When He Has A Flash Back On When He First Met You

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(Might be long. It's his Pov. I did this in my Naruto Scenarios so why not this one and I mentioned in the Akatsuki Daddy Scenarios how y'all two met so let's do this!! XD)
Pein stepped out of his office to see you talking with the rest of the Akatsuki's members, each of you were in your cloaks. Pein saw your smiling face as you talked with Tobi and decided not to interfere and went back into his office instead and sat at his desk. *flash back*  I walked along with Zetsu, it was the second time I had to return to this village. But this time, I didn't need to pick of supplies or capture the tailed beast. Instead I had to destroy it, everyone in this village didn't look up to me as their God like the other villages so, I had to destroy it. Innocent people will die but not innocent enough. "If you want to live I suggest you go now. If not. You'll be destroyed along with your village." Everyone stared at me terrified, even at Zetsu's who head was only sticking out of the ground. Some began to run, others didn't believe in such destruction. I would expect that from those who aren't ninjas, only a few ninjas lived here. I picked up my hand, getting ready to do my almighty push. "Almighty." "Stop!" My eyes widened seeing a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes narrowed at me as she held up a kunai to her face. We stared at each other both with narrowed eyes, until mine loosened. 'How dare she? T-this feeling. What is this?' Thoughts kept running through my mind. "Leave. This village has done nothing to you." She was a ninja, I sensed her chakra. It was powerful, worthy enough to be in the Akatsuki. "Join us." "What?" "What?" "What?" Zetsu stared wide eyed at me as she did the same, she stood up straight and glanced around her village, they were all giving her evil glares as if she was the hated person in her village. She was beautiful. "Just do it! We don't need you here anyways!" Three villagers yelled at her, she stared at the ground and lowered her weapon then looked up at me. "Fine." I gave her a nod, she walked behind me staring at the ground, I felt like smirking seeing that she was joining us but something about her made me question on why she joined us so easily. And why did she stop me. She wasn't scared. She was like..a Goddess. *end of flash back* "Pein?" You smiled staring at Pein as he stared at his desk then up at you, he pulled you into his lap, you were surprised he did but smiled anyway. "You didn't get much work done? What was on your mind?" You giggled as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "My Goddess. Why did you stop me that day?" You looked down knowing what he meant. You then smiled. "I don't know." "You were hated. You did not want them to feel Pain." "You're right." You turned and hugged him tightly with a smile and giggled each word you spoke. "I'm glad you joined." "Me too. You did end up destroying the village anyways." "I know."
You sat in bed counting your money while Kakuzu sat in his chair on the other side of the room before Pein-sama approached the doorway. "(Y/n). Can you follow me?" You gave a nod then a smile at Kakuzu and left the room. He looked back down at his money with out counting it. *flash back* "Hey! Kakuzu! How long do we have to go after this bastard?" I continued to ignore the idiot behind me that had been complaining ever since we left the base. I was on a bounty to search for the new member of the Akatsuki that roamed around the Hidden Springs Village. Hidan was force to come with me. "Hey?!" "Not for long Hidan. Now shut up." I didn't have a clue on what this member looked like or even their name. The only thing Pein told me was I will be able to tell by their chakra levels. I didn't see the reason on why going after this person but. Even if they didn't join I'd have a new bounty and get cash. It'll all worked out it then end. "What the hell was that?" Hidan and I both stopped walking after hearing the sound of a swift going through the branches above us, seconds later after the both of us looked around, a ninja star flys past us. "Ah!" "Hidan. Sit this one out since I had to the last time. Only I won't get my head cut off." Hidan growled at me then sat back and leaned against the tree, he didn't argue with me, which was a surprise. I took of my cloak, exposing my threads, I striked up to the trees only to make some one land on their feet. It was a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that were narrowed at me. "Looks like I'll be getting two bounties today." My eyes slightly widened after hearing that. A bounty hunter like me. "Looks like Kakuzu gets to battle the hot chick!" I turned towards Hidan then back at her, her chakra levels were high. "I will be getting my bounty as well. You have been requested to join the Akatsuki. If not I'll kill you." Her eyes widened, she lowered her hands but stayed in a battle stance. "Well a bounty hunter like me is worth a lot for my death. Fine." Hidan stood up and walked behind me, I grabbed my cloak and tossed it over my shoulder as my threads went back into my skin. "So? What's your name hotty?" "(Y/n). Now shut up." I stopped walking and looked at her. '(Y/n). She couldn't possibly be the hunter who has killed more people than me.' "Kakuzu here is a bounty hunter too." "I know. I was sent to kill him." I gave a smirk under my mask then a chuckle as she walked behind me. I knew that she was going to be put on me and Hidan's team. The only problem was Hidan and her love for money and with us both being bounty hunters. "I'm not sharing bounty money with you." "And I'm not sharing with you." *end of flash back* "Well, that was fun." You walked in the room to see Kakuzu staring down at his money before he looked up at you, you smiled and giggled then took off his mask sitting in the arm rest of his chair. "Lose count?" "No. That's impossible." You smiled and pecked his cheek taking his money going to the bed. "(Y/n). I don't share money. Return it." "Well you do now." You giggled before his threads pulled you back by the waist onto the arm rest. "Sadly."
Deidara waited for you to return back to him with a scroll Pein-sama sent the both of you out for. He leaned back on his clay bird and began to make a clay spider instead. *flash back* "Deidara senpai! Do we have to fly this high!" I rolled my eyes as I few on my clay bird next to Tobi on another, un. The two of us were sent on a mission together to retrieve a scroll for Pein-sama, yeah. And with Tobi being my partner, I had to bring him along, un. "That was close huh Deidara senpai?! I gave a sigh as I rolled my eyes then clitched my fist watching Tobi struggle to get off the bird, un. "Stop calling me that Tobi, un!" Tobi coward and hid behind the clay bird I was on the edge of blowing him up before he pointed out a group of ninjas from the Hidden Leaf Village approach the area, un. "Tobi come on. Let's have a little fun, yeah." Tobi gave me a nod, we hid behind a couple of trees as I started to make clay spiders, I loved destruction so I didn't see any reason why I couldn't blow up the three for fun, yeah. "Deidara senpai? Maybe we shouldn't." Before he could finish his sentence I have already threw the bombs. "Katsu!" All but one ninja got thrown back from the blast, I laughed hard and I guess that's what got my attention caught by them. Tobi ran off and hid behind a clay bird, I followed him before my Akatsuki cloak sleeve was pulled back, un. I turned around about to speak but then stopped once I made eye with a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, yeah. "What the hell did y-." She stopped speaking, her once narrowed (e/c) eyes loosened as they stared into mine, yeah. She began to smile then laugh once she saw her friends were gone, I gave a confused look. "Why are you laughing, un?" "That was..pretty cool." My eyes widened I heard Tobi giggle behind me when I looked back at him then at her she had a spider in her hand, un. "Did you make this?" I gave a nod, my eyes narrowed as if I wasn't interested in what she had said, un. "I like it. I'm not good at clay art." "Art, hm?" She gave a nod before her team approached her pulling her back, yeah.
"(Y/n). We have to go." She gave a nod, she placed the spider on my shoulder and left, un. I watched her leave as I got on my clay bird and Tobi got on his, he began to laugh after she left our sight, yeah. "Tobi thinks girl-chan is pretty! Does Deidara senpai think that?" I felt my cheeks heat up, I growled at Tobi and flew faster as he did the same, un. "Deidara senpai! Maybe Pein-sama will let her join!" My eyes widened and my cheeks heated up again, I felt like he was right about each word he said, un. "(Y/n), hm?" I felt myself smile, after that I knew that I fell for her, yeah. *end of flash back* "Dei-Dei!" Deidara looked up at you as you smiled and giggled seeing you finally got his attention. "Hm?" You walked over to him handing him the scroll, he smiled softly and before you could walk away he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him, lifting up your chin. "Good job beautiful, yeah." You blushed and pecked his lips jumping onto the clay bird as he did shortly after and wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you gorgeous."
After playing a game with Tobi you fell asleep in bed. Tobi stayed in the room with you picking up the board game the two of you played. Tobi looked up at your sleeping form the back down at game box. *flash back* I, well Tobi, was sent on a mission with Deidara. We took his clay birds, which was no surprise. After we landed in a small village Deidara went inside to receive a scroll for Pein. "Deidara senpai!" Tobi leaned against the door banging on it after Deidara went inside after that I turned around only to see a group of girls walk by laughing. One caught my attention, she left the group and walked in the other direction. She was pretty what Tobi says but she was beautiful to me. Her smile reminded me of Rin's but it made my heartbeat faster once she walked past me. Tobi followed her, I didn't want to make it noticeable so I hid behind small village houses and village stands. Her (h/l) (h/c) hair was pushed to the side when she leaned back against a wall, her (e/c) eyes narrowed as she stared at the ground then up at me. I quickly backed away and rushed to the other side of the building, I heard footsteps and thought it was her, I covered my mask with both of my hands. "Tobi! What the hell are you doing, un!" "Ah! Deidara!" Tobi screamed but I felt relieved at the sane time, I ran back to the side I was just at with Deidara yelling at me behind, she walked away. "Tobi sees pretty girl!" Tobi ran after her, Deidara chased me as I ran to her, I jumped in front of her, I don't know why but I did. "Ah!" "No no! Don't be frightened! Tobi good boy!" She stared at me then narrowed her eyes and took a step back. "Have you been following me?!" I flinched and so Tobi showed it then gave a fast nod. "Y-yes! I'm sorry girl-chan! You're pretty!" Her cheeks heated up and turned a light pink I felt mine do the same seconds later I seen Deidara coming from behind her after I saw that I ran off pulling Deidara. "Tobi! What the hell are you doing, hm?!" I was hoping she wasn't watching or following us as I dragged Deidara back outside of the village where the clay birds were. Her smile remained in my mind, her eyes, she was beautiful up close. 'If only she seen the real me' I thought that the whole time we were on the bird but after we returned to the base, Tobi got yelled at by Deidara then I went into Pein's office. *end of flash back* "Obito." You watched Obito look up at you, you called Tobi but he still wouldn't look up at you. You sat up in bed as he got up and crawled on it to you, lifting up his mask, pecking your lips before he placed it back down. "Wanna play another game?" "Let's play hide and seek! (Y/n)-chan seek while Tobi watches you try to find me!" You smiled with an eye roll while watching Tobi run out of the room. "Really?"
You sat on the bed playing with the bunny puppet Sasori gave you while he sat at his desk working on his puppets going on about your day until you looked up seeing Deidara in the door way. "Yeah?" "Pein-sama need us, un." "Okay." You got up off the bed and kissed Sasori's cheek before leaving the room with Deidara as Sasori sighed. *flash back* I continued to work on my puppets as I heard everyone in the living room. It was a quiet day until the new member arrived. I didn't bother getting up, I had no point to, the person wasn't going to be my partner, I had no interest. "Dana come on, un!" I heard Deidara bang on my door I simply just ignored him and eventually he went away and I continued to work on my puppets. Shortly after every one went quiet, I could finally work in peace. A couple of minutes later into my work I heard my room door open, I expected it to be Deidara, so I didn't turn around and continued to work. "Oops I'm sorry. I thought this was Deidara's room." I felt my eyes slightly widened after hearing a new voice, I lifted up my head and sat down my tool after I heard footsteps approach behind me. Once I turned I saw a girl with
(h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that stared at me with wonder. I turned back to my work shortly after I met her eyes. "No this isn't his room." "I see that now. Are you a..puppet?" "Yes." I felt confused on why she didn't leave the room, instead I watched her look over my desk at my work. "Be gone pest." I heard her give a small giggle, once again I didn't understand why she did that. "But your work it's interesting and amazing." After that moment she spoke those words I felt. Different as if I could feel emotions. I laid down my tools and turned to her once I did she turned and started to walk out of the room before I stopped her by grabbed her wrist, her skin. I could feel how soft it was. I immediately let go. "What did you say?" She turned and looked at me with wonder in her eyes. "I said your work was interesting and amazing." I stared at her, my puppet body faced her, she glanced down but immediately back up and to the side. I couldn't look away from her, she smiled at me before she left the room only to bump into Kakuzu. "Ah, um. Sorry. Do you know where De-." "Over there." She gave a nod then went in the direction Kakuzu pointed, he then looked at me, I looked down and turned to my work he just grunted. "Annoying isn't she?" "She's a pest. Just like that brat she was looking for." After that I got up and shut my door, watching her talk to Deidara, then I went back to my desk and turned back to my work with that same feeling. "That pest." *end of flash back* You smiled as you kissed his shoulder before sitting back on the bed. "You okay? You seem lost in thought again." You giggled as you spoke before he used his chakra strings and pulled you into his lap. "It seem that I was." You smiled and pecked his cheek and watched him return back to his work, he rested his chin on your shoulder once you leaned back. "You're interesting love." "You are too Sasori."
You waited for Zetsu to get back from Pein-sama's office in his garden, you were pulling out weeds but you didn't notice that Zetsu was already in the garden, staring at you with his light side smiling. *flash back* Once again Pein sent us out on a mission. Well he did but I decided to ignore it and go around and eat people. After two victims from each village we stopped at we reached just outside of the Hidden Leaf Village. We watched people scream and run. We knew they weren't ninjas so ignored them and visited the garden anyways. I sighed as we seen the gardens, it was completely abandoned and in terrible condition. Heartbreaking really. I got pissed after seeing it and went on a small rampage. As we popped in and out of the ground trying to eat people I suddenly stopped. Our head was sticking out of the ground, my eyes locked on a human sitting on her knees in the garden next to a bed of tulips. I tried to eat her put he wouldn't let me. I listened to her talk to the plants. Talk to herself. I watched her push her (h/l) (h/c) hair to the side, she looked up then her (e/c) eyes suddenly looked over at us. We went into the ground just in time. We moved closer to her through the ground. After we popped up out of the ground she was gone. Not a surprise. I looked at the flower bed. It made me smile. It was beautiful. I looked around for her, I couldn't find her. Not a surprise that we didn't, I began to argue with him telling him that we should've ate her when she looked at us. "E-excuse me.." We turned around quickly to see the girl, I felt my cheeks heat up, she looked at us with a smile before she grabbed a water bottle beside us. She smelt good. I stopped myself from biting her hand off but after she walked away I felt my cheeks do the same. I followed her for a bit. We watched her, about to go up to her before a group of people surrounded her. Instead of eating them we returned back to our mission. I smiled the whole time, my cheeks blushed seeing her smile. After that we request a new member to Pein. I requested a new member. *end of flash back* Once you stood up you felt Zetsu come out of the ground behind you, you turned and faced him with a smile. "Zetsu!" You hugged him tightly, his dark side placed a hand around you while his light side lifted up your chin with a smile. "I missed you too." "We." You giggled and pecked his lips before pulling him back to the chatting about the design while he smiled and listened.
"That went better than expected." "Yeah. No shit." You and Hidan came back from a ritual covered in blood, he immediately laid on the bed as you went to the bathroom wiping blood of your cheek before Pein approached the door way. "(Y/n). Come to my office." You rolled your eyes while Hidan chuckled, you pecked his check and he watched you walk out of the room with an eye roll. *flash back* "Fuck!" I yelled as I looked around for any travelers that left a village for a stroll through the forest. I waited for the greedy bastard to get back from a bounty on recruiting a new damn member. "Fucken people these days." I sighed as I leaned back against a tree holding onto my scythe, about ten fucken seconds later a guy runs past me screaming his fucken lungs out. I figured he saw Kakuzu's old ass. I chuckled to my self then seen a black cloaked figure run past me. "What the fuck?" "Dammit!" My eyes widened after hearing it was a chick voice I then stared to laugh. "Awe man and I thought it was dudes chasing after bitches. Not the other way around." She turned to me and took off her hood. I nearly dropped my jaw seeing that bitch with (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes that stared narrowed at me. "I'll make you eat those words!" She then started to run after me, seconds later she started to swing at me with a damn katana. I hauled ass then I started to run to her after I got a good distance to her. "Lord Jashin take this fucken idiot!" I stopped running and stared at her. "You're a fucken Jashinest too?!" She stopped as well, she removed her cloak completely. Damn nearly almost bit my lip seeing that body speckled in blood. She showed me her necklace and I showed her mine. She smiled and chuckled as I just smirked, next thing I know the both of us were sitting against a tree. "I'm Hidan." "(Y/n)." "So that guy?" "Tried to get him as my victim." I chuckled, her smile made me actually smile but I hid it with a smirk shortly after. "It's cool to meet a bitch like you." "Same to you asshole." We both chuckled but then stopped after the old guy came back. "(Y/n)." I gave a confused look as she did the same and stood up. "Yeah?" "Hey Kakuzu how the hell do you kn-." "You have been requested to join the Akatsuki." My jaw dropped and hers did too, she then smiled and placed her hands on her hips. "Really?" "Hell yeah!" She and Kakuzu both looked at me the back at each other. "And if I don't." "I'll kill you." "Fair enough." Damn I couldn't fucken believe it. That hot bitch was joining the fucken Akatsuki. She walked beside Kakuzu as he explained what the whole fucken organization was and followed behind her. The way she pushed her hair to the side when she would look up was just. Damn. I smiled. I actually fucken smiled and thanked Jashin but when she looked back at me, I acted like I was never looking at her. "And Hidan is the idiot." "What the hell is that supposed to mean!" *end of flash back* You walked back in the room only to bump into Hidan, he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up kissing you deeply. "Hidan, not now." He chuckled as he started to kiss your neck then placed you back down on the ground. "I fucken love you." "I love you too idiot." "Hey now."
"Kisame! Aren't you coming?" You smiled as you began to walk into the lake backwards, looking at Kisame seeing him walk towards it before turning back to the base. "Forgot to grab something!" You smiled and slowly made your way in the clear lake as he went to his room then stopped with a smile seeing a picture on the dresser of you and him in the lake, with you on his shoulders. *flash back* "Kisame. Be ready for attack. I'll be back." I gave Itachi a nod as I watched him enter into the Hidden Leaf Village. "No promises Itachi." I chuckled to my self once he was out of my sight, I lowered my sword that was on my right shoulder, to the ground. I sighed as two minutes past of me leaning up against the entrance wall with my eyes shut, seconds later I heard a splash in the late that was near by and saw two ninjas battling on the water. I smirked and decided, 'why not join in on the fun', I took off my cloak and removed my headband and made my way into the water. One of the ninjas seemed to a boy with blonde hair striking at a girl with kunai. My eyes narrowed as I watched behind a boulder at the boy then at the girl. "Are they training?" I smirked after I shrugged seeing it didn't matter, I just wanted to have some fun. As they stopped and stared at each other, both heavily breathing as the blocked their faces with their kunais, I decided to make my move and swam underneath the boy. I saw his feet move so I quickly grabbed his ankles and pulled him under, but once I did, I realized I grabbed the girl. I held her to my chest, her eyes were shut and she tried to kick away. Once I moved her (h/l) (h/c) that was waving in my face, I saw a good look at her appearance. She was..beautiful. After realizing what I was doing I quickly swam up to the surface, I held her in my chest as I walked back to land. The boy was gone and that made my eyes narrow but once I heard her start to cough, they loosen and a smirk went on my face. Her (e/c) eyes opened for a second, I didn't know if she saw me but I still gave her a smirk and chuckle. "(Y/n)!" I looked up to see the boy with another boy in a green jumpsuit approach the two of us. "She's fine. And you're welcome." I said with a smirk as I handed her to the boy she battled with. We all looked at her as she coughed more, I ruffled her hair, even though it was wet, it was soft. I walked away with a smirk, I had a feeling the two boys were looking at me so I decided turn around to see if she was actually okay. I hoped she was. When I got to the entrance I saw Itachi had just came out of the village. I put my cloak back on and tied on my headband with him staring at me. "I told you to." "I just went for a swim calm down. It's not like these ninjas are hard to defeat." We looked away and began to walk as I picked up my sword and followed him, seconds later the boys ran pat us still with the girl, I made eye contact with her, she was about to smile at me, or so I thought, before she left my sight. "Enjoy your swim?" "I tried to drown the boy Itachi." *end of flash back* "About time." You smiled as he joined you, he dived in and swam around you, then lifted you up on his shoulders. "What took you so long?" You giggled as he swam in a circle. "Heh. Nothing just. Remember when you first saw me?" You blushed and cupped his cheeks and leaned down kissing his head. "Yeah. I saw you walk by while Naruto rushed me to the." "I tried to grab the boy not you." You gave a confused look then smile and giggled as he chuckled.
Orochimaru pushed your hair to the side with his fingers tips as you laid in bed. You came back from a mission and fell asleep while he was in Pein-sama's office. *flash back* "Orochimaru." I looked up from my chair to see Pein at my doorway, I smirk with my eyes shut. "Yes." "I need you to go to the Hidden Springs." "Why is that?" "Deidara and Tobi caught the new member but there seems to be a problem." "I see." I opened my eyes and stood up as I walked out of the base Kakuzu went with me. I didn't question it. "Deidara senpai blew up the new member!" "I didn't mean to, un!" I sighed and approached the body that laid on its back. My eyes slightly widened seeing a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair, I gave smile then a smirk. "I see. She seems to still be alive. Did she join us?" "Girl-chan did!" I heard Kakuzu grunt and lift up the girl bridal style then handed her to me. I gave a confused look at first but didn't say anything the whole way back to the base. I watched her sleep, I don't know why but I did anyways but I wasn't the only one, the monster seemed to be stitching up her small cuts before leaving the living room. "Hey who's the bitch?" "She's out new member." "What happened to her?" I gave a smirk with my eyes shut as I leaned back up and looked at Hidan before sitting on the couch next to her. "Deidara seemed to have accidentally blown her up." I heard Hidan laughing and that's when I opened my eyes and watched him leave the room. I then turned my attention to Pein who approached me. "That was the problem?" "I believe so." I said with a chuckle, he left the room seconds before the girl awakened. Her (e/c) eyes stared into mine as my fingers interlocked with my other hand. "Glad to see your awake. This is the Akatsuki base. Do you know your name?" She looked around then gave me a nod.
"(Y/n)." I smiled then it turned into a smirk, her eyes met mine then soon after she was taken into Pein's office. *end of flash back* Your (e/c) eyes fluttered open to see Orochimaru staring at you with a smile, you grabbed his hand that was on your cheek and pulled your self up. "Hello my precious snake." You smiled then leaned your head on his chest, kissing it before doing so. "Hello."

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon! XD sorry if some are a little ehh but still good X))

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