When You Embarrass Yourself In Front Of Him

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(That picture above XD and Hidan in the back XD oh my Jashin I died laughing XD)
You stood next to Pein as he started a meeting in the living room of the base to the other Akatsuki members. "(Y/n), get the scroll." You gave a small nod with a small smile along with it as you went to his office door, as soon as you grabbed the handle and tried to open the door, your forehead ended up smacking into the door. You turned slowly to see Pein and everyone looking at you, Hidan tried to hold back a chuckle when you turned the knob the other way and went into the room. When you came back into the den, you hanged Pein the scroll, you had bright pink cheeks and a red mark that Pein kissed after you stood next to him and before he continued to speak about the events. "You grabbed the wrong scroll (Y/n).." "Uh huh..well. You can get it."
"It's fine. I got it Kakuzu." Kakuzu gave a head shake seeing you try to pick up your bounty, he wasn't dead but knocked out, he was what alive more than dead. "Fine. Have it your way." The guy was at least twice your weight, Kakuzu waited next to the collection's office as you walked up the stares with a smirk. "See. I told you I." You stopped in the middle of your sentence when you slid off a step, falling three steps back to the ground as your bounty remained on the staircase. You looked up at Kakuzu with bright pink cheeks as he gave his usual stare, picking up the guy and going back up the stairs as you dusted yourself off. "That's what happens when you brag. Embarrassed?" You gave an eye roll and a 'Tch with cross arms as he went into the bathrooms. "Ow.."
You were siting in front of Deidara on one of his clay birds, after dropping a few bombs on some Leaf ninja's he handed you a clay bird to throw so he could get on his own, you threw it but you threw it forward, making it come back and splat all over your face. Deidara gave a small grunt and turned you to him. You gave a couple of small laughs as Deidara pulled the bits of clay from your cheeks, you heard him chuckle, you gave light pink cheeks when you seen him trying to hold back his laughter as his hand tongue licked the remaining clay from your cheek. "There, it's all off, un." "Thanks." When you turned back, you placed your hands to your red cheeks and gave a groan as he rubbed your back with a laugh.
You gave a small whimper as you headed towards Tobi's room, you were about to go into the bathroom before Tobi picked you up and hugged you. "I missed you too, now." You were cut off when he started to tickle you when he put you down, making you sit on the bed, you giggled and tried to push him off as he continued. "Tobi stop!" You giggled more until you gasped and kicked him away, when he backed up with a chuckle he stop and faced at your pants, you had gave bright pink cheeks and sealed lips. "Did you need to use the bathroom?" You gave a nod and a throat clear when Obito spoke, he stepped to the side a bit with his hand extended. "I'll get you new pants." You gave a sigh through your nose then narrowed eyes and went into the bathroom. "I told you to stop." "My bad."
You were in Sasori's room and at his desk, you tried to pull an a finger off one of his old puppets, you were getting frustrated and pulled on it harder, Sasori gave a glance and about to speak when he looked down before he heard you pop yourself on the face. You gave light pink cheeks as the cheek you hit got darker. "Are you ok-." "Yeah I fine." Sasori saw your cheeks starting to get a shade darker, he gave a simple nod and looked back down at his work as you placed a hand on your cheek. "Love you d-." "I'm not embarrassed." Sasori looked up at you with a blank expression as you looked at him with your lips seal for interrupting him. "I was going to say. You could of used the tools." He looked back down, you blushed more with parted lips and a head nod. "I know.."
You were in Zetsu's garden to grab your cloak before the two of you went to the base for a meeting, as you were about to pick it up, you got your hair caught in a branch, tangled up to the point you could move an inch. "Zetsu!" After struggling to get it out he came up out of the ground with a confused look, the dark side of him, and surprisingly the light side, giving a holding back grin. "Zetsu please help me." The light side of Zetsu saw your red cheeks and came out of the ground as the dark side of him gave a grunt, both trying to untangle your hair from the branch. "Are you alright?" "How embarrassing." You gave an eye roll with a small puff through your nose, when he sank back halfway into the ground, you held your hair in your grip with a calm smile. "Thanks Zetsu." "You're welcome my dear." "Try not to get your hair caught again." "It wasn't my fault!"
You gave a small groan as you felt Hidan wrap his arms around you more, giving you a small peck in your ear since the two of you were still laying in bed together. As he was about to speak you accidentally passed gas when he released you. You gave parted lips as you felt Hidan sit up in bed, he gave you a weird look when you turned to look at him with bright pink cheeks. "I know you didn't just fucken fart on me." You gave sealed lips and a small nod as your cheeks got darker. "That's nasty." You gave a small laugh as he tried to get out of bed, he looked at you then gave a head shake. "I'm sure Kakuzu heard that." "Tobi did!" You gave darker cheeks with parted lips as he laughed and pointed at the door with an eyebrow raise. "Damn."
You waited for Kisame in the lake next to the base, you felt your stomach cramping up but you thought you've been swimming to much so he didn't mind it, until you knew the real reason. You gave parted lips and tried to cross your legs, just when Kisame stepped into the water he gave a confused look. "Did you cut your foot on a rock?" You gave a head shake with sealed lips, you then gave a throat clear making Kisame's eyes slightly widened until he started to chuckle. "It's not funny." He laughed more as you gave narrowed eyes and splashed the water on him, he wiped his mouth as he held back his laughter. "That's gross." You gave brighter cheeks and tried to get out of the water and when you did, you sat in the grass as Kisame swam to you and chuckled. "Are you going to get back into the water?" "Shut up."
You were outside training with a clay dummy Deidara made for you, as you there ninja stars towards it, you saw Itachi stop walking and watch you from the distance. You smirked and pulled a kunai out from behind you until the blade got caught in your pants, ripping it when you tugged. You gasped as you stood up straight and placed your hand behind you, you glanced over to the side to see Itachi staring at you with his normal expression. Your cheeks were light pink when he went over to you, handing his cloak to you, making you look down flustered. "Let's go." You followed behind him with the same expression as he gave a small head shake and took your hand with a sigh. "Don't say you saw it coming Itachi."
It was raining and you and Orochimaru were on your way back to the base, as you held his hand and smiled, talking about the mission, you were about to open up the base door until you slipped and landed on the mud. Orochimaru gave widened eyes as he looked down at you, you gave bright pink cheeks and sealed lips when you stood back up, he smirked and held you close, stroking your hair with a chuckle as you sighed. "You're alright. Let's just get back into the base and shower." You gave a nod and when the door opened, eyes were looking at you, he covered your eyes and led you to the room. "That was embarrassing..." "Which part was?"

(Hoped you enjoyed this more to come soon. Sorry if some are iffy a few are last minute ideas XD. And Reader-chans! I'm close to publishing my 100th part. If have any scenarios I dead, comment and I'll check them out X))

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