When He Tries To Be Kinky

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(Hell yeah! Starting with this idea! Mhm, I missed that bastard!)
You blushed and glanced at Pein when he slid a hand up your thigh while the other remained holding up a scroll he was reading. Today was a slow and rather boring day. After hearing the news from Tobi about a new tailed beast being unleashed within the Land of Lightning, Pein had you and him immediately pin-point locations on a map. You were sitting beside him rather than across him and still in undergarments with your cloak over, which split at the thigh he was rubbing up. Since he didn't say anything, you parted your thighs and helped slide his hand closer to the waistband of your underwear. "You're getting distracted," Pein mumbled. Once he looked at you, you smiled and stood up. You then placed your arms around his neck and sat on his lap, facing him, as he kept his eyes locked with yours. "Take my distractions to the bed?" Pein grinned, then stood up only to sit you on the desk. "No. Here. At my desk," he mumbled. "Pein, your wor-." "Push it off." You kept your confused look, then smirked and shook your head when releasing your grip from him. "No, Pein. Get that kinky thought out of your head." "Then stop distracting me."
"Something wrong?" Kakuzu mumbled. When a deep sigh slipped through your nose when rolling on your side, Kakuzu directed his attention away from the bounty list. It was a little past noon and you still didn't want to get out of the comfy bed. "Not really. That wall is just so bland to look at," you said. The wall on your side of the bed was plain, and waking up to it everyday wasn't a morning starter. "I need like a painting there." "A mirror?" Kakuzu asked. You looked at him with furrowed brows while hugging a pillow to your bare chest. "Why a mirror? Seeing my bedhead and grumpy expression when I wake up is enough for you," you smiled. Kakuzu smirked, which you seen for his mask was off. "Agreed. For other reasons it could have its purpose, if it's a large mirror at that." Again, you gave Kakuzu a confused expression before parting your lips. "You aren't referring to having." "In front of a mirror? I am," Kakuzu interrupted. You shook your head and sighed again. "Kakuzu that's just. Odd. And kinky." "I'm not spending money on an ugly painting I can have Tobi make for free," Kakuzu groaned. You rolled your eyes and placed the pillow to your headed cheeks, knowing he was right on that.
"You want to what?" you asked Deidara with a confused and dumbfounded expression. While he was standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist and his long, blonde hair down, you were sitting on the bed with a scroll of a mission Pein assigned you to look over. Deidara grinned with heated cheeks, then crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. "I think it could spice things up, hm? I get sweaty after pleasuring you, and you like to wash up as well after, un." "Deidara. That's dangerous," you said with a head shake. Deidara rolled his eyes and deeply sighed. "You have sex in the shower? We could slip! I could slip! You could hit my head against the shower-head and knock me out," you said loudly. Again, Deidara sighed. He smirked and began to faintly chuckle as well. "You are overthinking about it too much, yeah. I promise I won't let anything of that happen, un." You continued to shake your head while looking down at the scroll. "No Deidara. Not happening. I'm thinking about the risk here." Deidara smacked his lips before turning his back to you once leaning up. "And I'm thinking about your pleasure, un."
You softly hummed when feeling a trail of kisses being led from on your lower back and towards your shoulder. You were still in bed and halfway bundled up in blankets. It was early too, which was another why you weren't up and dressed like Obito was. "Not getting up?" Obito mumbled. You shook your head and remained lying on your stomach as Obito scooted closer to you when sitting beside you. "I don't have a reason to," you whispered. Obito smirked when pulling your hair to the side, then kissing up to your ear. "I can give you one," he mumbled. You blushed deeply and peeked your eyes open at him. "That's not like you." Obito grinned, pecked your lips, then continued to stroke your hair when leaning back up. "I know. I was thinking about doing something different." "Like?" Obito glanced into your eyes, then looked down at the mask in his lap. "Being bad," he smirked. "Dominate, dirty talk." Your eyes slightly widen to those words, but you then smiled when he lifted your chin and smirked still. "Obito wanting to talk dirty and be dominant in bed? I'll think about it"
"I have a question," Sasori mumbled. You stopped what you were doing, which was sweeping dust from sanded-down wood, and looked at Sasori. "Yes, love?" you mumbled. Sasori, like always, was at his desk making parts of a puppet. No conversation broke the silence within ten minutes of you offering to sweep. Sasori placed down his tools and turned towards you. "Love marks. Do those damage the skin permanently?" Sasori asked in a serious tone. You parted your lips to speak as your cheeks slightly blushed when looking towards the glossy floor. "Um. No, just for a long period of time. It depends. The first mark you left only lasted two days," you said. Sasori nodded, then turned his back towards you. You waited for him to speak, but he remained quiet. "Why'd you ask Sasori?" Again, Sasori placed down his tools and turned to you. "Because, I'm going to cover your body in our next love make. Only leave you those love marks on your soft skin everywhere I can." You blushed and remained in position once he turned away, you then bit the inside of your cheek. "I'll think about that Sasori," you whispered.
"Zetsu! Stop," you breathed. Zetsu didn't listen and kept kissing up your neck while holding your wrist and waist against the wall. You and Zetsu were on a mission to deliver scrolls under Pein's orders. Once into the heart of the village, Zetsu tricked you and lead you into a small storage room of a business hut. "I don't want to, My Dear." "Right here and right now." You tilted your head to the side, then pushed on Zetsu's chest, which made him back up and release you. The room was small, the size of a broom closet small. There was only one light and it was on and above the two of you. "We are in public," you loudly whispered. Only the light side of Zetsu grinned. "My Dear, it is rather exciting." "It's human nature to reproduce." You deeply sighed and shook your head. "Only we are doing this for fun. Not to populate!" you whispered again. Once out of the closet and into the clear, Zetsu followed behind you with a groan. "Think about it?" "Tch, highly doubtful."
"There's nothing to eat," you mumbled. You kept glancing around the empty fridge in the kitchen as Hidan did the same in the cabinets. "Complaining isn't going to make it better," Hidan mumbled with a smirk. You rolled your eyes and closed the fridge, only to yelp when feeling a cold chill on your cheek. "The hell was that Hidan?!" After wiping your face, you then seen that it was whipped cream. "Found Tobi's secret stash," Hidan mumbled. He then flicked his tongue up your cheek when you stopped walking. "Mhm, tasty," he whispered in your ear. "Wanna take this to the bedroom?" You parted your lips and faintly laughed after wiping your cheek and continuing the walk to the den. "Sounds like something Tobi would do, not you." Hidan rolled his eyes while following you. "Tch. So? Get a little bit of your blood mixed in with this cream on your body. Mhm. I'd be fucking satisfied." You rolled your eyes and shook your head when facing him with crossed arms once stopping mid-way into the bedroom. "No. You would complain about your stomach hurting," you mumbled. Before Hidan could speak, you knocked the can from his hand and kicked it lightly towards the door and into the hall. "So, no."
Kisame held a deep kiss with you while you sat on the edge of the bed and he hovered above you. He had recently gotten back from a mission with Zetsu that lasted for three days. With that being said, Kisame immediately went back to his room for this moment. "I missed you too," you said with a smile. Kisame grinned and starting to smother your neck when taking your hands off his shoulders, then pinned them down on the bed when laying you down. You accepted his kissing before you seen that his door was open, making you squirm out of his grip. "Not with the door open," you whispered. Kisame looked at the doorway, then at you with shrugged shoulders. "Issue is?" You parted your lips and blushed, but shook your head. "Not happening." Kisame leaned off of you, then deeply sighed as you fixed your hair. "Don't want the base to hear how loud I can make you?" You blushed deeply and shook your head when peeking out of the room. "Kisame no. That's embarrassing. The whole base would throw a fit." "Issue is?"
"Itachi? What are you doing with that?" you asked. Itachi gave you a glance, then stopped tying a knot around the bedpost with thin, black rope. "Is there a reason for the concern in your voice, (Y/n)?" Itachi asked. You shook your head while slowly closing the door of his bedroom. You didn't expect Itachi to be back from his mission so early, which gave you a reason to meet with Pein. "Um. Not really." Itachi smirked when looking back at you as you pulled off your clock, in which he wasn't wearing. "You have nothing to worry about. As much I get aroused at pinning you down, I have a need to try something different." You blushed deeply, then parted your lips when his eyes met yours. "Itachi, you aren't talking about bondage right? Like tying me to the bed by my wrist?" Itachi grinned when looking down at you after placing his hands on your hips. "Is that a problem?" You nodded with a weary grin, then rolled your eyes. "Obviously no," you said. Itachi smirked again, then poked your forehead. "You'll think about it."
"What's with that sly smirk?" you asked Orochimaru when stepping into his room after having a talk with the leader. Orochimaru was sitting on the edge of his bed with his hands behind his back. His eyes peeked opened when he stood up as you pulled off your Akatsuki cloak. "I have a surprise for you," he whispered. "So close your eyes." You hesitated at first, but did as he asked. Once you did, you gave a confused look after feeling Orochimaru's hands behind your head. "Open them." When you did, you only saw darkness. "What the." "Nothing like a little helpless, blind folded version of you to get me in a lustful mood." You narrowed your eyes and pulled down the black, silky cloth. "You want to blindfold me during our love making?" Orochimaru kept his sly grin and nodded with a faint chuckle when scooting past you and to the doorway. "Of course." "Not happening. No way." "We'll see," he whispered.

Yeah. I'm back. X)

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