Date/Movie night

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"Pein please?"
You sat at the other side of his desk with a frown, afraid if you kept asking he'll get mad at you and reject you once more. "(Y/n) I'm busy." You side as you held (a/m) (any movie) in your hands underneath the desk. "Can we just make a date night or something? Please my king?" He glanced up his purple eyes at your (e/c) ones and you gave a small smile. He sighed again and stood up from his desk. "Alright." Your small smile turned into a big one as you got up and grabbed his hand, taking him to the Akatsuki base living and put in the movie. "I love you Pein." "I love you too my Goddess." You kissed Pein's cheek and cuddle him as he had one arm wrapped around you and holding your hand with the other. You knew that tomorrow you were going to have to work extra hard but 'oh well' you thought.
You were laying in bed counting money while Kakuzu was no where in sight in the room, which was quite odd, well that was until he entered the room with his mask on, nor cloak. "(Y/n)." You glanced your (e/c) eyes up at him as he stared back at you with his red and green ones. "I'm tired of hearing you complain how we never had a date night so let's watch a movie since it's free." You wanted to frown but you couldn't because Kakuzu just offered to watch a movie with you. Of course you smiled and got out of the bed quickly and beat him to the living room. As he put the movie in you had a spot for him on the couch but instead he lifted you up and say you on his lap with his chin on your shoulder. He gave a few shoulder kisses here and there during the movie, which you loved, that is until he fell asleep at the end and so did you, but at least you got to spend time with him rather than counting money.
You and Deidara were already cuddling in bed since he was exhausted from his last mission as you laid there staring to his blue eyes with your (e/c) ones he crested your cheeck with his finger tips as you ran your fingers through the ends of his blonde hair. "Hey Dei-Dei?" "Hm." He replied with a smile as you scooted closer to him. "Let's go watch a movie. I have one in mind." He sat up in his bed as you glanced at his shirtless form. "I think everyone's asleep too, un. Okay, un." You smiled as you two got off the bed, he held your hand down the dark hall and into the living room. After you put in the movie you sat on the couch with Deidara, his hand around your waist and your head on his shoulder with your arms around his torso as he whispered in you ear. "Let's make this a date night." You blushed as you nodded your head, tightening your grip around him more. Let's just say you were tired the next day from staying up late watching movies.
For once, you and Tobi had nothing else to do or to play since you played all the games with him repeatedly. You two laid on the bed separately as you groaned of boredom and idea popped into your head. "Hey Tobi! Let's watch a movie." He sprung out of the bed jumping up and down. "Tobi likes
(Y/n)-chan's ideas!" He grabbed your hand and ran into the living room. Surprisingly no one was there. It was completely quiet. Now you know how they felt when you and Tobi are on a mission together. You put in the movie as you were about to sit on the other side of the couch, your wrist was grabbed and you were pulled on to Tobi's lap, you knew this was the work of Obito so you smiled and leaned back against him with his arms wrapping around your waist and sides. "I can finally have a date night with you now." He whispered in your eyes and he took off his mask, sliding it above his head. During the movie he would kiss your cheek here and there as you would kiss his scared hand that held yours every once in a while. The next day you and Obito just laid in bed together tired from staying up late but that didn't stop Tobi from trying to play games with you.
You were with Sasori in his room as you two worked on puppets, well once again he did while you just stared at his puppet figure stiff. "What's wrong love, you're quieter than usual?" Which he didn't mind but he was still concerned. You gave a small frown as your (e/c) eyes glanced up seeing his brown ones stare at you. "Huh, oh nothing I was just remembering the last time we ever had a date." "What will make you happy?" You continued to look at him as he studied your face expressions. "Watch a movie with me, please." He didn't respond for a couple of seconds before he stood up and took your hand. "Alright love." You smiled as you two walked to the living room and put on a movie. You sat on his lap as he rested his chin on your shoulder, like he would do when you wanted to cuddle as he worked in his puppets, but instead of working in his puppets he held your hand, cresting your soft skin. You would smile every time he would stare at your hand rather than the tv but you didn't mind at least he was spending time with you differently. The next day you had no choice but to help him with his puppets.
Instead of being in the garden since it was raining, you and Zetsu were in your room sitting on the bed together in silence before the light side of Zetsu spoke. "(Y/n) my dear, when was the last time we ever had." "A date." The dark side of him spoke as you glanced up at him with your (e/c) eyes. "Um, not for a while I believe." Before you could ask why he grabbed your hand and led you to the living were it was empty. "Zetsu?" As you watched Zetsu put in a movie, he then pulled your wrist on to the couch as he set by you. "We were thinking of taking you on a date my dear. But." "It's raining, so shut up and watch the movie." You smiled and blushed knowing that they were planning on taking you some where but you didn't care about watching a movie instead. You wrapped your arms around his sides and laid your head in his chest as he light side smiled pulling you closer. "I love you Zetsu." "We love you too."
The next day you and Zetsu spent the entire day in the garden.
"Hey Sexy!" You called out to Hidan knowing that's the only way you'd get what you want. Of course knowing him he popped up into the living room with a smirk on his face. "Yes?" "Watch a movie with me." His smirk faded as he rolled his dark violet eyes. "Why the fuck should I?" "Please? It can be our date night." You gave a frown to him as he sighed and walked over to you. "Fine geez don't give me that fucken look." You then smiled as you opened your arms, he smirked as well seeing he was going to get a comfortable pillow. He laid on you with his arms underneath your back and his head buried into your chest. "Hidan! Really?!" "Hey it's date night shut up." You grunted as he got comfortable, once he did you ran your fingers through his slicked hair as he 'mhm'ed. You ended up falling asleep leaving Hidan disappointed since he thought it was date night thinking he was going to score but you knew he didn't mind even if he didn't want to admit it.

(Hell there! Hoped you enjoyed this Scenario more to come. I take request)

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