Showering Together

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You finished up the paperwork Pein asked you to do while he went to go take a quick shower. Surprisingly you finished up the work and Pein still wasn't out yet so you decided on why not joining him, plus his office was cold and you started to shiver a little. Your (e/c) eyes peeked through the bathroom door as it was unlocked, he never locked the door, as the hot steam blew against your cheeks you walked in, shutting the door quietly. Pein stood under the shower with water pouring down his back before he tensed up feeling your arms wrapped around him. "(Y-Y/n), what are you do?" You stopped him in the middle of his sentence by kissing his cheek softly before you turned your self under the water. "I finished up the paperwork, plus I was cold." He gave a small smile as you did the same as he held your cheeks. "I love you my Goddess." "I love you too my king." You kissed him deeply as he returned it. You two spent another thirty minutes in the shower together, holding each other close till getting out and returning back to work.
You and Kakuzu had just got back from a mission, unlike like Kakuzu, you were hot and sweating so you decided to go take a shower before you get in the shower threads wrapped around your wrist. "Yes Kakuzu?" "Aren't you going to invite me?" You grew a smile across your face as you turned to face him with an eyebrow raised. "Do I have to bribe you?" He chuckled with a sigh as he took off his mask tossing it onto the bed with out a response. As he got undress you started the water and got in, you peeked through the shower curtain with a drop jaw as you studied his body. "I see you like what you see." You blushed and turn back towards the water as you felt hands wrapped around your sides. "I like what I see too." You blushed more as you turned and stared onto his eyes with your (e/c) ones. He smirked his stitched lips and pulled you closer kissing your lips, shortly after the kisses you two chatted about other bounties till both getting out and country money together.
You fluttered your (e/c) eyes open seeing Deidara no where in sight. As you sat up in bed stretching you heard the shower running, knowing it was Deidara, you decided to go join him since he joined you the last time. You opened the the bath room door slowly and shut in quietly, but not quietly enough. "Hey beautiful, un." You gave a small smile while you looked like a bed head. "Hey." His bare chest caught your eyes as he looked at you from out of the curtain seeing you strip down. He blushed when you caught him staring, once you got in, still sleepy, he let you get under the water so you can wake up. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held your waist kissing your forehead. "Glad you can join me, yeah." You nodded as you laid your head on his chest, letting the warm water run down both you and his back. "Still sleepy, un?" You nodded as he brushed your (h/c) hair to the other side of your shoulder before pressing his lips on you. "Well, after the shower you wanna go lay down to sleep, un." You nodded as he pulled you close. After the shower you just slipped on your shirt and underwear and laid in bed with him the rest of the morning.
You and Tobi were baking in the kitchen together, well actually the baking ingredients ended up on both of you thanks to Tobi. After you and Tobi's feud you went to go take a shower, well you were but footsteps were following behind you. "Tobi, why are you following me?" Obito's deep voice spoke as he kept following you towards the bathroom. "Well, I was. Thinking we could..shower together" You smiled but you were still shocked that he would ask that but you gave him a yes. Obito faced the opposite direction as you got undressed, once you were in the shower he joined you, you blushed examining his scars and he noticed and stared into your (e/c) eyes. "You don't mind right?" You smiled as you pulled him under the shower with you shaking your head once before you faced him with your back, wrapping his arms around your sides. "Obito don't worry. You're my boyfriend, it's okay." He smiled as he placed his lips on your shoulder then his forehead. "I love you." "I love you too." After that he helped you wash your hair before he did the same to his and after that Tobi and you cleaned up before making a mess once more with paint this time.
Knowing Sassori's curiosity when you told him you were going to shower he'd usually follow you in there. But this time it shocked you, making you stare wide eyed at Sassori after he asked if he could join you. "Yeah of course." You smiled as you walked into the bathroom with him as Deidara gave him a wink and a chuckle. "I don't see the point of this love." Sassori spoke while him and his puppet body stood underneath the pouring shower water. "That's because." You could feel him tense up as you wrapped your arms around his body, pulling you closer to him, kissing his shoulder softly. "It's better when someone else is with you." He turned and faced you, catching a glimpse of your bare body as he ran his fingers down your back as he looked you in your (e/c) eyes. " You have such soft skin, love." "You're amazing Sassori." You replied with a smile as he held you under the water with him, his forehead pressed against yours, his eyes shut, as your fingertips traced his heart canteen. After y'all's shower, you felt closer to him, he held you in his lap and worked on puppets but kissed your shoulder more than usual.
You knew that Zetsu would spy on you when you would shower, so you decided to catch him in the act. You where in the shower, washing the bubbles out of your (h/c) hair as you heard him come out of the ground. "Zetsu just come join me already." Zetsu stared wide eyed as his light side blushed of embarrassment. "I'm sorry my dear. And are you sure my dear?" "She said we could." His dark side replied as you look back towards the water as they came all the way up out of the ground. Shortly after, you felt Zetsu's arms wrap around you as you blushed when he started to plant kisses on your neck. "Sorry my dear. I'll let you get back to your shower." "I'm not." You smiled as you turned and kissed him deeply on the lips before he returned the kiss back and pulled you closer to him before switching positions with you to where he was under the water. "I need water more than you." You giggled as you rubbed both the back of his shoulders. After the shower you and Zetsu just spent the day together in the garden, except he was closer than usual.
You and Hidan just got through sacrificing people before returning to the hideout all bloody. The Leader demand the both of you to get cleaned up before the meeting. So you two raced to the bathroom, trying to push each other out of the bathroom. "Hidan what happened to ladies first?!" He smirked still trying to get through the door way. "And does it look like I give a fuck about that?" You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as you let him through the door way. "Fine." You growled as you walked back before he picked you up and took you back to the bathroom. "I have an idea. Let's just shower together." He whispered in your ear causing you to blush you had no choice but to agree but you were kinda glad you did. Hidan kept glancing at you with his dark violet eyes at you as you got undressed, even when you told him not to. "Mhm." He moaned softly as he wrapped his arms around your waist pressing his bare chest against your bare back. You blushed a deep red as the blood washed off both of your body's. "For once you had a good idea." "Shut up." He mumbled in your ear as he rested his chin on your shoulder before you yelped. "Hidan! Don't pinch my ass!" He chuckled as he placed his hand back on your waist. "Oops. Hand slipped." You made a smacking sound and he started kissing your shoulder, moving your (h/c) wet hair out of the way. Before he could kiss you more and even up to your neck Kakazu's threads latched around his wrist. "Hidan the meeting is starting." "What the fuck you greedy ass!" Hidan yelled as you hid behind the shower curtain. Let's just say you and Hidan were both glaring at Kakazu as Leader-sama gave the meeting.

(Hello there. Sorry for the long update but I hope you enjoy this scenario! More to come!)

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