When The Two Of You Find A Unicorn

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(This is a random scenario given to me by AnimeShrine. XD oh and that picture above though...damn...talk about finding that type of hor-...!!!!! XD haha let's just see how this goes XD)
You gave a small smirk as you and Pein stepped into the entrance of an abandoned village, it was cleared Pitt as soon as Pein gave the warning yesterday. "Pein I." You bumped into the back of him, he gave a glance at you before you moved out from behind him to see a unicorn drinking from the small village's fountain. "Alm-." "Pein don't." Pein glanced over at your shocked expression when you stood in front of him. "It needs to move." You gave an eye roll with a deep sigh, when he lowered his hand, you stepped out of the way, about to speak, Pein lifted up his hand. "Almighty Push." You gave your gasped expression once more when the gust of wind flew past you, breaking the fountain, you saw the unicorn run, stumble over it's hoof and run again. When you turned back to Pein, he was walking in the opposite direction. "There. Now let's go."
You gave a small smile as you held Kakuzu's hand through the forest, on your way back to the base from a bounty. "Seems that w-." Kakuzu stopped speaking to see you give a gasped expression towards a horse with a horn. "What is that?" You glanced up at Kakuzu then back over at it eating grass. "It's a unicorn. It's very rare and." You gave parted lips seeing Kakuzu and you the case and the threads come out of his arms when he took of his cloak. "Kakuzu you." "If it's rare. Then it's worth a fortune." You gave a head shake seeing him walking over to the creature as it started to back away. "Kakuzu. Leave it alone." Kakazu gave you a side glance with a small grunt as his threads stretched towards it, making it run off, you gave a sigh and sat on the ground as Kakuzu went after it. "I'm surprise he didn't take his money with him."
As you and Deidara walked through the forest to pick up scrolls, he stopped walking, making you do the same with a confused look. "What?" You gave parted lips at the unicorn, whom was eating bits of leaves from a shrub. "It's like the stuff animal you got me!" Deidara placed his hand mouth over yours, you pecked it, making him smirk a bit as the two of you stared at the unicorn. "Sh, un." You gave a small nod and Deidara released you, he then snirked and took your hand, just as you were about to speak, you saw the unicorn bend down and smell something. "Katsu." You gave a gasp as the creature jerked and ran backwards after a popping sound went off with a sparking. "Deidara!" "It's fine un. It's not like I've done the same with the unicorn you have." "What?"
"H-heeey (Y/n)-chan!" You gave parted lips and widened eyes when you stepped out of the base to go on a mission, you saw Tobi pointing at a unicorn as Deidara stepped beside you with widened eyes. "He. He really did it, un." You swallowed then slowly walked up to Tobi as Deidara did the same behind you. "Tobi, where did." "(Y/n)-chan like it?!" You gave a shoulder shrug and a smile, Tobi chuckled and rubbed the creatures nose with a chuckle. "Tobi found him!" You were about to pet your self before it licked Tobi's mask making him hit the animals nose. "No. Bad. Ahh!" You gave a small giggle as Tobi ran from the unicorn chasing him, you turned back to Deidara, whom was still shocked. "I love him." "Uh...well, un."
You smiled when Sasori came out of his  battle puppet after you finally convinced him. The two of you were holding hands, walking back to the base through the forest of the Hidden Leaf. "Sasori, when we." You stopped speaking and let go of his hand, Sasori kept walking but then stopped and turned to you, waiting for you to finish your sentence before he saw you looking at a unicorn with a gasped expression. "Love, let's go." You smiled as you took a step forward as it took a step back. "Just wait." Sasori changed an expression just slightly before he lifted up his hand to you. "I'm not patient (Y/n)." Sasori pulled you along with his puppet strings, you watched the creature start to back away when you saw one of Sasori's puppets go to. "Sa-." "Love, you'll get a puppet unicorn now let's go."
You picked a flower as you walked through the forest back to the base from a mission, you placed it to your nose just when Zetsu popped his fly trap and head out of the ground. "Zetsu. You didn't have to follow me." "I know my dear. But." "Why did you stop walking?" Zetsu moved out from behind you through the ground when he bumped into the back off you, when he saw your parted lips and widened eyes, he looked up to see a horse with a horn. "What is that?" "It's some type of animal." "It's a unicorn." Zetsu came out of the ground when you started to walk to it with the flower extended. "Don't go to it." The unicorn started to go to you, making you smile before you gasped seeing Zetsu's trap trying to bite its leg, making it run off and Zetsu chase after it. "Zetsu!" "It's eating our plants!"
"Hidan, shut up." You chuckled as Hidan gave an eye roll, the two of you were on your way back to the base after a mission. "Tch." Hidan was about to continue his complaining on how he had to go into the bathroom before he stopped and bumped into you, making you turn to give him narrowed eyes. "What?" You and him both looked up to see the horse with a horn. "The fuck is that?" "It's a unicorn dumbass. And it's bleeding." "Go give it to Jashin." "Me?" "Fine I'll do it. Jashin! Take this sacred sacrifice!" You gave a head shake with a deep sigh when Hidan started to run towards it, swinging his scythe with his crazy laugh as the unicorn ran off. "I can't believe you're going to steal its blood!" "Don't worry baby! Your bloods my favorite!" You gave an eye roll with light pink cheeks as you turned your back and started to walk away. "Imma laugh if you get that horn in your ass."
"Kisame hurry up." You gave a small giggle in a groan when Kisame slashed water at you before getting out of the lake that was next to the base, the two of you, plus Itachi, were going to go on a mission into the village to pick up scrolls. "Itachi beat us there. We gave have a little time to ourselves." You gave an eye roll as you pushed Kisame's sword to him with your foot, just before you or him could speak you gave a small gasp seeing a unicorn step up to the lake a couple of feet behind Kisame. "Kisa, look." Kisame gave an eyebrow raise after you turned his cheek to it, he then started to chuckle as you switched expressions with him. "What are you going to do?" "Since Itachi makes jokes about sushi. Why not I make jokes about him eating a unicorn?" You gave a smirk and a chuckle as Kisame picked up his sword and started to walk towards it. "Like he'll believe you!"
"(Y/n)." You looked up at Itachi, the two of you were halfway to the base from a mission, you thought about the encounter of Itachi and Sasuke that happened moments ago. "Stop thinking about it and." Itachi stopped in the middle of his sentence when he saw you give parted lips, he look to where you were looking and saw a unicorn drinking from the lake that was by the base. "(Y/n). Let's go." "Itachi..I." You stopped speaking when crossed started to fly around it and Itachi grab your hand. "Let's go." You gave a nod and followed behind Itachi, you gave a few glances back to see the crows start to peck the horse as it tried to run off. "I just wanted to pet it." "I seen more than you just petting it."
You and Orochimaru was walking back to the base after meeting with Kabuto in a cave, you listened as Orochimaru explained that the body Kabuto had for him had escaped. "Orochi..look." Orochimaru gave a confused look seeing that you were pointing to a horse like creature with a horn on its head eating grass when you stopped walking. "What is that?" "It's a unicorn. It's rare and believed that they live forever." Orochimaru grinned and placed a hand to his chin as you looked away, making a gesture before he chuckled. "Well, let's take it." You looked over at Orochimaru as he started to walk up to it as it backed away, you gave a confused looked then a sigh and looked down. "Don't use it as a body replacement."

(So this was random as hell XD hoped you enjoyed it!!! More to come soon. My 100th part will be next!! I'm so happy and surprised and it's all thanks to you Reader-chans!! Thank you so much for your support!!! Love you all. X))

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