When He Rescues You

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(Crapy title I know XD)
"I thought every member was for themselves?" Kabuto chuckled and pushed up his glasses, standing into battle position as Pein shuffled to him saying nothing in return. You felt Kabuto step in front of you, and you heard Pein stop walking at the same time. He looked at you, his eyes widening slightly seeing you like that as Kabuto chuckled. "I do have to admit she's a strong ninja, I can see why you sent her, but that's just another reason to use her." You continued to sit against the wall hearing both Pein and Kabuto fight each other, you felt the wind from explosions and heat from fires. *time skip* You heard footsteps approach you, you didn't know whether or not to smile but you did after Pein removed your blind fold. He smiled then as you looked down he lifted up your chin. "You didn't fail me." You smiled as your hands were free, along with your ankles, and pulled Pein to your lips. You kissed him deeply as he kissed you back then pulled you in for a tight hug. He wiped the blood from your cheeks and stood up with you before picking you up bridal style. "But, wasn't Kabuto right..?" His purple eyes stared in your (e/c) eyes then looked back up making his way outside. "Yes, it's true but. You are more to me than just a another member. Thought you should know that about now." You giggled and laid your head back in his chest as he held you closer to him and continued to walk back to the base, and when you got there, Pein laid in bed with you holding you close to him.
"Step away from her Kabuto." You smiled hearing Kakuzu's voice as he approached the two of you. Kabuto chuckled and got into battle stance as Kakuzu did the same without his cloak, exposing his threads that were sticking out of his body. "Didn't know a monster like you could love Kakuzu. And I can't do that, her information is too valuable." You felt the wind from Kabuto jumping back from Kakuzu's threads that were heading towards him. *time skip* It was quiet, you tried to move and wiggle out of the ropes but a small pinch on your cheek stopped you. "Almost done." You smiled hearing Kakuzu's voice while he was stitching up the fresh cut across your cheek before he removed the blind fold, staring his green and red eyes into your (e/c) ones with a small smirk before it turned into a straight face. "You're partner is lucky." He then stood up and helped you up with his threads and pulled you into his chest, hugging you tightly. "I love you Kakuzu. I knew you'd come for me." "No amount of money will keep me away." You smiled into his lips as he kissed you deeply, he then lifted you up bridal style and started to head back to the base. "Pein and I are going to have to have a talk when we get back." You gave a small smile as you felt your stitches on your cheek, Kakuzu noticed but still kept his eyes forward. "They'll heal. You're still beautiful." You blushed and leaned closer on his chest with a small giggle and when you got back to the base, you could hear Kakuzu's voice through the walls as you got cleaned up.
Kabuto chuckle in your ear before standing up holding the blade to your neck as he watched Deidara run up just to stop with his blue eyes widening after he seeing you. "Step back and I won't kill her." Deidara narrowed his eyes as he did so and took off his cloak in the process. "Step away from her, un!" "I don't think that's an option. I need her. Or would you like to trade places with her?" "Katsu!" Seconds later you could hear and feel the winds from the explosions as you tried to turn away. *time skip* It went quiet, you were about to call out to Deidara but you were picked up bridal style and got pressed up against someone's chest and they began to run. "Katsu!" You smiled knowing it was Deidara, you heard the explosions go off behind him before he fell to his knees with you still in his arms. "Deidara." "(Y/n)!" He immediately untied your wrist and ankles then removed the blind fold and pulled you into his chest, kissing on you before cupping your cheeks. "Are you alright, hm?" You gave a nod and smile as he gave a small one back while he rubbed his fingers over the blade cuts. "Deidara." "Hm?" "It wasn't Zetsu's fault." He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked away then back at you as you grabbed his hand and held it. "It wasn't. I didn't follow orders and." He cut you off by kissing you deeply. "It's okay, yeah. But I'm still going to blow him up, un." He hugged you again then carried you bridal style back to the base telling you how beautiful you are. You stood in the shower and washed up, you could hear Deidara yelling and looking for Zetsu before Pein knocked on the door.
"(Y/n). Please control Deidara."
Kabuto glared up and pushed up his glasses just to see Tobi run up. "(Y/n)-chan!" Just before you could say Tobi's name Kabuto placed the mouth fold back on your mouth and pulled your head to him. "Nice of you to join us Tobi." "(Y/n)-chan..." Tobi stared at you with his hand up, seeing you in Kabuto's grasp, holding a blade to your cheek as you tried to wiggle free. "Let me into the Akatsuki and I'll let her go." Tobi shook his head, and started to walk towards you, Kabuto chuckled and released you and stood in position. "I will not let you hurt her Kabuto." *time skip* You breathed heavily and tried to wiggle free, you haven't heard anyone's voices for two minutes. "I'm here." You smiled after you felt the mouth fold get removed, then your hands and ankles. You took off the blind fold on to see Obito's face. You smiled and kissed him deeply before hugging him tightly. "I told you I'll always be there to protect you." You stared to tear up and before you could you got lifted up off the ground and Toni's face mask pressed against you. "No! Don't cry (Y/n)-chan! Tobi saved (Y/n)-chan!" You smiled and kissed Tobi's mask, he then set you down and you lifted up Obito's mask. His eyes stared into your (e/c) eyes as he pushed your (h/c) hair out of your face and crested your cheeks. "Your scars are beautiful." You smiled and blushed as he lowered his mask and picked you back up off the ground. "Tobi will get back at Kakuzu!" "No. Tobi it was my fault." "No!" After you got into the base and washed up, your cuts began to heal and seconds later Tobi ran into the bathroom and slammed the door. "What did you do?" "Tobi good boy!" "Obito isn't." "Sh."
"Let her go Kabuto." "The puppet came to your rescue? Thought puppets couldn't feel emotions." Sasori stopped walking, his dark brown eyes stared at him before glanced down at you and parted his lips. "Oh I will. Then you can take her body and add it in your little collection." Seconds later one of Sasori's most used puppets appeared, you felt the tip of Kabuto's blade poke your cheek, then you felt him shift in front of you, seconds later you could feel cold air push against you as you heard Sasori's puppet's movements. "Interesting. Looks to see that you have no chance of beating me Kabuto." *time skip* You felt something cold run across your cheek, you thought it was Kabuto's blade and pulled back, then your blind fold was removed and your (e/c) eyes stared into Sasori's. He untied your hands and you untied your ankles as he stood up. "Sas-." He cut you off with a tight hug, he lifted up your chin and pulled you to his lips. "Tobi will be our new puppet." "No Sasori. It was my fault." "Love." "Sasori...it is." He gave nod then picked you bridal style, your (e/c) eyes widened, he never lifted you up like this before, as he continued to walk. "We'll come back for the body if there is one left." You wanted to chuckle but you didn't, even though he didn't show it, but he was mad at you for getting yourself captured. When you got back to the base he immediately took you to his room, you sat on his lap but he hugged you instead of working on his puppets. He noticed to small cuts on your cheek and ran his fingers over them as you smiled. "I love you Sasori." "I love you too love."
Kabuto let go off your hair and looked around, you wanted to scream out Zetsu's name but you didn't want risk getting cut once more. Kabuto chuckled, he knew Zetsu was out there, he pointed the blade at you, you heard him take a couple of steps forward, then you felt a slight shake underneath you. "Typical. Now where were we?" Kabuto pushed up the rim of his glasses and once he turned to you Zetsu came out of the ground making Kabuto jump backwards. "Are you alright my dear?" "Less talk." You were about to reply but just smiled instead, you tried to break free as you heard ninja stars getting thrown and the ground shaking and crackling each time Zetsu came up and went back in the ground. *time skip* You continued to sit against the wall, you tried to pull your hand free, you almost had it until you felt Zetsu come out of the ground. "Dammit!" "Are you alright?" You smiled and gave a nod as Zetsu took off your blindfold and untied your wrist and ankles. "We're still eating Deidara." Your (e/c) eyes knowing he was serious, his light side gave you a small smile as he helped you up. "Zetsu no." "I know my dear." His light chuckled as he helped you up but his dark side grunted. "We'll see." You smiled with a small giggle you pecked him on the lips before he crested your cheek. "We have something that will heal those my dear." "No need to worry." You hugged him tightly and kissed his chest, he then picked you up bridal style and stared to walk back to the base. "Oh that reminds me." "Here." You glanced down only to see your (f/f) in your palm, it was just the head with only a little bit of the stem underneath it. "Thank you." You kissed the middle of his chest and placed the flower in your hair. Zetsu made Deidara apologize to you before he took you to the garden, where the two of you held each other in the grass. "I love you." "I love you too."
You felt Kabuto's warm breath push against your cheek while he finished putting the mouth fold back on. You turned your head in the same direction he did after hearing footsteps approaching the both of you. "We meet again Hidan." Hidan's dark violet eyes slightly widened seeing you in the position you were in, he clinched your necklace he still held in his palm. His teeth clinched as well after Kabuto pulled your head to him. "After finding out she was in the Akatsuki, I realized that she isn't the useless one I thought she was." You felt the tip of a blade press against your neck. "Don't fucken touch her!" "Oh that's right. She isn't immortal like you. Isn't that right Hidan?" Hidan scythe lifted up above him as growled. You heard him mumble something about Jashin and when you felt the blade slightly lean off your neck you swung your head from Kabuto's grip making him stab himself in the process. "You fucken bitch!" Kabuto shoved you off of him onto your side making your blind fold slip down slightly seeing Hidan running towards Kabuto. "I'll fucken kill you!" *time skip* You kept your eyes shut, you couldn't hear Hidan yelling, you felt like crying but then seconds later you heard shuffling towards you. "Hey." You smiled and peeked through the blind fold seeing Hidan bending down on his knees in front of you. He lifted you up and cut the ropes and took of your blind fold and pulled you into a tight hug. "Hidan.." "You dropped this." He dangled your Jashin necklace in front of you, you took it then kissed him deeply, he kept you on his lips for a couple of seconds longer before lifting you up bridal style and licked the blood from your cheeks. "Really?" "Hey come on now I saved your fucken life." You blushed and kissed his neck and when the two of you returned to the base, the two of you just laid in bed holding each other tightly after Kakuzu stitched up your small cuts. "I love you Hidan." "I love you too baby."
"Sasuke." You faced towards Orochimaru's voice as Sasuke did the same. "What are you doing to what belongs to me?" "Orochimaru. I'll kill her if you don't tell me what's going on." You heard Orochimaru chuckle, then seconds later you leaned off the wall and to the side after hearing the loud hissing of a snake. *time skip* You shivered slightly after feeling a cold hand placed on your cheek, then gave a small smile after your bangs where parted the same way as Orochimaru would do to you. "Orochi." You felt lips press against your forehead as the blind fold was removed shortly after your hands and ankles we free. You pulled Orochimaru into a tight hug as he stood up with you. "I'm sorry I." He cut you off by putting his finger tips to your lips. "No need my precious snake. You're safe now." You smiled just as he lifted you bridal style, you leaned against his chest and felt the small cuts against your cheek before he chuckled and looked down at you. "Remove your hand. They'll heal soon but your still beautiful my snake." You blushed and did as he asked. After the two of you made it to the base, you just sat in his room like always except this time he held you close to him and kissed on you softly. "I love you." "I love you too Orochi."

(Hoped you enjoyed this had fun writing it! More to come soon! Night XD)

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