When He Falls Asleep On You

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"Pein. Get up you have to give a meeting." Pein fluttered his purple eyes open to see you, he gave a head nod then sat up in bed with a deep sigh. You smiled seeing how he didn't want to get up and if you knew how to give a meeting you would of let him sleep in. Pein stood behind once the two of you entered the living room, he usually stood in front of or beside you put instead. "You give the first part of the meeting." You gave a confused look but did as he said. "And those will be the ones going on that mission." You gave a small smile at everyone as you waited for Pein to speak on his own but when you tried to turn to look at him, his head was on your back. "Pein?" You looked back at everyone as you tried to shake him off of you but you didn't want him to fall and get mad at you. "That ends the meeting. For now." As everyone got up and moved around you turned around just in time for Pein to lay his head on your shoulder. "Pein. Come on let's go back to bed." It took you a while to cooperate with him but he finally laid in bed. You smiled and kissed his forehead, you decided to helm him with his paper work but instead, he pulled you into his arms. "Thank you my Goddess." "Just get some sleep Pein. You have to give the rest of the meeting in twenty minutes."
"Just let me do it!" You sat in bed with your arms crossed facing him with narrowed (e/c) eyes as he took of his mask. "I can do it myself." You and Kakuzu had just came back from a bounty, he cut sliced on the back of his arm by a ninja star and you wanted to see it up. "Please." He sighed and shook his head and walked over to you. "Fine. How are you going to." "I have a sewing kit just in case you won't sew Hidan back together and when he won't shut up about it." Kakuzu chuckle as he laid in bed but wrapped his hands around your sides and rested his head on your lap, facing his brief case of money. "Hurry up. And don't be scared to sew me either." You nod with a smile as you poked the needle threw his skin. After about five minutes later you announced you were finished just when you pulled Kakuzu's hair back you saw his sleeping face. You smiled and kissed his cheek and laid over his shoulder and stared to fall asleep as well after you watched his sleeping form since you never seen him sleep before.
You and Deidara ran side by side out of the Hidden Leaf Village, the two of you were on a move Deion to receive a scroll but Deidara decided to blow some parts of the village up. You smiled as the two of you slowed down and began to laugh, seconds later he got his clay bird ready and you were the first to get on it. "You coming Dei-Dei?" He smiled up at you as he got behind you, wrapping his arms around you and pecked your cheek. "I'm coming, un." As the bird took off he held you tightly and you read through the scroll. You smiled as you felt his forehead press against your back. "Dei-Dei, do you think Pein-same wil-." You heard Deidara breathing slightly heavy. "Deidara?" Once you got a good angel of a glance at him you smiled seeing him asleep, you wrapped his arms around you more then looked off the bird seeing it was still flying. "At least I know how to land." You giggled as you rubbed his hands.
You waited in the living room for Tobi to get back from his two day mission. Once the Akatsuki's base door opened and you saw Tobi you immediately ran into his arms. "Tobi!" "(Y/n)-chan! Tobi missed you!" You giggled as he lifted you up and spun you around, pressing his mask against your cheek. "It's only been two days, un." Tobi put you down then fell back on the couch with him laying on the side of you and his arms around you. "I missed you too Tobi." As you hugged Tobi tightly you realized how relax he was. "Tobi?" You pressed your ear to his mask hearing him breathe as if he was sleeping, which he was. You smiled and hugged him tightly before your chest was his pillow. "Way to go Tobi! That's a fucken welcome home present there." You narrowed your eyes with blush on your cheeks seeing Hidan walk out of the kitchen chuckling. You just rolled your eyes and rubbed his back. "I didn't sleep much either with you either Tobi."
"That's nice love." You smiled after you told Sasori about your day, you have just gotten back from a day mission. After you got finished brushing your hair you went to go sit on Sasori's lap and help or watch him with his puppets. He kissed your shoulder as you started to work on the needles, you blushed feeling his lips still pressed against your shoulder. "I missed you." "I missed you love." You felt him peck your shoulder again, a couple of minutes into making the needles you noticed Sasori's hands went on the desk and his arms were around your side. "Sasori?" You waited for even the smallest response but he still stayed quiet, you turned your head just enough to glanced at him, his lips were still pressed against your shoulder but his eyes were shut. You smiled and turned back to the work, you felt him tighten his grip softly but still continued to stay in the same position as you giggled. "Interesting."
You smiled as you watered the garden and Zetsu's dark side's arm was around your waist. "You're not getting the water hose." His dark side chuckled as you turned off the water. "I know my dear." "We'll see." You pecked his cheek before you walked with him to the other plants and stared to water them, you then felt both arms around you, you turned to see his fly trap and slightly leaned to the side to avoid touching it. You felt more weight press against you, you moved wrong with a smile. "Zetsu. Can you." You stopped in the middle of your sentence to see Zetsu with his eyes shut, you didn't know if he was sleeping since he usually sleeps with his eyes open. "Zetsu?" You tried to nudge him with your shoulder but you almost ended up getting knocked down. You smiled and gave a sigh, you tried to sit on the ground with you facing him but his face went to your chest and you immediately moved but his feet was sunk into the ground. "Zetsu!" You smiled and just sighed and hugged his tightly and rubbed his back. "Imma spray you with the hose in a few minutes if you don't get up."
You were sitting on the couch going through a magazine you got from the village you and Hidan cane back from after your rituals. "(Y/n)!" You glanced up to see Hidan walking into the living room, blushing seeing him shirtless, you always do but still makes you blush. "Yes sexy?" He smirked with a tint of pink in his cheeks, making you smile, as he walked over to you. "Can you get this damn blade out of my back?" Your (e/c) eyes widened seeing a broken kunai blade in his back, then sighed as you placed down the magazine. "Yeah, come here." He grinned as you opened up your arms, then laid on top of you with his head on your chest and arms around you. "Hidan?" "Hmm?" You blushed as he got adjusted then smiled and started to take the kunai out of his back, he tensed and tighten his grip before relaxing. "Almost got it." You mumble for the third time for the past six minutes before actually taking it out. "Hidan I go-." You smiled seeing him asleep and sightly drooling, you sighed with a small giggle and started to run your fingers through his silver hair to his back.
You stepped into the bathroom only to see Kisame in the shower. "Hey there." You blushed and joined him in it, he gave a smirk as he pulled you close from behind, wrapping his arms around your sides and kissing your cheek. "About time you woke up." You gave an eye roll then faced him. "Well I don't wake up as early as you." He chuckled and pecked your lips. "True." You turned back around and began to wash your hair, a couple of minutes later you felt Kisame's grip slightly loosen around you, making you think he was getting out. "Kis." You smiled seeing Kisame leaning against the wall with his eyes shut, you then rolled yours and one you leaned forward his grip tightened. "Kisame?" You heard him slightly snore and that made you chuckle. "Should sleep later." You stayed in the shower then Leader your head on his chest after kissing it, then poked his cheek saying his name, he still continued to snore, you then poked his gill but that was you lean off of him. "Eww. Fine. Sleep in the shower."
You waited in the Akatsuki base's living room for Orochimaru to join the rest of you for the meeting, surprisingly he slept in. "Orochimaru.." he lifted up his had as his fingers were intertwined with the others. "Hm." "We have a meeting." He gave a nod then got up out of his chair and followed you into the living room, he pulled you into his lap and rested his chin on your shoulder. A couple of minutes later you heard heavy breathing, you turned to see Orochimaru asleep on you, you tried to nudge him so Pein-sama wouldn't get mad but he ended up sliding down your back. You gave a smile as you listened to the meeting, you felt his arms tightened around you making you blush. "Orochi." You tried to nudge him awake after the meeting but he continued to sleep.

(Hello there! Hoped you enjoyed this! Sorry if it was iffy just a last minute thought when I got sleepy X/)

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