When Someone Compliments The Two Of You

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Today instead of being in his office the two of you went to the village to get more supplies, as the two of you were walking your arm in his, he didn't mind but he noticed he was getting stared at. "Excuse me?" Your (e/c) eyes and Pein's purple ones glanced up at a guy with long white hair crossing his arms. "Hey sorry to bother but, y'all two make a pretty cute couple." You smiled and gave a 'thank you' head bow while Pein just gave a simple nod while the guy walked away to a young boy. "Awe, that was sweet." You hugged Pein's arm more and tighter as the two of you kept walking. "I already knew that my Goddess."
You and Kakuzu has just left the collection office, instead of going back to the base you were able to convince Kakuzu to walk the village. As the two of you were walking together you made him hold your hand, of course he kept his hand hidden. "Y'all are a cute couple." You and Kakuzu both turned around as he let go of your hand, your (e/c) eyes and his green and red ones stared at a guy smoking a cigarette before he walked away. You smiled and blushed as you Kakuzu turned around. "That's was cute huh?" You smiled you grabbed his hand again. "I bet you or someone paid him to say that."
You and Deidara decided to take a break from hanging around the bade and go to the village and then blow up clay birds afterwards. As the two of you were walking, his hand in yours the both of you had a calm smile as you glanced around the village. "Awe y'all are so cute together!" You and Deidara as a light shade of red on your cheeks as you turned to see two girls staring at you. You smiled and blushed more as they walked away giggling, Deidara smiled and blushed as well but only slightly as he looked at you. "I think they're right." "I do too, yeah."
Tobi and you got chased out of the Akatsuki's base so the both of you went to the village, you and Tobi were sitting on a bench together, his hand in your's as the both of you giggled. "You two make a cute couple! Ah, young love! Youth I tell ya!" You and Tobi both looked up at a guy in a green jumpsuit holding his thumb up before walking away, leaving you blushing. "Tobi thinks that man is right! But (Y/n)-chan the cutest!" You blushed as you put your forehead to his mask. "Obito, we are also a cute couple." You smiled and you hoped Obito did to before Tobi grabbed your hand and pulled you off the bench. "Tobi and
(Y/n)-chan are cute!"
You and Sasori had to go to the village to get more parts for his puppets, as the two of you were in the store, you were looking at puppets and messing with them when Sasori came up behind you and kissed your shoulder. The two of you turned around to see an old women and man standing next to each other with a smile. "Oh look, how sweet." "Sorry to bother but my dear wife is right. We think you two make a fine couple." "Yes is makes me happy to see young love." You and Sasori watched the old couple leave the store, you blushed and smiled and couldn't help but let out small giggles and lay your head in his chest as his dark brown eyes stared blankly. "Hear that? We're cute together." He looked down at you as you left his chest with a smile, he crested your cheek and gave a nod. "Interesting."
You and Zetsu had a day mission together, you two were on y'all way back but decided to stop at the flower shop on the way there since it was in the area. You and Zetsu smiled as you looked at all the different plants, you held a flower pot to him as the light side of Zetsu placed a flower in your hair. "Awe! The both of you are so cute!" Your (e/c) eyes widened as Zetsu's golden ones did the same as the both of you turned to look at a girl with blonde hair. You blushed as the light side of him tried to hide his pink cheeks. "Thank you." You turned to face him after she walked away. "Well, that was." "Strange." "It was cute." You smiled as you took Zetsu's hands and pulled him to your lips before the both of you left the shop.
You and Hidan were in the village since Leader-sama sent y'all out for arguing to much. As the two of you were walking Hidan kept his hand around your waist as you crossed your arms. "Will you stop? You're being an ass." "How am I being a fucken ass?!" You looked at him with your (e/c) eyes narrowed playfully as his dark violet ones did the same until the both of you laughed. "Y'all are a cute couple. Wish I could see more people like that instead of lovey dovey." You turned around as he did the same to see a guy with a scar across his nose and under his eyes before he walked away with a smirk. "Awe, he called us cute." Hidan grunted as you stared at him and he looked away. "We are cute!" "Will you shut up?!" You giggled and blushed as he smirked and rolled his eyes still holding you.
You and Orochimaru were both on y'all way back from a day mission, as the two of you were passing through the village you both had to stop due to a crowd. "(Y/n), keep your hair out of your face." You rolled your (e/c) eyes as he pushed your (h/c) bangs to side with his pale fingers with a smirk. "How cute. You two are adorable." You both glanced over at a young women next to a man with a cigarette in his mouth before they walked away. You looked back at Orochimaru who had a smirk and you giggled and turned red as you kissed his cheek. "We are aren't we." "It seems to be that way my precious snake."

(Hello there hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon! Sorry if it was iffy didn't have any other types of ideas at that moment but!! Yeah! Night!)

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