you wouldn't mess him up. He tensed before he relaxed seconds later and sat up, slightly smiling as he stood up from his desk and pulled you into an embrace, stroking your (h/c) hair. "Come cuddle me." He smiled as he pulled you towards him still not loosening the hug. "Of course I will, un." He landed on the bed with you still in his arms as he nuzzled his face into your shoulder.
You and Tobi just got through playing a game of tag around the base, eventually you ran out of energy, but Tobi on the other hand was still hyper as ever. "(Y/n)-chan! Play another game with me!" Tobi begged as you plopped on the couch still panting slightly. "Not now Tobi. Take a little break, please." Tobi then nodded as he sat next to you, pulling you into his arms as he buried his face into your (h/c) hair as he mumbled in your ear with his deep voice. "At least we'll get a cuddle break." You blushed lightly after he pulled you closer and lifted his mask just above his lips and gave you a small peck on the cheek.
You were in Sasori's room watching him make puppets before you zoned out for a bit before he stopped, setting down his tools quietly and stared at you with his dark brown eyes. "(Y/n)." You refocused after you heard his voice. "Yes Sasori?" "Am I boring?" Your eyes slightly widened before they softened as you gave him a small smile. "No, I enjoy watching you make puppets." He glanced down without a response as you continued to smile. "Do you feel like you're boring me?" He did the same thing, didn't respond, he glanced up at you as your (e/c) eyes locked into his. "Well maybe if we cuddled you'd." Before you could finish speaking he pulled you by the wrist into his lap hugging you softly. "I'd like that, love."
You were helping Zetsu water his garden before his dark side spoke, slightly making you jump. "(Y/n), are you finished?" "It's okay if you're not." His light side spoke soon after you turned around to face him, pushing your (h/c) hair to the side. "Almost. Why?" "I'm not waiting." His dark side said quickly after he grabbed the hose and tossed it to the said, luckily for you the water was turned off. "Why did you do that for?" His light side asked as they pulled you close to him into a tight embrace. "Z-Zetsu?" "I, we, just want to hold you for a while before we leave on our mission." You smiled as you hugged him back, slightly tighter.
"(Y/n)!" Hidan's voice echoed down the halls of the base coming from his room, into the living room, seeing you sitting on the couch reading a magazine before he ripped it from your grip. "Hidan! What the hell!" You yelled back before he sat on you leaning all his weight down on you. "Hidan get the fuck off you ass!" "Nope." He replied back popping the p. You smiled as you grabbed him by the ear and pulled him down on you more. "Oww! What the hell!" "At least cuddle me if you're going to be a jerk." He smirked and playfully rolled his eyes laying down beside you pulling you close to him. "Fine."
You just got out of the shower, you dried your hair with a towel only to look seeing Kisame not in bed, you sighed knowing where he was and left the base and went to the lake. "Hey there." "Hey." He swam up to the edge of the lake and stepped out trying to pull you into a hug. "No Kisame, I just got out of the shower." He chuckled then scooped you up bridal style. "No! Kisame! Put me down!" "If you say so." He chuckled and before he could let you go you latched your arms around his neck. "Kisame!" He chuckled and continued to walk in the lake, once you felt your knees go under water you gave up. "Don't be mad at me now." You crossed your arms and he pulled you close to him kissing your neck. "At least cuddle me." You smiled and did so, the two of you sat in the water with your arms around him both chuckling.

(Hello. This is my first scenario EVER so I hope you enjoyed it. I will be updating on a regular base.)

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