When He Left A Mark On You

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(;) mark= Hickey btw ;))
You stretched as you got out of bed, you didn't see Pein in bed or at his desk and he had a mission coming up so you got out of bed and rushed into the living room. Once you did Hidan's eyes widened as he laughed pointing at you. "What?" "So you and the Leader been busy huh?" Your eyes narrowed in confusion as he slowed down his laughing, trying to hold it in. "What the hell are you talk-." "You got a hickey on your neck." Your (e/c) eyes widen and immediately put your hand to your neck as Hidan busted out laughing. You left the room and went into the office with an embarrassed face expression then blushed more seeing Pein in a towel. "Where were you?!" "Taking a shower." "Really Pein?!" He gave a nod, then you pointed to the mark on the side on your neck. "Pein." He gave a smirk but made a serious face shortly after as you walked up him with crossed arms. "That. Well, I had to get some work done." He pecked your forehead, you smiled with blushing cheeks as he pulled you into a hug. "I love you." "I love you too my Goddess. Are you going to join me? Either way you'll get another."
"Are we still going on the bounty?" Kakuzu gave a nod as you walked out of the bathroom brushing your (h/c) hair, seeing him sit in his chair counting his money. "Don't ask dumb questions. We are." You rolled your (e/c) eyes as you pulled off your shirt to change into another one, Kakuzu grunted with a smirk and you blushed the walked back into the bathroom. "Heh. How much do you want for another?" You gave a confused look but when you stepped in front of the mirror you gasped seeing a mark on your shoulder. "Kakuzu!" He chuckled and put on his mask and cloak. You threw on a shirt then your cloak covering the mark. "Are you going to take up my offer?" You blushed as the two of you left the room. "Kuzu!" He chuckled before Tobi bumped you and knocked you down, opening up your cloak. "S-sorry (Y/n)-chan! Did Tobi give you that owie!!??" You blushed and covered your self up and followed Kakuzu out of the base. "How much do you want to bet that he'll tell about that mark?" You blushed more as he put a hand around your waist and pulled you close as the two of you started to walk.
"Beautiful, un." Your (e/c) eyes fluttered open to see Deidara's smiling face, he pushed your (h/c) hair to the side. "Hey gorgeous." He smiled and pecked his forehead but watching you get up then smirked with blushing cheeks and started to chuckle. "What?" "Nothing, yeah." You smiled and rolled your eyes, you were about to walk out of the room but Deidara got off the bed and pulled you to him. "What? No one is here but us." "You sure, hm?" You smiled with a confused look. "Yeah why?" He chuckled and wrapped his arms around you putting his chin on your shoulder. "Because my hands left a little something on your sides." You glanced down seeing a mark on each side of you, you blushed with a small gasp as you looked up back at seeing him blush with a small chuckle. "Deidara!" He pulled you closer and kissed your cheek before grabbing your wrist and leading you back to the bed. "I'm sorry, un." You smiled and kissed his cheek the pecked his lips and grabbed you a shirt. "Keep your hands to your self." You smiled with a wink as you put it on then left the room leaving him chuckling and laying back in bed. "For now, un."
As soon as you stepped out of the shower you noticed a mark on your neck, even though it was small it was still noticeable and you knew what it was. "Tobi!" You stepped out of the bathroom, of course he wasn't in there and you didn't want to go find him either. "Tobi!" "Yes (Y/n)-chan!" You narrowed your eyes and motioned him to come into the room, he did with a small skip in his step then shut the door and locked it. "What is it (Y/n)-chan!?" You pointed to your neck and Tobi placed his hands on his mask. "What happened?!" You giggled seeing him flip out. "Obito bad boy. He left a mark on my neck from his kisses." Tobi stopped and tilted his head, then seconds later you Obito revealed his face. "I-I did." You smiled with pouty eyes seeing how scared he felt. "Awe, Obito no it's well." You saw his cheeks shade the color red as he looked down, then he pulled you into a hug. "I'm sorry." "It's okay." "For being not a good boy." You smiled with a giggle as he chuckled then he pecked your forehead with a smile. "Oops. Just say Tobi left you a bruise." "Already planned it. But Tobi good boy though?"
You were sitting on Sasori's lap as you and him worked on puppets together, you smiled messing with the puppets while he just stayed focused. As you calmed down and put the puppets together he rested his head on your shoulder, then kissed it before lowering down your shoulder sleeve. "Sas-." "When did you get this bruise Love?" Your (e/c) eyes narrowed in confusion as you looked at his dark brown ones staring a little past the front of your shoulder before he glanced up at you. "What do you mean?" You looked where he looked and got light pink cheeks. "That's not a um. Bruise Sasori." "Then what is it?" You felt your cheeks get more heated, he turned your chin to him and stared in your eyes. "It's a um. Well when you." "I caused it." "No Sasori it's okay that you did it's not a bruise." You cleared your throat with a smile and small giggled as he continued to stare at you. "It's a love mark." "Interesting." He kissed your shoulder then laid his head neck on your shoulder and continued to work on puppets with you. You blushed and tried not to giggle on what you just told him.
You stepped out of the bathroom room only to see Zetsu standing there. "Ah, Zetsu?" "Hello." You blushed and kissed the middle of his cloaked chest and walked past him. "Wanna go to the garden?" "If you want my dear." "Obviously." You smiled and closed your dresser drawer then turned to him. The light side of him eyes widened as the other one smirked. "What?" You gave a confused look at him with a smile. "Should we tell her?" "She'll find out." "Tell me what?!" The light side of his cheeks blushed as the other side of him 'heh'ed. "Sorry my dear." "You have a hickey on the side of your neck." Your (e/c) eyes widened as you went to the bathroom and gasped seeing a mark as big as your two fingers together. "Zetsu?!" "We're sorry." "Well we both share a mouth so." You blushed and turned to him with a small giggle and head shake. "Let's just go to the garden." "Okay." "Heh. Where you'll get another one."
"(Y/n). Hidan. Get up now." Your eyes opened to see Kakuzu at y'all room door, you sat up in bed and stretched. "Why?" "You and Hidan need to go to the village." You gave a nod then glanced at Hidan's sleeping form then at Kakuzu hearing him grunt. "What?" "Check yourself before you leave." You gave a confused look, he glanced down then up before he walked away, when you glanced down you saw three marks going up from the top left side of your chest to your neck. Your (e/c) widened with a small gasp, you narrowed your eyes and turned to Hidan's snoring figured. "Asshole wake up!" He groaned and opened up his eyes then smirked and chuckled. "Really?" "Hey now. Don't fucken start. That shows that your ass is mine." You blushed and got up out of bed, switching shirts as he peeked at you, then when you were about to put your cloak on he stopped you. "Hey! That shows you're fucken mine." "Hidan? Do you want people to see my chest?" He rolled onto his back and put his arms over his eyes. "Hell no! I guess I have to leave a more noticeable one." He winked at you making you blush and roll your eyes.
You woke up only to hear Kisame in the shower, you gave a smirked as you opened the bathroom door and snuck inside. But once you glanced into the mirror you saw a mark in the lower front part of your shoulder with small teeth marks. "Kisame?!" "Ah!" He popped his head out of the shower then started to chuckle as you turned to him with a shocked face expression. "Heh. I wonder what happened there?" You narrowed your eyes playfully and got undressed and stepped into the shower. He smirked and pulled you close by your waist studying the mark. "Heh heh." "Kisame it looks like you tried to bite a chunk of my shoulder." "Maybe I was." You smiled and blushed as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pecked his lips. "Well if anyone ask you can say it's a bruise." "No I'll just saw I got in a shark attack." "Watch it. I'll give you another."
You were still asleep in bed when Orochimaru pulled back your hair color hair, he smirked seeing the side of your neck having a mark until glancing at your (e/c) eyes fluttering open. "Hello my precious snake." You groaned and sat up in bed stretching as he continued to smirk. "What?" "It's nothing." You shrugged your shoulders and gave a nod with a confused face expression. "Orochi what is it?" "Nothing." You rolled your then left the room leaving Orochimaru chuckling. "Haha! Damn (Y/n)!" "What?" After Hidan laughed at you, you saw the mark on your neck and blushed. "Orochi!" "Oops. I'm sure she doesn't mind. She didn't last night." He chuckled to himself with his fingers interlock and eyes shut until they peeked opened seeing you come in. "You're such a snake." "Seems to be."

(Hah okay so this might be iffy but it just popped into mind. Why?! I don't know but I hoped you enjoyed my fellow Zombie-chans! More to come soon XD)

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