When He Goes Missing/Doesn't Return Back To The Base

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You awoke on the floor, you had not only dried tears but dried drool as well on your cheeks. But after wiping it all off, you went straight to Pein's office, opening it with a whimper only to see him not there. "So he's still not back yet?" You turned to see Kisame staring into the room then down at you with an eyebrow raise as you stared up at him. "Sleeping on the job?" "Please help me find him." Kisame gave a grunt and started to head back towards his room. "Tch. I'll pass." "I won't give you missions for two weeks." Kisame stopped in his tracks, smirking as he started to walk towards the base's exit with a grin as you followed. "Deal."
You stopped crying for ten minutes already, you were sitting in the living room of the base, waiting for Kakuzu to come back. When the door opened, you looked up with gapped lips, only to shut them when Pein-sama walked by you. "Leader." Pein-sama stopped and turned you, seeing you stare at him in concern. "Do you have any idea where Kakuzu is? Please..I need to find him." "I do not." You looked down, about to cry again until you watched Peim head for the base's doorway, opening it as he signaled you to follow. "Let's go. He is great use to the Akatsuki. Dead or alive." You gulped but kept your mouth shut for you didn't want to blow your chances with the Leader helping you find Kakuzu.
You ended up falling asleep on Tobi's bed after you laid down and cried yourself to sleep. But soon after waking up, you rushed to the door only to collide with Orochimaru after opening up the door. "Such pity. I though I was the only one in the base today." You gave a confused look, then opened up the door to Deidara's room, even to Sasori's room. "Wait..gave you seen De-." "Deidara? Indeed I have. He was heading towards the forest as I headed towards the base." You gave a light swallow, you then tugged his cloak sleeve back, causing Orochimaru to look at you with and eyebrow raise. "Can you take me there on your summoning snake? I'm scared he might do something to himself." Orochimaru gave a light sigh, he then headed back towards the base's exit with you following. "Then can I finally get peace?" "Of course."
"Tobi." You peeked open the door to Tobi's room after leaving Sasori's room minutes after you were left alone in there. But once seeing him not there, you decided to check the kitchen, only to bump into Hidan. "Watch i-." "Do you know where Tobi is?" Hidan gave you an eyebrow raise, trying to walk past you only for you to step in front of him again. "No. Why the hell would I care where that childish dumb-." "Because damnit! You always snap at Tobi so I figured you would know where he runs off to!" Hidan to a step back, causing you to give watery eyes and look away with a light sigh as he smirked with an eye roll. "Fine damn. Fuck. I don't know." "Are you the only one here?" "Yeah." You gave a nod and headed for the base's entrance as Hidan gave another confused look at you. "Then you're coming to help me find him." "Tch. Why should I?" "I'll keep him away from you if you do." "Fine by me."
Soon after you stopped your sobbing, you ran back to the base when thinking about Orochimaru's words. You snapped and realized you didn't care what he was, you knew deep down how he really was. "Deidara!" When the base door opened, the first person you saw was Deidara. He was heading to his room before he turned and stared at you in concern. "Have you been cry-." "That doesn't matter..have you seen Sasori anywhere?" Deidara gave a head shake, you checked Sasori's room to see him not there. "He might of went to Suna, un." "Take me there please!" Deidara gave a gulped when you grabbed his arms, he then gave a nod and led you out and onto his clay bird. "What's going on, hm?" "A lot of things. I'm getting impatient let's go."
You woke up from a mini nap on Pein-sama's desk, which you fell asleep crying on. You gasped in the process, looking around heading towards the office door. But soon after opening it, you ended up tripping and falling with Tobi. "Ow (Y/n)-chan. Where are you off to in a hurry, huh?!" You stood up, then helped him up too and ran straight to your room, seeing him not there, you went out side only to get rained on. "Have you seen Zetsu Tobi?" Tobi gave a head shake with a shoulder shrug, peeking outside at the thunder storm. "Nope! Why?! Did you lose Zetsu?!" You looked down, then back up with slight narrowed eyes as you started to walk out of the base. "Hopefully not.." "Tobi come with you!"
You took in another shaking breath, you finally stopped crying. You stood up from the bed after almost falling asleep on it. You took in a breath just before you opened the door to leave Deidara's room, but when you did, you were staring up at Kakuzu. "Do you know where that idiot is at? Because I highly doubt he went on that mission alone." You gave a head shake and pushed past him, then went into Hidan's room only to see it empty. "Mission to where?" "The Hidden Leaf." You gave a nod, you then left the base, going behind it to see him not there. "Hidan?" You walked all the way around it, only to rub the back of your neck and followed Kakuzu. "I'm coming with you." "Fine. As long as you stay quiet."
After leaving Itachi's room, you went straight for the lake. You sat there and waited for Kisame to return. It's been ten minutes already and with no luck of him arriving back, you went into his room only to see him both there either. "Watch it." You gasped when you almost stepped on Zetsu's head that was sticking up out of the ground when you were about to go into the Leader's office. "Zetsu have you seen Kisame?" "Check the sushi re-." "Shut up. And no I haven't. Why?" You gave a deep sigh, feeling yourself about to break down and cry again. "I can't find him and." "If you want can help you." "Tch. Fine with that. Don't want to go in that room anyways." Zetsu followed you outside the base, he even went a head of you when looking in the forest. All you could go was try to map places of where he could be and hope for the best.
"(Y/n). Pein-sama needs you and Itachi to come to his office. Where is he?" You turned to look at Sasori after wiping your face from the dried tears that stopped leaking from your eyes ten minutes ago. You seen he was in his puppet Hikuro form when you stood up and faced him. "I don't know. I've been waiting for him to come back to the base but." You looked at the forest, then at Hikuro who gave a deep sigh and started to head towards the direction you came from. "Let's go. I'm losing patience waiting on him." You followed Sasori in silence, looking around the forest with your eyes staring to water once more. "Itachi?"
You couldn't wait any longer, you been hearing the base door open and close for about five minutes already. You had finally calmed down, so you went to Orochimaru's bed room. You slowly cracked open the the door and peeked inside only to see him not there. "He's in the Hidden Leaf. I'm surprised he didn't tell you." You turned towards a Itachi, whom was leaving his room, makings you follow with a light sigh. "Do you know why? And can you help me?" Itachi stopped walking, turning to you only to see you look away from him. "What for (Y/n)?" You gave a light swallow, not knowing what to say, but before you could speak, you ended up watching and following Itachi outside the base. "Fine. If it's that's important and necessary."

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon! Sorry for the wait and if some are iffy. And yes there's more to follow after this. But Author-chan is very tired so I might publish tomorrow. >~<. Psh! Like sleep gonna stop me!!!! XD but I love sleep •-• having a split Zetsu moment XD)

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