While You're on Your Mission

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Pein continued to do paper work while you were gone but he mainly stopped every ten minutes and sat at his desk twirling his pen. He'd get lost in his thought about you, your voice, and how you got his mind off his paper work. He would also give a small smile here and there while he was working, imagining you sitting across from him doing work with him. "She'll be back soon." He always told him self that before he would go to bed and wake up to do more paperwork and repeat the process.
Kakuzu did what he always would do even if you were there, count his money but he'd district himself from thinking about you. He missed your talkative voice and how you would stare at him. He'd snap out of it and return to counting his money with a sigh following afterwards. "The faster I count..the faster she'll annoy me." He would smirk as he said that and that made him continue to count his day worth of money before going to bed and waking up, doing the same routine.
Deidara just worked in his clay sculptures to keep himself busy in the meantime, he locked himself in his room to keep Tobi from coming in and asking about you. He'd smile while he was working on his art, thinking of your hugs and kisses and how much fun you two had when the both of you would blow up things. "One more clay bird, un. And she's back, yeah." He would mumbled himself that to keep a smile on his face as he worked. Hoping that what he told himself would come true. He'd stay up late working on his clay art until falling asleep to the memories of feeling you near him then he'd wake up and repeat with a different smile each day.
Tobi would try to keep his mind off of you by pestering his Senpai, but it never lasted long. He'd end up playing a bored game by himself just to make time go by. "Tobi misses (Y/n)-chan!" He would yelled and hug himself after he would pushed the game to the side. Obito would lay awake at night with his mask off and hand over the scared side of his face with his eyes shut. Thinking of your voice telling him how much you  loved them. "I'm not afraid to get more scars for you." After he told himself that every night before he would fall asleep, he would smile. Then Tobi would wake him up the next day and continue to pester Deidara.
Sassori would sit at his desk and work on puppets like he always did. He catch himself staring at the edge of his bed, thinking if your face when you'd watch him work. He'd almost smile but then stop and return back to working. "If you become a puppet. I'll still love you." He'd always say that every time he'd work on a new part of his puppet, he'd sigh after words feeling the wood against his hands and think of how soft your skin felt against his. He'd continue to work all night and day like he always did  and focus on his puppets but it just didn't feel the same.
Zetsu would sit in his Leader-sama's office like he was told to. He'd have your (f/f) in his hands to remind him of you and wait for you to come back so he could give it to you. "Another day that passes the flower begins to wilt." "Don't say that you idiot. Well keep it and her from getting harmed." Leader-sama would keep an eyes on him and other members watch him from keeping him to go after you. But no matter how hard he try or how many times he got punished from trying to sneak off, he didn't care, he just wanted you to be safe.
Hidan wasn't the same and the other members noticed that. He complained and pissed the other members off more than he did before but
Leader-sama would banned him to his room until the next day. But while he was in his room, he'd lay in bed twirling his Jashin necklace. He'd smirk here and there thinking of your and his cussing arguments and how you both enjoyed pissing off and making fun of the other members. "Jashin. Bring that bitch back to me." He'd mumbled that every time to himself before he made a sacrifice, and after that he would go back to the base covered in blood and yell at the other members before the Leader would get annoyed with him and send him back to his room or make Kakuzu shut him up.
Orochimaru would sit in his room with his fingers intertwined with the other and a smirk on his face thinking of how to betray the Akatsuki but his smirk would fade and turn into a small smile as his mind shifted to the thought of you and your blushing cheeks and personality. "Soon my sweet snake will be back." He would tell himself that constantly as he sat in his room with his hair covering his face thinking of his arms wrapping around you before Leader-sama would interrupt.

(Hello there again hope you enjoyed this scenario! More to come soon!)

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