Special Scenario: Halloween

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(Sorry if the costume ideas are a little to umm, don't have a word for it but I is sorry. Enjoy anyways!)
The two of you decided to take a break from paperwork and decided to go to a near by village that was holding a Halloween Festival. Pein didn't like that idea but he did like to see you happy do he agreed to go. You also made him dress up with you, even though you new how much work was going to have to be made up for that. Pein dresses up as a business man, a black business suit and a tie that matched his eyes while you dressed up as a black playboy bunny. Pein held you close and had his had raised up in from of him, waiting for someone to look at you so he could do his 'almighty push.' Sadly you couldn't stop him in time, but he did take you to another village to make up for it. And after that the two of you just went home instead. "Keep the costume on, I might need a distraction every once and awhile." You rolled your eyes with a smirking knowing your Halloween wasn't over yet.
You had to bribe Kakuzu to take you to a village Halloween costume party. You were surprised you got to go, but Kakuzu didn't dress up, no matter how much you offered him. But he did go shirtless and with his hair down, which made you happy. You on the other hand dressed up as a bank robber. You and Kakuzu had to leave the party early because his threads were always wrapped around someone's neck. "I warned you (Y/n)." You smiled as Kakuzu held you close while the two of you walked back to the base. But Kakuzu didn't ruin the fun completely. Every time you would walk by him while he was counting money you would still a dollar or two and smile at him. He would smirk knowing he could never un see you in that costume again. "You already stole my hearts. Don't steal my money." Even though it was Halloween, you belt like it was Valentine's Day from all the flattery.
Deidara wasn't excited to go at first but once you convinced them and begged him enough, he finally gave in. Deidara just went as him self except he didn't wear his cloak or shirt, he just let his chest mouth exposed. You dressed as a white dove, or in Deidara's eyes, his clay bird. That changed his mind, he didn't want to go now, and you couldn't blame him, well you just didn't want him to blow up anyone. Instead the both of you sat onto of the Akatsuki's base and watched Deidara's clay exploded in the sky. He even made the colors of the fireworks candy corn colors. He did throw a few pick up lines here and there at you about your costume but you two stilled enjoyed the holiday.
After you told Tobi about a Halloween festival he got excited and immediately wanted to go so the both of you did. Sadly Obito didn't want to but you made him anyway. Tobi was dressed as a fox with a orange onesie and ears and a tail, while you were dressed up as a candy queen, meaning you wore a short puffy dress with different candies on it and a crown that was the color of dark chocolate, and a lollipop wand with knee high lollipop socks. Once Tobi saw you, you thought he wanted to go but Obito wanted to stay, well that was until Hidan started to hit on you. Tobi and you ran around like the littles kids while Obito was protective, even when a kid would try to give you a piece of candy. But you both went home happy and fell asleep in your costumes from an overdose of sugar.
Sassori was hard to convince, he didn't want to go to the near by village's Halloween costume party, but he eventually gave in. Sassori went as himself, except he showed off his puppet body, you wanted to be something similar so you decided to be a cute voodoo doll, meaning you had a short puffy dress, knee high socks and heals, a top hat, and fake stitches across your body. When Sassori saw you he wasn't so sure about going but the both of you did anyway but came back to the base shortly after he burned down the village since he couldn't stop every one, mainly guys from coming up to you. But he made it up by not working on his puppets and just spending time with you.
Neither of Zetsu were excited to go to the Halloween party that was going on in the village near by, but you told him he didn't have to dress up so he didn't. But you on the other hand dressed up as a sexy version of a monarch butterfly. "We're not going." "Yes I agree." You frowned and begged him, surprisingly the both of you went, sadly Zetsu got hold of anyone who tried to talk to you. The both of you spent the rest of the night in the garden, it turned out better than you thought it would be. Instead of candy Zetsu would hand you sweet smelling flowers every you kissed him trick or treat. Let's just say, he wouldn't let you take of the costume until the next day, and you woke up in a pile of sweet smelling flowers while Zetsu held you close, putting them in your hair as a crown.
Hidan said he wasn't going to go the the near by village's Halloween festival at any cost but once you told him he can sacrifice some people he was ready to go. Hidan was dressed as himself but carried his scythe with him. You dressed as a female grim reaper, with a matching scythe that went with it. Once Hidan saw you his jaw dropped seeing your body figure fit in the tight black cloth. "Oh hell no!" Hidan grabbed your hand and pulled you back into the base and into his room. "Hidan!" Before you could finish yelling at him his lips were on yours when you tried to break free his lips went your neck. "Hidan stop." You were upset that you didn't go to the festival, but Hidan changed your mood quickly. The two of you spent the rest of the night watching scary movies in your costumes and eating Tobi's candy stash.
You and Orochimaru decided to go to the Halloween festival that was in a near by village. Orochimaru didn't dress up, sadly, but you dressed up as a hot human snake with snake eyes contacts and a snake scale dress. The both of you ended up staying at the base since Orochimaru's snake tried to eat anymore who was eyeing you. You enjoyed your time with him still, but next Halloween, he promised he wouldn't be so protective.

(Hello there. Hope you enjoyed this one. More to come sorry if it's iffy!)

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