When You Relate To A Tiktok Video

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(This was requested! I tried XD)
Seeing you scribble something on multiple sheets of paper and folding them made Pein stare at you. Today was just another day. However, you were sitting on the bed and still in your undergarments. Pein was stacking scrolls in a bag, which he was going to give to one of the other members. You placed three cards in a row, then looked up at Pein with a smirk. The first card read: "Can I tell you something?" He still said nothing, then furrowed his brows when you used a rubber-band to knock down the card. The second note read: "I feel like you need to know this." Unfortunately, when you tried knocking that one down, the rubber-band ended up missing the note and fly towards him. "Wait! Let me try again," you laughed. Pein began to smirk, but it faded into a serious expression when the last note was revealed. "I'm bored." When you laughed and smiled, Pein returned back to tying up the bag. "Well, here. Take this to the Land of." "Ugh!"
"If we head this way, then. A cat!" After you shouted that and gave Kakuzu the map, which you shoved towards you, you immediately went over and crouched down to the stray cat. "(Y/n). We don't have time for this," Kakuzu mumbled. Today, you and Kakuzu had a mission to complete before heading back to the base. It was getting dark, and Kakuzu wanted to get out of the village before then. You rolled your eyes but gave the orange cat a grin. When it meowed, you ended up gasping. "If you're happy and you know it says meow. "What are y-." "Sh!" Kakuzu sighed with a groan when you gave the cat another smile. You reached to pet it, but it didn't lean close to you again. "If you're happy and know it says meow." When it didn't meow, Kakuzu heavily groaned once more, then made the stitches pop out of his wrist. "If you're happy and you k-." When the cat saw Kakuzu, it meowed and hissed before it ran off. You only watched it run, then saw the beige map when Kakuzu placed it over your head. "There. It meowed. Let's go," he mumbled when walking past you.
As you laughed and tried to fan out the room by using the door, Deidara stared blankly at his desk. Since Deidara was heading on a mission in a few days, he wanted to test out and create new bomb effects. Before Deidara was finished, he ended up setting it off. Clay went everywhere, his desk and the tip of his hair was burnt, and smoke filled the room. You laughed continuously, even went you left the room. "Where are you going, hm? Don't leave me with all this," Deidara said loudly. When he picked off pieces of clay off of his hands and face, you came back in the room with a bottle of the glade. "It's smokey in here," you mumbled. As you began to spray, you did it in beats. You sprayed twice, then once, twice again, and then repeated the process. "Stop. That's enough, un," Deidara began to cough. When he took the spray bottle, he then tossed it to the bed and took your hand. "Let's just leave the base, hm," he smirked.
You were half asleep when Obito arrived back to the base. It was late, and he was surprised you were still up. When Obito dropped his cloak to the ground, you grinned and hugged your pillow tightly. "Ooo," you hummed. Obito didn't hear you, so he continued to take off pieces of his clothing, which his back turned to you. "Ooo." When he placed his orange mask on the dresser, you furrowed your brows. "What?" You whispered. When his shirt was pulled off and tossed to the side, you bit your bottom lip. "Aya." Next, his pants and shoes slipped off, and when they did you started nodding. "Mhmhmhmh." Finally, when Obito turned to you, he was only in his boxers. He was spiking up his brown hair and he gave you a smirk, which caused you to roll halfway off the bed. "Ooo, damn!" After you shouted that, Obito gave you a confused look and paused when crawling into bed next to you. When he did, you only smiled and cuddled up next to him. "Don't question," you mumbled.
As Sasori continued to add details into the head of one of his newest puppet creations, you were messing with a roll of string. You were beyond bored at the moment, but you didn't know what else to do. "You did yet?" you mumbled. Sasori shook his head. He continued to drag a thin nail through the wood, then paused and sighed. When you began to tie your fingertips with string, Sasori watched you do so. Once you were done tying string around all of your fingertips, you then tied them around a piece of a puppet arm. "What are you doing?" You hummed a tune as you stood up from the chair. "Pretty boy swag," you laughed. You then gave a serious look while making a puppet piece move. When you looked back at Sasori and laughed, he sighed again. "If that was an impression of me, it wasn't interesting," Sasori mumbled.
"Why did she snap at the flower?" "Maybe she wants it? Should we get it?" Zetsu looked at you in confusion when following behind you. The two of you were in the greenhouse and looking for new plants to grow in Zetsu's secret garden back towards the base. After you snapped at the blue flower, you took the pot and carried it around. You then snapped at an Alvaro plant, then took the container full of it also. Zetsu followed you in question, then shook his head and sighed to himself. "Is thing like the potato room thing again?" "Knowing her, yes." When you snapped at a Venus flytrap, you then turned to Zetsu and smiled. The light-side of him gave a smile back, then blushed when you gave him a kiss on the chin. Shortly after you did, you proceeded with your browsing as Zetsu watched. "I love her." "Why didn't she take the flytrap after she snapped at it?" "Because she already has one. Us, idiot." "You're the idiot for supporting her on this."
Since Hidan slept in, you decided to take a relaxing and hot bath. Shortly after you filled it up and closed the curtain around you, the bathroom door opened. Hidan thought you were on a mission or talking with the leader when he saw you not in bed, but he didn't plan on doing anything else besides sleeping off his last mission. When you heard the sink running, you grinned. "Duna," you mumbled. Hidan stopped washing his face, then went back to it when not seeing you around. "Duna." When you faintly laugh, Hidan sighed and looked towards the bathtub behind him. "Duna. Duna. Duna. Duna. Duna," you repeatedly said before Hidan pulled back the curtain. When he stared at you with an eyebrow raised, you clapped your hands in the water. "Baby Shark," you laughed. Hidan then closed the curtain after rolling his eyes. "What the fuck," he mumbled.
"Add water to grow a friend? Are you serious?" Kisame mumbled. You smiled largely when giving him a nod. "You know I am," you laughed. Today was a lazy day at the bare. No one had missions and Kisame had just gotten back from one last night. So that meant he wasn't in his usual mood of being rudely playful. You were in the bathroom of your and Kisane's bedroom. You were sitting on the counter and next to the sink when you called him. At first, he thought you were asking him to join you for a shower, but that was before he saw the note. "After you add water. Turn the light on and off." Kisame sighed, then placed the note in the sink and added water. "Look! I just flipped the switch! Flip. Flip," you mumbled. Kisame was late at first, but after he turned the light off and on, he rolled his eyes. You were holding a rubber duck in your palm and trying to hand it to him. "Isn't it cute? Thought you could use a friend." Kisame sighed, but he ended up smirking. "You're unbelievable."
Instead of staying at the base all day, Itachi and you decided to go to the nearest village. Since it was around lunchtime, Itachi and you were walking the paths and trying to find a quick stand to grab something to eat. Unfortunately, it was one of those days where you had no clue what you were craving. When Itachi signaled the ramen shop, you shrugged. "I don't know," you mumbled. He then pointed to a shop that sold desserts. "I don't know." Again, Itachi sighed. You laughed a bit at his reaction, then shrugged again. "I don't know." Finally, when he pointed to a dango shop, you made spit act like a drool drip from your chin. "I don't know," Itachi mumbled, which made you glare.
No words were said as you and Orochimaru stared at one another. You were still gripping onto the top edge of the door, which held you above the ground. Pein-sama was handpicking members to go on a mission together. You really didn't want to go, so you hid. Unfortunately, it wasn't the leader that peeked into the room to look for you. It was Orochimaru instead. When he glanced to the side, you slowly began to smirk. "Hi, I'm (Y/n) (L/n)," you mumbled. "You are probably wondering how I got myself in this situation." Orochimaru shook his head, then backed out of the room while tugging on the handle. Before the door could smush your fingers, you let go. You then opened up the door and gapped your lips to speak, but you ended up staring into the eyes of Pein. "Mission assignment," he mumbled when handing you a scroll. When he walked away, you gave Orochimaru, who was leaning against the hall wall, a glare. "Now I'm wondering how you got into the situation of Pein-sama choosing you?" Orochimaru asked.

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