When You Use Pick Up Lines

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(The tables have turned yet once again my Reader-chans. I thought this one would be fun to switch roles on XD)
When Pein stepped into the base, you were in the kitchen, talking with Deidara as you ate a plate of rice he made. "I'll be in there in a second." Pein gave you a nod and went into his office. A few minutes later, you did the same, but you smirked seeing Pein with his cloak off and back to you as he read a small scrolls that was attached to a delivery box. "Nice package. Let me unwrap that for you." Pein's eyes slightly widened when feeling you hug him from behind and slip your fingertips into the side of his pant line. "(Y/n), keep the pick up lines appropriate." Pein kissed your hand, making you give an eye roll with a grunt and sit in his chair as he stood at the edge of his desk still. "Fine. Pein, if you were words on paper you'd be fine print." Pein smirked, making you blush with a small laugh, as he rubbed your shoulder with his free hand as the other unwrapped the package. "To you as well My Goddess."
"Kuzu!" Kakuzu glanced towards you then glanced back forward just as he sat in his chair with a deep sigh just so he could stitch his wrist back together. You were sitting on the bed at the time, sharping your kunai while waiting for Kakuzu to return. "Stressed?" "Very." You smirked when going over to him, sitting on his lap, facing him as he made X's over faces. You frowned a bit, pulling his mask before placing you hands on his cheeks, your fingertips feeling his stitches. "Your lips look lonely. Would they like to meet mine?" Kakuzu smirked, glaring up into the (e/c) eyes as you smiled down at him. "How long did it take you to come up with that?" You gave an eye roll but blushed when he pulled you closer to him by your lower back. "Just now actually." "Of course."
"Mind if I join you? Figure the best way to learn about art is to sit with a masterpiece." Deidara gave light pink cheeks after hearing that after you knocked on the doorway of his room when returning back front Pein-sama's office. When he turned to you, you sat on the edge of his bed, smiling at him as you stared at him. "In a loving mood, hm? Or did I forget how adorable you are, hm?" You gave an eye roll but gave a faint laugh when Deidara chuckled, pulling you into his lap by your hand for he was at his desk working on clay sculptures. "Unlike your dirty pick up line, I made you blush with flattery." Deidara smirked, kissing your cheek as you smiled still. "I still don't get how it was dirty, un." "It was and don't deny."
"(Y/n)-chan! I found you!" You glanced up into the branches just to see Tobi facing down at you. You were heading towards the village for the Leader asked you to do so. Tobi followed you for you forgot to let him know. "Tobi? What are you doing stalking me?" You gave a small laugh, staring up at him with crossed arms, only to place your hands to your lips when you heard and watch Tobi jump from the tree, landing on both feet but his knees bent and made him land on his back. "Ow.." You hover over Tobi with a smile, resting your hands on your knees. "You may fall from the sky. You may fall from a tree. But the best way to fall...is to fall in love with me." You then smiled towards Obito's face when he removed the mask, smirking as he still laid on his back. "I fall in love with you everyday." You blushed, giving an eye roll and you stood up straight and extended your hand to him. "No need to get cheesy Obito."
"Apart from being sexy. What else do you do for a living?" Sasori glanced up at you, double blinking before looking back down at his desk with a light sigh. "Love, what type of question was that?" You gave a blank expression, narrowing your eyes just slightly before resting your chin on the desk where you were sitting at, messing with one of the puppet's thumbs before Sasori took it away from you. "Never mind. It was just a pick up line Sasori." You were then forced to sit back up by Sasori's chakra strings, giving slight widened eyes as he stared at you. "Are you trying to tempt me, Love?" You blushed knowing what he meant for Sasori thought pick up lines were something to use when in the mood. You then smiled with a small laugh, making Sasori release you only for you to placed your hand on his, kissing it as he watched. "Well you are sexy Sasori. Heh, Sexy Sasori. New nickname!" "You're strange at times but I do love you."
"We're leaving now." You looked back only to see Zetsu walking away, you and him were both on the garden. You laying on the grass messing with a flower while waiting for Zetsu to report back to you. "What?! Wait!" You grabbed your cloak, standing up off the grass and dusting yourself off as he continued to walk. "Aren't you forgetting something?" "What?" "Me!" You gave a small laugh she latching onto Zetsu from behind when he stopped and turned to you, making the dark side of him deeply sigh as the light side of him smiled. "Of course we'd forget you." "Being sarcastic my dear." You gave an eye roll, smirking with a head shake as the light side took your hand, pecking it with a smile. "I wasn't." "Shut up. You were." "Just accept my pick up line."
"Tch. You think you could do better than that guy?" You gave a small smirk when tossing your kunai on the bed after stepping into the room with Hidan following behind you with an eyebrow raise when leaning his scythe against the wall. You and Hidan went to the village together to deliver scrolls for Pein-sama. And while doing so, a guy tried to use a pick up line on you only for you to laugh at him. When Hidan felt a bit bad for the guy but that was after chasing him off with threatening scythe swings. "Good thing you are religious because you're the answer to all my prayers." Hidan smirked when you turned to him with crossed arms, only to uncross them and wrap them around neck. "Not bad, I'll give you credit baby." When he rubbed his hand down to your lower back, you smirked and kissed his chest before leaning up to his ear. "Fine..I'm no weather girl, but even I can except a few inches tonight." Hidan smirk, giving a light chuckle only for him to kiss your lips and ruffle your hair with a head shake. "Damn. Put all guys to shame on pick up lines." "Even you?" "Tch..you want inches you better shut it."
"Is this seat taken?" Kisame peeked open one eye, only to see you sit on his hip. You peeked inside the room only to see him laying in bed still with his arm casted over his eyes. You were in the Leader's office at time, you and Kisame were supposed to shower together but that was before Zetsu interrupted. You were smirking down at him as he started to grin. "Classic. And this seat is reserved by you only." You blushed when Kisame started to rub up your sides to your shoulders as he smirked and you smiled. "Don't like my pick up line Kisa?" You peeked his forehead when leaving down, only for Kisame to wrap both arms around you and hold you close just to kiss at your cheek then neck. "Now why would you think I wouldn't like it?" "Cause it's not water related." "(Y/n) you're asking me to not like it."
You were surprised to wake up with Itachi's arm still wrapped around your side. Usually he's up way before you but not today, you figured he must've been tired from yesterday's mission. You scooted towards the edge of the bed to escape his grip, but when feeling Itachi roll onto his back, you froze in position for you knew he was some what awake now. After hearing Itachi give a deep sigh, you then smirked and rolled off your side and onto him with the blanket around you. "You feel cold. Want to use me as a blanket?" Itachi peeked open his eyes, giving you a calm smirk when seeing you laying on him, rubbing his bare shoulders with a smile. "So I'm the mattress now instead of the blanket." You blushed when he pushed your bangs to the side, then placed his arms around your lower back, pulling you closer to him after pecking your forehead when you laid on his chest. "Apparently so Itachi."
When Orochimaru opened up the door, expected you to be asleep but instead, he seen you sitting up in bed with the blanket hiding below your nose. Of course he gave a confused look when seeing this after stepping out from the shower. "Heeey Orochimaru. Guess what I'm wearing now?" Orochimaru gave an eyebrow raise, smirking as he made his way to the bed, dragging his finger up the sheets from the edge of the bed to beside you. "I wonder." When you removed the blanket, you were giving a cheesy grin. "The smile you give me." Orochimaru gave an eye roll, then a deep sigh before laying beside you, pulling you close to his chest and he rubbed your back. "Cheesy but cute my precious snake."

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon and sorry for slow updates and if some suck! I just have lots of issues going on right now but meh XD)

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