When You Come in Contact With One of Your Fears

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(Okay so for this Scenario I'm just going to use my fears.Don't judge meh nor mah fears XD)
You were in Pein's office helping him prepare for a meeting he was about to gather up everyone before he turned to you and spoke. "(Y/n), I need you to give the meeting this time." You froze in position and looked towards him with your (e/c) eyes widened. "W-what? Pein. No!" He tilted his head to the side. "(Y/n)." You didn't want to reject his offer once more so you sighed and slowly stood up from the desk. "Fine." At the meeting everyone's eyes were staring at you. Especially Hidan, he knew you were nervous so he made you even more nervous by licking his lips at you every time your eyes glanced at him as you stuttered to even speak. Kakuzu then sighed loudly as he shut his eyes "Leader-sama. I believe (Y/n) has a fear of public speaking." Pein glanced at you as you nodded quickly going back to his office as he follows behind quickly grabbing your wrist pulling you into his chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't know." You hugged him as you smiled. "It's okay." He kissed your forehead and returned back to his meeting as you sat in his office, slightly embarrassed.
You were in Kakuzu's room counting his money while he was is in the Leader's off. Recently you had to go to the bathroom but you waited till you finished counting. Soon after you went, you were about to dry off your hands before the hand towel had a large brown spider on it, of course you screamed but were surprised that Hidan came into the room. "What the fuck are you screaming for?" You pointed to the spider and sure enough Hidan grabbed it and started to walk towards you with a devilish smirk. As you ran down the hall you bumped into Kakuzu. "Make him stop!" You hid behind Kakazu who stood still staring at Hidan and the spider. "Hey old bastard! Can't you believe your chick and afraid of a little fucken spider." "No. It doesn't surprise me." You glared your (e/c) eyes at him before they widened after you seen Kakuzu squish Hidan's hand, along with the spider. "There. Both problems solved." You had no choice but to smile so you did as you hugged him before he walked to his room you following behind.
You and Deidara were on a mission and the both of you had to pass through a village in the process. Unfortunately that day the village was crowded with people watching ninjas battle against each other. You stuck by Deidara as you walked through the crowded streets, holding on to his arm as he smiled until his smile faded.
"(Y/n), wait here, un. I'm going to see how if I'm going to use a clay bird to take us, yeah." Your (e/c) eyes widened as you stared as him gripping your arm tight around his. "Deidara, I'll just come with you." "I'm sorry princess, but it'd be quicker if I did so, yeah." You shook your head along with your (h/c) hair. "Deidara..I have a fear of being alone in a crowded place. Please just lets me go with you." Deidara smiled as he took you by the chin and met his blue eyes with yours. "I'll never let you go through fear alone, un." He kissed you deeply as you kissed back before he relatched your arms around his and started to past the crowd, keeping you close by.
You were in Tobi's room picking up a board game he left out and you had to clean up. As you were about put the game on the shelf, you felt something crawling around your elbow. You thought it was your (h/c) hair but when you took a glimpse and large roach ran appeared. You screamed as you dusted it off quickly running towards the other side of the room still screaming and shaking. "(Y/n)-chan! Tobi heard you scream! What's wrong (Y/n)-chan!" Tobi screamed as he busted in the room. You pointed towards the roach that was on floor and of course Tobi went over and picked it up coming towards you. "Look (Y/n)-chan! Its a little buggy!" "Tobi stop! Get it away from me!" Tobi tilted his head before he squished it in his palm. "Don't worry (Y/n). It's won't hurt you." Obito's voice calmed you down as he hugged you with one arm. "Thank you Obito. And Tobi. Now babe." He gave a 'Hm' as he kissed your forehead. "Go wash your hands." "Okay! Tobi go now!" Tobi skipped out of the room as you smiled and went back to putting up the games.
You were sitting in the Akatsuki's base den, since Sasori told you not to go in his room for which he was working on a knew puppet, reading a book while some of the other members did their own thing. A chapters later Sassori approached you with his hands behind his back. "I'm finished (Y/n)." You looked up from your book and smiled as the other members gave a glance. "Show me!" You begged before Sasori used his chakra strings and made a wooden clown puppet sit by you. Your (e/c) eyes widened as you ducked behind your book. "No, no, no get it away now!" Sasori didn't give any expression but you could tell he was confused in his voice. "What's wrong love? You don't like my work?" Deidara chuckled as he gave a glance at you. "She's afraid of clowns Dana, un." You nodded his head as he took the puppet away before Tobi took it out of his hands waving it around. "Awe Tobi like clowns! (Y/n)-chan look!" Tobi shoved it in your face as you started to whine before Sasori pulled you off the couch, walking to ha room with his arms around your waist. "I'm sorry love." You clinched his sides with both arms and gave a small 'It's okay' nod.
One again you were helping Zetsu with his garden, not that you minded, his garden was a peaceful place to enjoy away from the other Akatsuki members. As you were patting down the soil around the plant something moved in the corner of your (e/c) eyes. When you turn to look, letting your curiosity get the best of you, a frog jumped out from behind the plant causing you to scream loud enough for Zetsu shoot his whole body up out of the ground. "(Y/n) my dear what's wrong?" "Are you hurt?" You shook your head and (h/c) hair quickly as you pointed to the frog, backing away. "You scream cause of that? "Awe, I think my dearest is afraid of them." "Get it out!" You yelled. Zetsu did as you demanded and released the frog far away from you before he pulled you into a tight hug. "There. It's gone now." "What a baby." The dark side of Zetsu added before the light side of him snapped at him calmly before you stopped their bickering with a kiss in their lips. "My heroes." The light side of Zetsu blushed and be hugged you tighter know the dark side of him did the same.
"(Y/n)!" You heard Hidan scream down the hall as you were in his room scanning through a book. "What?!" He walked into the room holding an old wooden ventriloquist dummy by its head. "Look was I found in Sasori's fucken room." Your (e/c) eyes widened as you sat back against the bed with a pale face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" "Hidan! Get that away from me now!" He smirked holding the dummy on his arm and started to move his mouth coming towards you. "What? The bitch doesn't like dummies?" You throw your book at him, hitting him in the head as he dropped the dummy and held his head. "Ow! Fuck!" You put your head to your knees as he rolled his dark violet eyes and brushed your (h/c) hair out of your face. "Hey. Baby I'm sorry don't be like that." You looked at him with your eyes narrowed slapping him against the head. "You're the only dummy I don't mind being around." He chuckled as he kissed your cheek leaving the room with the dummy. "I'm going to put this fucken thing back."

(Hello reader-chan! Sorry if some of these didn't make sense but I hoped you enjoyed them. More updates to come.)

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