When He Watches You Sleep

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After a night of staying up doing paperwork you finally gave in on letting your (e/c) eyes shut. "(Y/n) are." Pein stopped in the middle of his sentence and just stared at your sleeping form. Your (h/c) hair was over your face as your head was on your arms as if they were a pillow to your head. He gave a small smile and pushed your hair out of your face, pulling up a chair next to you. Minutes went by, your (e/c) eyes fluttered open only to see Pein's purple ones stare into yours before he looked back down at his paperwork and started to write like usual.
"That's not a surprise." Kakuzu grunted as he walked back into his room coming from Leader-sama's office just to see you laying on the bed curled up. He walked over to you and brushed your (h/c) hair out of your face then went to go sit in his chair, he had his money in his hand but didn't count it, his green and red eyes just stared at you, a few glances down at his money here and there. Your (e/c) eyes opened slightly, and when you stood up, your eyes met his. After you gave him a weird look he counted his money. "Leaving me to count again?"
Deidara got up before you to chase Tobi out of the room, you were still sound asleep with your (h/c) hair over your face as you laid on your side bundled up in blankets. When Deidara got back into the room he smiled and did a small chuckle. "You got lucky Tobi, un." He laid beside you, pushing your hair out of your face, kissing you softly and lightly on the forehead afterwards. Minutes later and your
(e/c) eyes opened only to see Deidara's blue ones state into yours with his cheeks a light pink before he just smiled as you laughed. "Hello Gorgeous." "Hello beautiful, un."
"(Y/n)-chan!" Tobi skipped into the room only to stop and find you still sleeping he tip toed to you and leaned over to see your eyes still shut under your (h/c) hair. Obito's deep voice gave a small chuckle as he went over to shut and lock his bedroom door and after he did he took of his mask and laid beside you. His thumb crested your cheek before your (e/c) eyes fluttered open minutes later to see him smiling and looking up at the celling then back down as you fell back asleep holding his cheek.
Sasori's dark brown eyes glanced over at the bed to only to see you asleep. "Interesting." His eyes continued to stare at you, he leaned over and pushed your (h/c) hair to the side, then leaned back in his chair. He picked up a puppet part and tinkered with his but keep glancing up at you but then glanced down immediately and turned to your desk as your (e/c) eyes opened. "Love I need you to fix this part." He placed a piece of the puppet on your side of the desk then went back to fixing his own.
"Is she still sleeping?" "I believe so." The rest of Zetsu's body came out of the ground and walked over to your sleeping form. You were laying inbed on your side, you used one arm for a pillow. "Should we wake her." "No, let's not." Zetsu's light side grabbed your free hand, holding it softly. Zetsu's eyes focused on you, he smiled and stared at for around ten minutes. You moved slightly, he went into the ground slightly as well then came back out and re grabbed your hand and smiled.
"Tch. What a lazy ass." Hidan rolled his dark violet eyes as he glanced away from your sleeping form to put down his scythe. "Lucky bitch." Hidan laid across from you on his stomach with his face towards you, he smirked as your (h/c) hair covered your face. He pushed it out of the way and put his arms under his chin and studied your face before he lifted up the blanket and glanced before covering himself. He gave a soft smile as he looked at you before his eyes darted away as your
(e/c) eyes fluttered open. "About damn time you woke up."
You didn't know what else to do while you were waiting for Orochimaru so you took a nap. Ten minutes after you fell asleep with your (h/c) hair covering your face was pushed out of the way. A smirk went across Orochimaru's face as he stared at your sleeping form. He pecked your forehead as he kept his eyes on you until he glanced away then glanced back seeing your (e/c) eyes stare at him. "Hello." "Hey there my snake." You blushed as your eyes shut again and he chuckled.

(Hello there! Sorry I haven't made one in a WHILE. But hope you enjoyed it)

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