When You Don't Return Back From a Mission/Go Missing

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(This'll be fun reader-chan. Might be long but X))
Today was the day you'll return from your four day mission, Pein didn't like having to send on this mission but he felt relaxed after sending you a partner. He lifted up his head once he heard the Akatsuki's base door open and got up from his desk and once he heard it about to shut was about the same time he opened his office door to see it close, with Orochimaru in front of him. "Pei-." "Where's (Y/n) Orochimaru?" Orochimaru glanced to the side, then up into Pein's purple orbs and before he could ask the same question again, Orochimaru spoke. "Kabuto." He gave a small grin as he tilted his head to the side as Pein stared at the door with a small gap between his lips before it closed and he gave a nod towards the rest of the team that entered the base's living room. Pein went back inside his office, he sat at his desk and stared at his paperwork seeing your name was written on it."Lead-." Pein stood up and walked past Zetsu's head that was sticking out of the ground. "Tell Tobi in private that he's in charge. I'll be back." "Alright." The rest of the members watched Pein leave the base before the door shut, seeing him walk away with a straight face but sadness in his eyes.
Kakuzu didn't like the thought of you going on a week mission but going along with another member made him really didn't like the idea. His eyes focused on his money counting until they glanced up, he narrowed them with a smirk and took off his mask and sat down his money, he grunted once he heard the door shut, usually you'd immediately go to his room to get away from that partner but this time you didn't. His green and red eyes loosened once he stepped out into the hall and walked in the base's living room to see Pein-sama and Sasori, your partner, talking together before they glanced in his direction and Pein spoke. "Kakuzu." "Where is she?" Pein glanced towards Sasori and gave him a nod once Pein walk towards him. "Kakuzu. We don't know where she is but. Sasori said that Kabuto is responsible." Kakuzu glanced towards Sasori and narrowed his green and red eyes at him. "If she doesn't come back. Money will replace your puppet body and other useless puppets." Sasori gave a nod seeing Kakuzu's threat wasn't like his other ones and knew he was hurt. Kakuzu then returned back into the living room with his mask and cloak on and pushed past Sasori and Pein. "Kakuzu." Was all Pein could say before seeing the door shut with Kakuzu on the outside.
Deidara smiled as he sat at his desk facing the door while still working on his clay spider but took glances at his room entrance every now and then. He knew today you'd be returning back from your six day mission. He didn't fell comfortable with it but, then he remembered your month mission alone and you came back safe so he expected the same thing, only this time you had a partner, which it really didn't make him think of anything bad. He heard the door open and shut and that was his que, and stood up and left his room only to get stopped by Zetsu, with his head sticking out of the ground and with Pein-sama behind him. Deidara's eyes slightly widened as his smile left his face once Zetsu looked at Pein then back at him with the light side of him having a slight frown. "Deidara we." "(Y/n) is missing." "Kabuto has her. That's all we know." Deidara's mouth gapped slightly, then he went back into his room and came out seconds later with his cloak on, his blue eyes then narrowed as he pushed past them and opened the base's door. "Deidara." "And you didn't go after her, un!" No one spoke once the base door shut and Deidara and his clay bird taking off. "I'm coming, un."
"Yayy! (Y/n)-chan is coming back!" Tobi ran around the base flaying him arms in the air as some of the other members sat in the base's living room. "Good now she can put up with your ass." Tobi jumped up and down as he watched the door start to open but then stopped once seeing Kakuzu instead of you. "Where's his bitch at so he can." "She's gone." Every looked towards Tobi who was staring at Kakuzu. "She's not dead. Kabuto has her." Everyone then gave a small nod in response but Tobi stared at the ground before walking away with the others watching him in silence. "Where is she?" "Not sure. I turned around and Kabuto had a blade to her neck before vanishing." After Tobi heard that he closed the door and locked it, Obito took off his mask with his eyes shutting after a sigh. "No. I told her I'll be the one to protect her." He then put his mask back on and unlocked the door only to bump past Hidan. "Hey where the fu-." "To get (Y/n) chan back!" Pein and the others watched the base door close with him running and when it shut he continued.
Sasori knew you were on your way back from your eight day mission, but did the same as last time, stayed in his room to work on puppets to pass him time and to keep his mind off of the topic of you having a partner besides him with you. He gave a small sigh but once he did heard the base's door shut. He waited for a couple of seconds before turning around seeing you still weren't in his room. His dark eyes filled with wonder as he reached the door but before he could open it there was a knock at it. "Sasori. It's T-Tobi." He opened the door to see Tobi behind Pein-sama. "Sasori." "Where's (Y/n)." "She didn't make it back." Sasori glanced down and took a small step back unnoticed. "Kabuto has her." "(Y/n)-chan and Tobi were coming back and when Tobi turned around Kabuto had his hand over her mouth bef-." "Enough." Pein took a step back once Sasori stepped out of his room and shut the door, pushing past the both of them and made his way to the base door. "It's not his fault. Everyone is for their own selves." "Interesting." Was the last thing Pein saw Sasori say to him before the base door shut and Sasori started to walk but using his most used puppet act as him.
"She's should be coming back by now." "About time." The light side of Zetsu chuckled as he watered the plants in the garden before disappearing under ground. After a week and a half today was the day you'd be returning back from your mission. Zetsu once again had to stay behind to be under Pein's watch but, even though you had a partner and you came back safe from your month mission alone, he still didn't want you to go. Zetsu appeared in the base in your room but then left it seeing you weren't in their and popped into Deidara's, but only to see
Pein-sama in there as well. "Where is she?" "I'd like to know the same thing." "I. Don't know, un." Zetsu' eyes narrowed as he started to come out of the ground towards Deidara but Pein stopped him. "Zetsu. We don't know where she is. But we know who has here and he left his ninja star behind." Zetsu took once glance at the silver blade then looked back up at them. "Kabuto." "Zetsu I'm." "I'll eat you in your sleep." "I agree." Zetsu then sunk into the ground, but appeared outside of the base and started to walk to his garden, picking a flower before entering back into the ground.
Surprisingly, this time Hidan kept track of the day of your return from your four day mission. Even though it was a lot shorter than your month away mission, he didn't like the idea of Pein-sama being your partner. He sat outside of the base with his knees up, holding his arms up as he held his scythe in one hand, with blood splattered on him after having an argument with Kakuzu and took it outside to finish it. But end it just in time for you to return. "Where the fuck is that bitch?" Hidan stood up but only to see Pein approach him, and Hidan's dark violent eyes widened slightly. "I don't know where she's at." Pein then handed Hidan your Jashin necklace that was stained with blood before walking away. Hidan stared at the necklace before clinching it tightly and looking back up at Pein. "And you call yourself a God?! What the fuck is." "Kabuto has her. That's all I know Hidan." Hidan looked back down at your necklace then back up and continued to walk the same way Pein came from. "Jashin. What the fuck did I do to deserve this? I swear, if anything happens to her I'll kick your ass."
Orochimaru came out of Pein's office to wait for you, you went on a three day mission but Orochimaru didn't feel like anything bad was going to happen and you had a partner so he didn't think much of it when you left. He went to his room, seconds later he heard the base door open. He smirked and waited for you to hug him from behind and give him an 'I'm back kiss' but you didn't. He turned around with narrowed and confused eyes only to see   Pein behind him. "Orochimaru. This one called Sasuke has (Y/n)." (Instead of Kabuto since he was his servant and whatever.) "Really now. Pardon me." Orochimaru's eyes narrowed as he gave a small smirk and chuckle, Pein knew he was holding back from yelling at him so he just let it go and didn't try to stop him. Orochimaru walked out of the base then started to jump from tree to tree with his smirk still on his face and his eyes shut then opened as he spoke. "I'm sure you can handle this but. Leave the rest to me."

(Hello there! Sorry Kabuto fans!!! Didn't know what else to do but I have a great plot and all so go along with it! Anyway more to come hope you enjoyed it! X))

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