Speacial/Random Scenario

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*wink* heh heh. Alright so this scenario is kinda like a lemon but a scene from what would be a lemon. Short scene of being in bed with him *wink* X)
You smiled and gave small giggles as Pein kissed up your neck as he was above you. He then stared into your
(e/c) eyes and you stared into his purple ones as he smiled back at you. Your arms were around his neck, you pulled him down to your lips, he kissed you softly and lightly before the kissed depended, then kissed down to your neck making you giggle slightly with a small moan, which made him smile into each peck on your neck. Your fingers ran through his orange locks as he pressed his forehead to yours. "I love you my Goddness." "I love you Pein." He kissed your lips deeply, leaning down more on you, feeling his pierced, muscled stomach touch yours. Once he removed his lips from yours you pecked his cheek with a smile, he then pull you to him and laid on his side with you facing him, pressed against his cold, but yet warm chest as he stroked your (h/c) hair.
Kakuzu smirked as he stared down at your smile, his long dark hair dangled in front of you as you ran your finger down his stitched chest staring into his green and red eyes. He grunted then connected his lips with yours deeply, you slid your hands to the back of his neck just before he pulled away. "How much did you pay everyone to stay out of the base?" He chuckled and kissed underneath your chin. "Didn't. Just a coincidence." You rolled your eyes secretly as you giggled and he leaned more on you, his stitched, muscled stomach pressing against yours as he kissed down your neck, you rub slightly under the back of his neck, feeling one of his hearts before moving back down his chest as he leaned up then his lips pressed against yours once more, you smiled as you felt him grin into the kiss, his arm slid underneath your lower back and he lifted you up slightly still kissing you softly.
Deidara gave a small chuckle as you stared into his blue eyes. He smiled as he kissed your lips softly then deeply as he hovered above you with his muscled stomach pressed against yours. Once he pulled back you kissed underneath his chin and rubbed his chest up to the back of his neck, his hair was still up, you pushed his bangs to the side before he pressed his lips on you once more, he leaned more down and rubbed up your bare sides before you giggled after feeling his mouth hand softly nibble your side. "Dei-Dei." You gave a small whine in your voice, he chuckled after you did the same and leaned off of you. "What, un?" You pulled him to your lips, he placed both arms under your sides and laid on you, putting his face between the crease of your neck kissing up it softly as you rubbed his back. His hand crested your cheek, you kissed his mouth hand and made him smile into your neck. "I love you, un." "I love you too Deidara." "I love you more, yeah." "Dei-Dei."
You giggled as Obito kissed up your neck to your cheek then lips softly, he chuckled when he pulled back, you exhaled as your arms wrapped around his neck and stared into his eyes as he gave a small smile then frown after hearing you exhale. "Am I too roug-." You smiled and shook your head lightly as your hands moved down to his cheeks, stroking his scars with your thumb. "You're so handsome." He smiled and pecked your lips, his warm, muscled toned stomach pressed against yours as your arms went back behind his neck, you kissed his cheek then under his chin. He leaned up and laid on his side still leaning up off the bed, you laid on your back and looked up at his calm smiling face as he placed a hand on your cheek. "And you're so beautiful." You giggled and laid on your side facing him, he pulled you close to him by your lower back and laid beside you, he rubbed up your sides to your chin, bringing you to his lips.
Sasori's eyes stared to the side as you kissed up his neck, once you pulled back his dark brown eyes stared into your (e/c) eyes. His hand rubbed up your side to your cheek as he was above you. You smiled as you saw the edges of his lips curl and placed your arms to the back of he neck. His lips pressed against yours, he kissed deeper than usual, he pressed against you more, then he went your neck and started to kiss down in it. You gave a small moan as your hand went into his red hair, then he leaned up to face you. "Your skin is so. Beautiful." You blushed and he pressed his lips to yours once more, when he pulled back you kissed his chin and placed both hands in his wooden chest. "I love you." "I love you too." He slid an arm underneath your lower back then laid on his back, slightly sitting up, pulling you close to him, you laid half way on him. He rubbed up and down your bare back as he stared at your smiling face then glanced at your fingers tracing his heart canteen.
Zetsu tilted his head slightly back with both sides smirking as you kissed up in the middle of his neck as you laid on top of him in the grass of his garden covered by your Akatsuki cloak. You giggled then pressed his lips to yours before he took the position on being on top. Your (e/c) eyes stared into his golden ones as he gave you a small smile and leaned down to your neck, the dark side of him placed an arm under your lower back and gently lifted you up while his light stroked your cheek. You gave small moans as he kissed up your neck then pressed lips against yours deeply. You wrapped your hands around his neck and travelled up his green hair, his muscled body pressed against yours. "Zetsu." "My dear I'm sorry if I'm." "No, Zetsu. I love you." He pressed his forehead to yours as they both smiled, the light side of him stroked your hair back as his dark side lifted up your chin. "I love you too."
Hidan hovered above you with his muscled stomach pressed against yours. "Mhm." He smirked as you leaned up with your arms around his neck and started to kiss up it to his jawline then to his lips. He kissed you deeply as you laid back down with him kissing down your neck pressing more against you. "Well aren't you being kinky." You giggled with a small moan as he went up to your ear as you whispered in his. "Shut up you don't have a problem with it." He smirked and pressed his forehead to yours and pecked it. "You got that fucken right." He smirked into the kiss on your lips as you smiled and ran your hands up and down his chest as he leaned more on you. You gave a small giggle, he kissed your neck and softly bit it before it turned into a light moan. He chuckled as he smiled and kissed you deeply before resting his head in the crease of your neck with his arms wrapped underneath you. You ran your fingers through his hair as he pulled you closer. "Mhm. I fucken love you." "I love you too."
You gave a giggling moan as your hands rested on Orochimaru's pale, muscled chest while he hovered above you kissing in your ear. He kissed down to your jawline then went to your lips, he pressed down on you more, his hand rubbed up and down your bare side as the other held him up. You smirked feeling the tip of his tongue touching yours, you let his tongue in, seconds later his forehead rested on yours with his dark hair dangling. "I love you my snake." "I love you too." You kissed up his neck to his jawline, he kissed you deeply on the lips before moving down to your neck. You gave a small moan, he lifted himself up slightly and slid an arm underneath your lower back and crested your cheek with the other as he gave a calm smile. "You are a snake aren't you. What a bad girl." You chuckled and slide your hands up to the back of his neck underneath his hair and leaned you to his jawline.

(Hah hah..heh...so hoped you liked this. It was romantic so X) hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon)

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