During Your Caputre

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(For all scenarios X))
All you could see was darkness, a blind fold covered your (e/c) eyes. The last thing you saw was your partner. You were cold, covered in goosebumps, you couldn't move, your hands were tied together behind your back as you leaned against a cold wall. Your tried to wiggle your hands free or even your ankles that were tied together. You breathed heavily through your mouth fold as you felt a blade move your bangs out of your face. "Don't be frightened. I'm not here to hurt you." The voice belonged to the same guy who chuckled after you struggled to escape. You had small, maybe around four, cuts across your cheeks from blades that silenced you. You then felt a cold hand press against your cheek, removing off the mouth fold. "Now, tell me what you know about the Akatsuki and I won't kill you." You stayed quiet, then the hand went up to the top of your head, grabbing a chunk of your (h/c) hair and lifting up your head roughly. "Answer me. Or you'll die right here and now." "Like hell I will.." You heard a chuckle come from him then a small paper like cut sliced against your cheek, you felt the blood drip towards your chin. "I'm getting inpatient (Y/n)." Your hair was pulled back, you struggled and tried to make some sort of justu with your hands but you couldn't. You felt the warm breath of your capturer, as if he was about to speak, before both of your heads turned towards a noise that came from the distance. "(Y/n)!" You didn't know why, but you smiled after you heard his voice.

(Heh, heh..hoped you enjoyed that X))

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