When He Slaps Your Butt

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(Haha Random XD)
You attended a meeting with Pein, since you had no choice, usually you'd sit in his office. As he was speaking your (e/c) eyes remained on the ground, once you heard Pein clear his throat, you glanced up to see the other members and Pein looking down at you. "Uh." Was all you could say, you noticed a couple of members smirking, such as Deidara and Hidan and that's what made you crack a smile. "I wasn't listening." You looked up at Pein as you spoke then chuckled after he sighed then you shrugged your shoulders and smiled. "This ends the meeting." You continued to smile and walked back to the office as others got up and scattered, Pein followed you behind and as he opened the door and you took one step inside, he slapped your butt. "You got lucky that's all that needed to be said." You turned to him with red cheeks and a cheesy smile as he closed the door. Hidan and Deidara, who remained on the couch, looked up at each other with widened eyes after hearing you give a giggling like laugh shortly after.
You and Kakuzu had just gotten back from a bounty mission, he went into Pein-sama's office while you went into his room with his brief case. You struggled to hold it up as you walked down the hall. "How is this so heavy?!" You heard Kakuzu grunt as you glanced your (e/c) eyes in his direction, watching him enter the office. As you lifted up both arms to put it on the bed you bumped into the door frame, popping open the case and dropping it. "Dammit." Thankfully the bills were clipped together, as you bent over to put them back in the case Kakuzu walked in seconds later, not even glancing at you, and slapped your butt before he sat in his arm chair taking off his mask chuckling. "Kuzu!" "Shouldn't have dropped my money." You blushed as you handed him his case, he took it still chuckling and smirking as you went to go sit on the bed. "Next time you're gonna have to pay me to carry it and not drop it." He looked at you as you smiled sitting on the bed with his hands on the brief case. "Do you need another one?"
After you finished a meeting in the Base's living room, along with Deidara and the other members, you went into his room and laid in bed on your stomach and and began to mess with the piece of clay you grabbed off of Deidara's desk before doing so. Deidara came in shorty after, he smiled then sat at his desk and began to work on his clay art facing you as you sighed. "You okay, hm?" You smiled and gave a nod still looking at the art. "Yeah just sleepy I guess. That meeting was boring." He chuckled and glanced at you then back at his clay while he placed it back on the desk. "They always are, un." As you continued to fiddle with the clay, Deidara stood up from his desk and slapped your butt lightly before laying next to you, his face facing you with one arm around you. You blushed when he opened his eyes and did the same, you picked up a strand of his hair and smiled. "You're so handsome and gorgeous." He blushed and sat up pulling you up and close to him, taking the clay from your fingers as you gave a small pouty face. "And you're beautiful, un."
You smiled and giggled as you wondered around the base looking for Tobi, he hid from Deidara and decided to turn it into a hide and seek game when you weren't giving him attention. "Tobi this isn't funny come out!" You walked out of the living room into the kitchen to see only Deidara. "Where is he?" "I don't know, un." He looked at you with a small smirk as you rolled your eyes with a sigh. "Hey, (Y/n), I'm sorry, un." "It's not your fault. Tobi's just being." Before you could finish speaking, Tobi came up behind you crouched and slapped your butt. "Tobi!" You turned with red cheeks as you watched Tobi run back to his room. "Tobi good boy (Y/n)-chan!" You glanced back at Deidara who's eyes were widened and cheeks lightly pink before he looked away. "Tobi?!" You stepped into Tobi's room only to hear the door shut and lock and Obito chuckling and smirking. "Tobi good boy and I got attention." You smiled and hugged Obito tightly. "You're lucky (Y/n)-chan love you." He pecked your forehead and held you closer. "I love you too my angel."
You stretched as you stepped out of bed with a yawn, glancing over at Sasori who was at his desk and working on his puppets. "Morning love." "Good morning Sasori." You smiled and sat on his lap, he let you get adjusted before he continued to work on his puppets, he kissed your shoulder as you leaned back on him still sleepy. "Tired?" "A little." "Then go back to bed." You smiled and pecked his cheek then lips, as you stood up Sasori slapped your butt in the process. Your cheeks turned a dark red as you turned to look at him seeing him looking down and working at his desk. "S-Sasori?" "I was curious." You smiled with a small giggle and went to go lay back down in bed, wrapping in blankets facing him. "Was it interesting?" "Yes." You giggled as you fell back asleep with a smile, Sasori glanced at you then back at his work. "Strange that she reacted that way after I did that. Interesting." "Strange that your curiosity got the best of you." "I'm still curious love."
You helped Zetsu in his garden before he went with you to the base. You smiled and dusted off your hands. "Zetsu can you get me the watering can?" "Okay my dear." "Fine." You gave him a kiss on his dark side's cheek before he got up and did what you asked, you stood up and looked around for him for a spilt second before you saw him drop the watering can next to you. "Thank you." As you bent over to grab it, Zetsu slapped your butt making yous spring back up with red cheeks. "Wasn't me." Your (e/c) eyes narrowed at the dark side of him with a smile as he chuckled. "Oops." You gave an eye roll and once you tried to pick up the can again, Zetsu slapped your but, but when you turned to look at the dark side of him, his light side glanced away with blushing cheeks. "Heh. Wasn't me this time." You smiled with a giggled and hugged both of them before the sunk underground. You glanced around before you picked up the watering can for the third time.
"Hurry the hell up (Y/n) shit." You giggled as Hidan banged on the bathroom door, he's been doing that for the past five minutes as you were in the shower. "Hang on." You locked the door this time for a peaceful shower but you still couldn't get that. "Dammit hurry!" You giggled and gave up on the fun you were having and unlocked the door and stepping out. Hidan narrowed his dark violet eyes watching you giggle as you came out then slapped your butt, making you gasp and blush. "Next time the fuck hurry up." "Maybe next time I won't." Before you could make it to the bed, Hidan grabbed you and pulled you to his chest, lifting up your chin to him with a smirk then slapped your butt again. "Is that so? Or are you just getting a kink out of this?" You blushed and looked away then pecked his lips, softly biting it. "Hurry up." He chuckled and let you go when he walked away and you did the same he slapped your butt again then going into the bathroom. "What an ass." "That's what I fucken say every time I see yours!" Your cheeks turned a bright red, then a shade darker hearing Kakuzu 'heh' as he walked by.
"No!" You screamed with a giggle as Kisame carried you into the water bridal style. You smiled and laughed more as he chuckled. "I could just throw you." You shook your head as the both of you got in the water, he still held you bridal style, then glanced down seeing your skin reveal in your swim suit. "Kisame!" He smirked and pecked your forehead as he spun with you in the water. "What?" You giggled and smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. "It's cold!" "You wanted to swim." "Yeah but it's cold!" He rolled his eyes and walked back out of the lake, after he placed you down and you began to walk away, he did the same and slapped your butt making you stop in your tracks. You blushed as you continued to walk, you planned on jumping on his back but he knew this and scooped you over his shoulder and walked with you. "Kisame!" "Yes shark bait?" You giggled and you wiggled. "Put me down." He did but slapped your but again. "Next time don't complain about something when your not gonna do it." You rolled your eyes with a giggle as he pecked your forehead, then interlocked his fingers with yours and continued to walk.
"(Y/n)." You continued to sleep, Orochimaru woke up hours before you, he'd let you sleep but there was a meeting going on in the living room and he was told to wake you. "My precious snake wake up." He pushed your (h/c) hair to the side once more, your (e/c) eyes fluttered open with a groan before they closed. He shook his head with a smirk then slapped your butt. Your eyes widened but then narrowed once you followed him out of the room. The rest of the members looked at the both of you as you came into the living room, with a smirk on his face and blushing red cheeks and you rubbed your butt. "Thank you for joining us (Y/n)." You gave a smile as you sat next to Hidan seeing him chuckle. "Ass slap gets you out of bed?" "Shut up."

(Haha random and had fun writing it XD it just popped (or slapped XD) in mah mind! Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon X))

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