When He Returns From His Mission

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You were still sleeping in bed, you've been working late on paper work, later than usual since you took a two day break. As you were laying in bed, your (h/c) hair over your face as you were in blankets. Pein sat in the bed beside you after looking at his desk with a nod seeing it was more organized than it was before he left. "(Y/n)." He moved your hair and kissed your forehead and after that your (e/c) eyes fluttered open then widened as you pulled Pein to you. "I missed you." "I missed you too!" You kissed his cheek as he smiled and sat back up. "I see you have got work done." You smiled and blushed slightly as you nodded and he kissed your forehead again. "Did I do a good job?" You whispered and pecked his lips as he smiled. "Yes you did. Now come help me with the meeting."
You were sitting in Kakuzu's chair where he used to count money, well this time you were counting in it until you fell asleep, your hand on your cheek as the other held bills. Kakuzu saw this and grunted with a smirk, taking off his mask seeing your (h/c) hair over your face. "At least she didn't spend my money." Your (e/c) eyes fluttered open after he lifted up your chin. "Kuzu!" You pulled him close to you, he tried to pull away but then relaxed and stood still. "I'm glad to see you didn't spend my money." You smirked and kissed his lips as he smirk into it. "Whatever now cuddle me since I didn't." He rolled his eyes as he pulled you out of his chair and into your lap. "I have more money that needs to be counted."
You've been working on clay cultures for Deidara ever since left, like he did the same when you were gone, but you fell asleep in the middle of one so your head was in your arms on the desk with your (h/c) hair covering your face. "Someone been busy, hm." Deidara smirked as he walked up to you moving your hair out of your face before he kissed your forehead with his hand mouth as your (e/c) eyes fluttered open afterwards. "Hey beautiful, un." "Dei-Dei!" You got up and hugged him tightly then kissed him on the lips for around ten seconds before breaking apart. "I missed you." "I missed you, un." He sat in the chair and pulled you on his lap nuzzling into your neck. "Now if you don't mind, un. Help make more clay birds, yeah."
You've been helping Pein-sama with scroll missions since Tobi wasn't around to do that. You laid on the bed as soon as you got back, you smiled knowing today Tobi was coming back but too exhausted to stay awake in time. Tobi jumped up and down as he waited for the base door to open, when it did, he pushed past the others. "What the fu-." "(Y/n)-chan I'm!" Tobi stopped seeing you asleep, he quietly walked over to make sure you were. He touched your shoulder, slightly shaking it. "(Y/n)-ch." "Tobi!" Tobi have a small jump and looked back at you after you hugged into his arm, you knew Obito was smiling for you could hear his grunt. You released him just for him to pick you up and spin you around, then hug you with a side to side rock. "I missed you." "Tobi missed you too."
You acted like Sasori and worked on puppets, not as good as him, but you bought parts and put them together. When Sasori walked in you were asleep on his desk with a puppet in your arms as he walked up to you, poking you until you woke up. "I'm back love." You smiled as your (e/c) eyes stared into his dark brown ones. "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too. Now that empty feeling is gone I can work on my puppet again." You blushed slightly as he pulled you into his lap kissing your shoulder before you kissed his lips as he rubbed his thumb over your hand. "I must concentrate now love."
You took good care of Zetsu's garden like you always did. You fell asleep next to his pond while watching the coy fish swim. Zetsu popped his head out of the ground about to speak but didn't after seeing you laying on the grass in your Akatsuki cloak and (h/c) hair over your face. "Awe. My dear." "Push her in." "Shut up! You missed her too!" "I missed the both of you." Zetsu's light side blushed when he seen you staring at him with a smile as he came up all the way out of the ground abd you pulled him to you. You kissed his lips deeply as he did the same back. "Did you sleep well my dear?" "We didn't." You smiled and hugged his chest tightly. "Neither did I." You chuckled before he lifted up your chin. "Help us with the garden then."
You were out late doing rituals since you were lacking them lately because of Hidan. You came back late and covered in blood, you didn't bothering showering so you just took your shirt off and went to bed. "Hey! (Y/n), I'm!" He silenced after seeing you in bed, your shoulder looking bare as your
(h/c) hair was over your face. "Now this is a welcome home present." Hidan smirked as he pulled off your covers then rolled his eyes but then smirked again as your curdled up. "Hey! Wake  up lazy ass I'm back." Your (e/c) eyes shot open after you groaned then pulled Hidan to you smashing your lips to his. "Hey now easy, I missed you too." Hidan chuckled as you rolled your eyes and laid back in bed. "Shut up and give me my blankets back." Seconds later Hidan spooned you as he kissed your ear. "Not yet. Later you have to come do rituals with me. I made a deal with Jashin."
You've been found short missions Leader-sama a signed you before he left with Orochimaru. You laid in bed still asleep since you didn't have any that day. Orochimaru smirked and brushed your (h/c) hair to the side with his fingertips as he kissed your forehead. "(Y/n). I'm back." Your (e/c) eyes opened as you pulled him to you kissing his lips before he laid down and pulled you into his chest. "I didn't get much sleep either." You smiled as he held you close you eye about to speak until he spoke again. "Hush my snake. Sleep."

(Hello!!! There! Hope you enjoyed this scenario I have more coming soon Night my fellow chans!)

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