When He Questions Your Love for Him

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You were in Pein's office reading a book since he told you, you could take a break so not passing that up, you did. As you were in the middle of the chapter you heard Pein mumble, you couldn't make it out so you asked him what. He then looked at you and stared his purple eyes into your (e/c) ones. "I said..why do you love me?" Your eyes widened as you stared directly at him as he looked back down at his work. "Why would you ask that?" "I'm always working." You then gave a small frown as you closed your book. "Well, I love you because, you're strong, powerful, independent, cute, just you." He looked over at you with a smile before it turned into a frown. "But this isn't my body." You smiled as you opened your book back up. "I love you for you Pein."
"And I love you."
You were out on a bounty with Kakuzu, as he was carrying his briefcase in one hand and a body over his shoulder in the other as you walked in silence. "Why do you love me?" You looked at Kakuzu with your (e/c) eyes widened at his random question."Why would you ask such a thing?" You asked him back with a chuckle add to it. "Why?" You sighed as you continued walking, looking forward as he looked at you. "Well, because your strong, attractive with your stitches, I love how you secretly have a loving and caring side for me. And I think it's funny you have an obsession with money." He stopped as you stopped with him and looked at him before he pulled down his mask and kissed your lips deeply. "You don't treat me like a monster." "That's because you aren't." You then smiled as he smirked pulling back up his mask. "I love you, (Y/n)." "I love you too Kuzu."
"Why do you love me, hm?" You looked up from your clay sculpture that you were making at Deidara who was leaning against the door way with his arms crossed. "Deidara what's wrong?" He sighed and glanced his blue eyes at you then back down. "Hidan made a comment saying how does a person like me have a girl like you, un." You frowned as you stood up from the desk and placed your hands on his cheeks and made him look at you in your (e/c) eyes. "Deidara, don't let that idiot make you ask that. I love you and everything thing about you." He glanced over to the side as he mumbled. "Even with my speech problem, un. And my hand mouths, hm." You smiled as you pecked his cheek the took each of his hands and kissed them. "Deidara, everything about you." He smiled and pulled you into a hug. "I love you, un."
You were outside with Tobi laying in the grass outside of the base looking up at the clouds with giggles before Obito's voice spoke. "(Y/n), why do you love me?" You lifted your self up off the grass and pushed your (h/c) hair to the side in confusion. "Why would you ask that?" He sat up and lifted up his mask only up above his mouth. "Because, look at me." You rolled you eyes and shifted over to him holding you hand on his. "Obito, I love you for you. I love your scars. They show how strong you are on the inside and out. The story you told me on how you got them. You're  really loving and caring." He smiled only a little before you made him smile more by kissing his lips as you lowered his mask for him. "And I love everything about Tobi too, I love how funny and silly he can be." "Yay!
(Y/n)-chan loves Tobi. Tobi loves
(Y/n)-chan!" You smiled as you laid back down as Tobi did the same waving his arms around in happiness.
You were laying on the bed playing with the wooden puppet bunny Sassori made for you while he sat at his desk working. As soon as you stopped hearing him fiddle with the wooden pieces you looked up at him with your (e/c) eyes only to see him staring at the bunny with his dark brown ones. "Why do you love me?" You raised an eyebrow at his question as you sat up on the bed. "Sassori. Why ask that?" He glanced up at you with no expression. "Why love?" You gave a small smile as you tilted your head to the side ever so slightly. "Sassori, you're amazing, why wouldn't I? I don't care if your a puppet, it makes you unique that you are one. You have an amazing talent your just perf." Before you could finish speaking Sassori's chakra strings pulled you towards him into his chest. "I love you, (Y/n)." You smiled and hugged him. "I love you too, Sassori."
You were sitting next to Zetsu in his garden next to the small pond, staring into it with him, seeing each other's reflection in silence until Zetsu broke it. "You're dumb to love a plant." Your (e/c) eyes glanced over at him with your eyes widened. "Zetsu? Why would." "We just want to know..why you love us my dear." You then nodded your head as you shifted to face him. "I love you for many reasons. I love how much you care for nature. You have a beautiful garden and I love both of you equally, your both very special to me. Plus, both of you are cute in appearance." The light side of Zetsu smiled, hoping the dark side did the same. "Do you really mean that." You nodded as you reached over and hugged him. "I love you Zetsu." "I love you too."
You were tidying up Hidan's room while he was out, well you thought he was until he busted through the room door and plopped on the bed with his arms cross. "(Y/n). Do you fucken love me?" You looked over at him with your (e/c) eyes and eyebrows raised. "Yeah." "Why?" "Why are you question?" He cut you off as he still sat with his arms crossed not facing you. "Because that stupid fucken Barbie boy said that you should be with someone better than a fucker like me." You sighed and shook your head as you lowered you're self to his height and made him face you and stared into his dark violet eyes. "Don't listen to that ass. I love you and only you. Why? Because even if you're an asshole, you're a very attractive one. And I know and love the caring side of you. You're mine. And I love you for you, even if you're annoying." He smirked as he uncrossed his arms and wrapped them around your waits, pulling you into his lap. "I fucken love you (Y/n)." You smiled as you kissed his cheek and nuzzled into his chest. "I love you too."

(Sorry for the slow updates but I hoped you enjoyed this scenario! More to come soon)

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