His Worst Bad Habit To You

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(I fucking cried XD)
Pein's habit gets on your nerves to the point you just stop talking to him. Pein has a bad habit of stating the obvious and denying the obvious. For example, when it deals with him, like being wrong, Pein will deny the fact you called him out on something. Now if someone is hitting on you, lying about something, or when he notices what's going on around him, Pein will make his thoughts and opinions very clear.
Telling you things at last minute is his worst bad habit. Kakuzu will remind you that you have a mission, you forgot something, or that you and him need to report or be somewhere, all when it's too late. It gets on your nerves, but when you call him out on it he'll just blame you for not being prepared or remembering.
Deidara's habit is accidental. To be honest, you can't stay mad or aggravated at him for long. It's very annoying, but you can't help but to smile. Deidara has a bad habit of apologizing after everything. It's only to you as well. When he bumps into you, or when you give him a certain look, or when he does the littlest things on accident, he'll apologize. Deidara is very sweet, but his apologetic side gets very annoying.
Obito doesn't have many bad habits. However, his worst one is scratching or rubbing the back of his head. Even when he puts on that Tobi persona, he'll do that. He says he can't control it or doesn't mean to, but you find it quite cute. Also, when he does rub or scratch the back of his head or neck, he's either too shy or nervous to admit something, or he's starting to get aggravated. You try not to call him out on this habit, but when you do he doesn't deny it.
Believe it or not, Sasori has a bad habit of following you. Almost every turn you take you bump into him. He always invades your personal space. Sasori claims to not always clingy or touchy, but he has to be in the same room as you. Even when you go to take a bath, Sasori will sit next to the tub or just stand in the doorway while making puppet parts. Sasori says he's admiring you and keeping you company whenever you call him out in it, but you know there's more than that to it.
Zetsu's worst habit can not stress you enough. You constantly have to stop him, or he'll jus continue. Zetsu's bad habit is tapping. Neither side will admit it, but when aggravated, bored, or impatient, Zetsu with tap his hand against his side, fingers against something solid, or his foot. You think it's funny, but it can bother you when he doesn't stop after a few minutes of doing so.
Besides cussing, complaining, randomly stabbing people, and leaving blood everywhere, Hidan's worst habit is finishing your sentence or interrupting you while you are talking. Although, you're not the only one he uses this habit on. No matter who it is, Hidan will interrupt just to make a comment, finish the sentence, or correct the statement. At times this does get annoying, but he denies he does so each time you call him out on it.
Unfortunately, Kisame's habit is rather disgusting rather than bad. He always chews with his mouth open. You can never tell if he's doing it just to gross you out or make you bad, but that's his worst habit. Starting arguments, biting you, and even pushing you to the point you snap at him doesn't even come close to this habit.
Itachi's habit drives you insane. You literally get ticked off. Itachi has a bad habit of mumbling underneath his breath. It's like he has to have the last word of an argument, a meeting, or just a normal conversation. He won't admit it, but you know for a fact he pulls this stunt when he loses a debate or argument with you. Kisame even agrees.
Changing his mind at last minute is Orochimaru's worst habit. No matter where you to go, or what you to do, Orochimaru always changes plans. He'll stop in the middle of discussing his plan, a route, or just causal talk and change the topic or his mind. It's very, very frustrating to you, and he won't admit to doing such thing.

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