When He Makes You Blush

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You were sitting at Pein's desk working on paperwork like normal, Pein on the other hand keep glancing at you. "Yes Pein?" You asked still not looking your (e/c) eyes off the work. "You're a hard worker. I love that." You smiled as you kept working, he smiled too as he did the same as he continued to speak. "I'm serious, I'd be no where near here with out your help." Your cheeks started to turn a light pink at his serious tone of words, he chuckled as he watched you blush and smile more. "I love you my Goddess." "I love you too."
You were on another bounty mission with Kakuzu, as after he collected his money you begged him to do some sight seeing in the village instead of going back to the base. Surprisingly he let you, as the both of you were walking, something caught your (e/c) eyes. Kakuzu noticed you staring at a silver ring. "You're more valuable than that." You looked at him with your
(e/c) eyes widened as he continued walking counting his money, with a huge smear of blush across your cheeks. "No need to blush at the truth (Y/n)." You blushed even more before you wrapped your arms around his side and hugged him as he walk while he grunted.
You got back late from your mission so you spent the whole day laying in bed sleeping. Your (e/c) eyes fluttered opened only to see blue eyes staring back at you. "Sleep well beautiful, un?" You smiled as you nodded at Deidara who was smiling at you, with his long blonde hair covering his eye and shoulders. He didn't say anything, only kept staring at you as you gave him a weird look shortly after. "What?" "You truly are a work of art, un." Your cheeks turned a light pink as you tried to cover yourself with your (h/c) hair before he pulled your hair out of your fave and kissed your cheek, making you blush more. "I love you, un." "I love you too Dei-Dei."
You were sitting in the Tobi's room , not feeling like your self, before Tobi noticed and busted in the room.
"(Y/n)-chan! Tobi wants to know what's wrong!" You gave him a weird look but with a smile as you giggled a lie. "Nothing." You got up and left the room, pushing past Tobi since you didn't want to hear it, unfortunately he grabbed your leg and held it.
"(Y/n)-chan!" You smiled as you kept walking. "Button! Tobi loves you! Tobi wants you to stay with Tobi!" You stopped walking and smiled and looked at him after bending down on your knees lifting up his mask and kissing his lips. "Listen to your senpai (Y/n)." You blushed a dark red that spreaded across your cheeks as your (e/c) eyes widened before you punched his arm standing back up as Obito chuckled. "Button!"
You were sitting in Sasori's bed reading a book while he worked on puppets. Once you closed your book and went over to him, he stopped and pulled you into his lap and rested his head on your shoulder. "Enjoy your book love?" You nodded as you watch him add details into his puppets face. He then started to kiss your shoulder as he held your hand in one of his hands. "You have such soft skin love. Some days I'm glad you don't want to be a puppet." Your (e/c) eyes widened as he continued to work, they then softened as you smiled and blushed slightly. "Even when you blush love." You blushed more as you turned and kissed his cheek then leaned back against his chest and watched him put the puppet together.
You were sitting in the garden planting (y/f/f) (your favorite flower) as Zetsu watered the others. "Beautiful." You glanced your (e/c) eyes up at him with a smile. "I know, they're my favorite." "Not the flowers you idiot." You looked back up at him with your eyes widened and a light pink blush faded on your cheeks. "He's right for once my dear. We're calling you beautiful." You smiled as you looked back down blushing more. "Thank you Zetsu." Not even a second later a soft kiss landed on your cheek before Zetsu disappear into the ground, still leaving you flustered while you planted the flowers, still feeling the kiss in your cheek making you blush a tad more.
You were laying in bed as Hidan was out on a mission with Kakuzu, as they both came back, Hidan was drunk once more. "I didn't try." Kakuzu said as he led Hidan to the room. You narrowed your (e/c) eyes at both him and Hidan as Hidan made his way to the bed sitting on it with his hand on his cheek. "Hey, (Y/n). Hey." You looked over and crossed your arms."What?" He smirked as he continued to look at you. "You're hot. Like. Really really fucken hot." You just rolled your eyes and shook you head and (h/c) hair. "Hey. I thought that the first time I saw your ass. And. I'm. Really fucken lucky to have ya." You smiled as you blushed slightly uncrossing your arms and gave him a small hug before he pulled you into a deeper one. "You know, I'm not that fucken drunk this time. I mean what I say." That's when the dark red blush appeared on your face as he kissed your forehead seconds before snoring.

(Hello hope you enjoyed this scenario! I thought of it quick so sorry if it sucks but still hope you liked it more to come soon)

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