When You Question His Love For You

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(Oooooh the tables have turned XD)
You sat at Pein's desk playing with a piece of paper, folding it in different ways while he was doing his work. You gave a small sigh then glanced your eyes up at him to see his purple orbs were staring into your (e/c) ones before he glanced down. "What is it?" You gave a small smile as you leaned back in the chair. "Nothing, just thinking." "About." You smiled as leaned back to the desk holing the corner of the folded price of paper onto it. "Remember when you asked me that question about my love for you?" He laid down his pen and glanced up at you with a nod. "Yes." "Well, why do you love me?" He shut his eyes and look down with a smirk, then laid his hands on yours. "Many reasons. What's a king with out his queen?. You're independent and hard working. You're relaxed about everything, even when it comes to work like this." You gave a small smile with blushing cheeks as you looked down, you looked back up only to see him standing in front of you after he let go of your hand. "You're beyond beautiful. You're my Goddess. I'll forever love you." You blushed then stood up quickly to hug him. He hugged you back and kissed your forehead. "Don't ask those type of questions." "It's the silence of working that's making me." You giggled as he gave another small smirk, your eyes widened remember his pick up line, then you slightly pushed his chest. "Let's just get back to work."
You were in the shower while Kakuzu was counting his money in the room. You gave a couple of sighs as you stared at your self in the mirror, after you put on your clothes and dried your hair with the towel before stepping out. Your (e/c) eyes widened only to see Kakuzu's green and red eyes staring up at you before he glanced down. "What are you sighing about this time?" You gave a small smile as you walked over to the bed and sat on it picking up a stack of counted bills. "Kuzu?" "Hm?" "Why do you love me?" He looked up at you and gave you a chuckle then looked back down. "How much will you pay me to say the right thing?" You narrowed your eyes then rolled them and exhaled before his threads wrapped around your wrist. "Don't ask stupid questions." You glanced to the side before you glanced back at him in front of you. "Yes. You can be annoying. But I can tolerate you. You're stubborn at times but it doesn't bother me. You found a way to love a monster like me. I found a way to love you. I had no choice but to. Even with my four hearts, my love won't change. No matter how much money someone can pay me." You smiled and blushed as you pulled him into a hug. He let you hug him but when you pulled away you pecked his masked forehead. "You're so sweet." "I'll pay you never to say that again." You smiled and giggled softly as he pulled away and you shook your head. "Fine." He handed you a dollar and went to go sit down as you narrowed your eyes playfully. "Hey, that's not fair!" "I paid you didn't I?"
You and Deidara were on your way back to the Akatsuki's base back from a mission. As the two of you were walking side by side with his hand in yours, feeling his mouth hand give you small kisses on your palm, you glanced up at him to see his blue eyes staring at you with slight blush on his cheeks. "You're quiet, hm? Something on your mind, yeah?" You smiled as you shook your head. "Nothing." He chuckled and tugged at your hand. "Tell me, yeah." You smiled and shook your head with a giggle. "Dei-Dei?" "Hm?" "Why do you love someone like me?" He stopped walking as you did the same a couple of seconds after. "Why ask, hm?" "Well you questioned me." He gave a nod then a small smile as he let go of your hand and cupped your cheek. "Well, because you're you, un. You're beautiful, funny, you love my art, yeah." He pecked your lips then pulled you into a hug. "You don't make fun of me, yeah. I love you, I always will, yeah." You smiled as you hugged him back with a small giggle as he gave a small chuckle, after the to of you pulled away he grabbed your hand and continued to walk.
You and Tobi were in his room playing bored games with Tobi once again he won and started to cheer, you sat there and smiled slightly but then sighed and he immediately stop cheering and faced you. "Tobi?" "Yes (Y/n)-chan?!" You smiled and hesitated as he sat back down and leaned close to you. "Why does Tobi love (Y/n)-chan? And why does Obito love (Y/n) when he loved another girl long ago?" You stared down at the ground and surprisingly Tobi stayed quiet, which means that Obito was about to speak. "Tobi thinks (Y/n)-chan is pretty and funny and best at all the games Tobi plays! Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan and always will, she's nice to Tobi unlike Deidara-senpai!" You gave a small smile but you wanted to hear from Obito. "(Y/n). Why ask that?" You shrugged and looked up at him before he lifted off his mask completely and gave you a smile. "I love you for you, even if you had scars. You're beautiful, sweet, funny. If you could love me, I can't see why I wouldn't love you." You blushed and Obito brung you in for a hug, a tight hug, you hugged him back then felt his lips press against your forehead, then you were lifted up off the ground and spun around. "Tobi loves (Y/n)-chan!"
You watched Sasori make his puppets once again, he seemed so focused on his work like usual so you stayed quiet. You gave a small sigh but when you did Sasori looked up at you with his dark brown eyes. "What is it love?" You looked at him with a small smile and shrugged your shoulders slightly. "How do you put up with me?" He set down his tools completely and continued to stare at his puppets. "Because. I love you." "Why?" You noticed his eyes widened slightly before he looked up at you and grabbed your hand. "I don't know how to explain this feeling you give me. But you showed me what love is by showing your love for me. (Y/n), even if your skin was the softest and made of wood like mine, I'd still have this feeling for you." You blushed as he stood up and hugged you by pulling your head into his chest then sat back down at his desk and continued to work. "It's interesting how you think that but love. Don't question again." You gave a small giggle and a head nod as you continued to watch him work.
You and Zetsu were in his garden like normal, you were tending to the flowers next to the lake but you kept getting distracted by the coy fish swing in patterns together, seeing how they were exactly alike in appearance but still looked in love. You gave a small sigh, but after you did you nearly fell into the lake. "What's wrong my dear?" "Why are you sighing as if you don't want to be here?" You smiled and shook your head to face him, his head was sticking out of the ground. "It's nothing Zetsu I was just thinking on why you love me." The dark side of Zetsu started to chuckle as they came out of the ground. "Yes I do find that funny on why you would think that." You gave a small frown until the light side of Zetsu pulled you close to him by your hand. "My dear." "We asked you the same question." "And we'll fine you the same answer." "If we didn't love you or found in interest in you we would have eaten you." You gave a small giggle as your cheeks were cupped by both hands. "We love how caring you are for plants." "And if you were we would have eaten you." You smiled again as your (e/c) eyes stared into both of his golden ones before he pulled you up for a kiss. "Don't ask something stupid like that again." "Don't be harsh. Just know that we love you my dear." You gave a nod as you hugged him tightly and hugged you tightly back.
You and Hidan were in the village on your way back to the base from out on a mission, but the both of you were covered in blood since the two of you did rituals together. Your hand was in Hidan's but you noticed how he kept glancing at other girls. "Really?!" "What!" You let go of his hand and stormed off and he ran up to you grabbing your wrist. "Hey?! Babe!" You blushed as he pulled you close to his chest and stared into your eyes with his dark violet eyes. "Don't start you know I fucken love you." "Do you?" "Yeah. W-what kind of bull shit question is that?!" "Why?!" He stared at you and let go of your wrist and put his hand to his head and began to laugh. "Why?! You're hot! And you're so fucken annoying it's cute. Where's that damn note I wrote you? Look, I know I can be an ass but hey you love me for it and I love you. I thank Jashin that I'm with you and we're both stuck with each other any ways." He cupped your cheeks and pulled you to his lips and gave you a kiss that was softer than usual. "Baby, you're my life. Don't fucken forget that." You blushed again then hugged him tightly. "You're so cute!" You ran off past him as he stared at you shaking his head. "You're gonna pay for that. (Y/n)! Get your ass back here!"
You and Orochimaru were on your way back from a mission, as the two of you approached the base you got lost in thought once you entered it, Orochimaru noticed this and grabbed your head, pulling it to his chest, snapping you out of thought. "What seems to be the problem my precious snake?" You smiled as you looked up him staring back at you, pushing your (h/c) out of your face with a calm grin. "Orochi..why do you love me?" He smiled and tilted his head with his eyes shut as he pushed your hair to the side once more. "For many reasons my snake. What made you ask such a question? You're beautiful, I know there's a hint of bad in such a sweet girl. You can't fool me, only I can see who you really are. You're more than just a girl, you're independent, strong, you make me feel different." You blushed but stared into his eyes in confusion before they slightly widened as he grabbed your chin and stared into his eyes before his lips touched yours. "I love you for many, many reasons. I may not show it but I do. Promise me you'll understand." You smiled and gave a nod before he pecked your forehead and pulled you into his chest, stroking your hair. "Good." "You're such a snake." "And so are you."

(Hello there! Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon! Sorry if these are a little iffy but XD!!!)

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