When The Two Of You Cook Together

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(Was cooking while watching anime..bad combination!!! But got lonely thought about anime guys and boom scenario!!! *laughs at reason*)

(Food items y'all be cooking is rice! Don't like rice I'm sorry just go with it...i wasn't cooking rice when I thought of this XD)
The base was empty for once, it was just you and Pein, you sat at his desk across from him until your stomach growled. "Hungry?" You giggled and smiled with a head nod. "Go get you something to eat." "Come with me." He looked up at your smiling face then gave a sigh and stood up and followed you into the kitchen, you dug around on the cabinets and found a bag of rice. "Ooh, Pein you want some?" "My Goddess." "Oh yeah." You smiled and got the pot out you needed and filled it up, but when you placed it on the stove he walked out of the room. "Pein!" "Yes." "Cook with me." He looked back at you with a serious face before he smirked. "Will you do paperwork with me after?" "Yeah, of course." You smiled as he pecked your forehead. "Pein no! You don't need to turn the stove on that high!" Pein looked at you as you held a spoon in your hand and a bowl. "Why not?" "You'll burn it!" He turned down the stove as you approached him and turned it up. "You turned it off." You smiled and kissed his chest as he smirked. "Paperwork is my skill. And destroying villages." "And being a good boyfriend." You giggled into his chest, he hugged you then brung your lips to his. He kissed deeper before you pulled away. "Something smells." "Burnt." You pulled back and turned off the stove. "Damnit Pein." You sat in his office eating your plate of rice while he did his paperwork. "Aren't you going to do the paperwork like you said." "Hang on I'm eating." He smirked with a chuckle as you giggled and took another bite. "We should cook together again." "No."
"Kakuzu I'm hungry!" You walked into his room in a groaning tone as you leaned against the door way as he counted his money, his green and red eyes looked up at yours with a sigh. "And." "Can we order food?" "(Y/n). This is a secret base." You smiled with a small laugh as you walked up to him and pulled off his mask. "Well can we at least cook?" "You can." You gave a smirk with narrowed eyes. "Okay well if I accidentally cat-." You smiled seeing Kakuzu walked past you into the kitchen. "We have rice." "Yeah!" He rolled his eyes as he handed you the bag. "You're gonna cook with me?!" "Just so I don't have to pay for the damage." You smiled with narrowed eyes as you poured in the rice. "You're wasting water." "Kakuzu I'm trying to get it the right measurement." Once you did you poured the water into the pot and waited. "I love you." You pecked his lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "I love you." He kissed you back and placed his hands on your waist with a smirk. "(Y/n) let go or you can do this yourself." You smiled as you hugged him from behind as he stirred the rice. "Well let me!" "No." You smiled as you pecked his back, he gave a smirk then handed you your plate. He looked at you while you sat on his lap and he counted his money in the base's living room. "Better than going out to eat?" You smiled and gave a nod as you placed your fork back in your mouth. "We should by more recipes and cook them." He sighed as he gave a head shake with a smirk. "We'll see."
You sat in bed making a clay sculpture, the base was empty, it was only you and Deidara but the two of you continued to make clay birds. "Beautiful, un?" You looked up at him with a smile as he poked his head through the doorway. "Yes gorgeous?" "Can you help me, hm?" You smiled and have a nod and got off the bed, he smile seeing you in your pj bottoms and his hoodie, he blushed as you held his hand and pulled you into the kitchen. "Are you cooking?" "Yeah." You saw rice boiling and you smelled the steam, he handed you the spoon as he dug through the cabinets. "What do you need help on gorgeous?" "Taste testing, yeah." You smiled as he walked over to you with seasonings and placed them on the counter. "Try it!" Deidara shook his head as he held you back from him, you put a hot seasoning on the small spoonful since he put cinnamon on yours. "Gorgeous!" He chuckled and looked away as he blocked you until you put the spoon in his mouth hand. You laughed as he drowned his mouth in water then took the spoon from you and pressed his lips to yours. "I love you Dei-Dei." "I love you too, un." You giggled as he helped you put rice into each bowl for you and him. He chuckled as he handed you the bowl. You giggled as the two of you sat in bed together eating rice, you still had yours but yet he was feeding you his. "We should do this more often, un." You nodded as you pecked his lips, he then pulled away after tasting the seasoning of your rice, you laughed as he narrowed his eyes with a smirk.
"(Y/n)-chan!" You made a confused face as you walked into the kitchen with a smile soon after seeing Tobi in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" "Tobi was going to cook for (Y/n)-chan but." You smiled as you walked into the kitchen and glanced around seeing he was going to make rice. "But?" "Tobi wanted (Y/n)-chan to help!" You giggle as you poured the water into the pit. "Tobi aren't you gonna add the rice?" "Tobi can't find the scissors!" You giggled as he struggled to open the bag, you took it from him but when you opened it half of it spilled over the floor. "Oops." Tobi laughed, you smiled more you heard Obito chuckle, then Tobi lifted you up and spun you around. "(Y/n)-chan so messy!" You smiled as you watched Tobi stir the pot before he lifted up a spoonful and held it up to you. "Say ahh (Y/n)-chan!" You smiled as you opened your mouth to take a bite when the spoon was coming to you it went under Tobi's mask into Obito's mouth. "Tobi!" Tobi giggled as he took another spoonful and fed you it. You smiled as Tobi hugged you from behind pressing his mask against your cheek as you tried to pour the rice into a bowl. "Tobi!" "What?!" You and him both giggled as you missed the bowl but got enough in. "Look what you did!" "Tobi didn't do that!" You and him both laughed as you took a bite. "How is it (Y/n)-chan?!" You smiled and gave a nod. "It's yummy!" Just before you could take another bite Tobi took the spoon and bowl and ran off. "Tobi!" You and him both giggled as you fed each other rice, you smile seeing Obito's smile before he put his mask back on. "That was fun huh button!" You hugged him tightly as he did the same to you. "It was. Next time I want to cook with my guardian." "You will (Y/n)-chan!" "Tobi! (Y/n)!" "Oops."
Sasori sat in his room still even though the base was empty and it was just you and him. You weren't in the room with him, which made him feel quite strange. Sasori looked up from his desk at his room door that was opened, he gave a small sigh and stood up and went into the kitchen. "Love. What are you doing?" You blushed seeing his uncovered body, then glanced back down into the pages of your book. "I got hungry, so I'm cooking rice." He walked up to you and stared into the pot of water that started to boil then looked back at you. "Seems to be like you're reading." "I'm waiting for the water to heat up." He gave a nod as you smiled and closed your book, kissing his chest as you grabbed the bag of rice. "Wanna help me? Since I help you?" "You help me cause you can." "Please." His dark brown eyes stared into yours as you pouted. "Okay love." Sasori poured the rice into the pot as you got the dishes out. "How much do you need love?" "Just pour it all in." "Interesting." You smiled seeing him as if this was his first time cooking, as he stirred the pot you added in flavor then took the spoon away from him. "Is it ready love?" You shook your head then got a bit on the spoon for him. "Try some." "No." "Sasori." He pulled your chin to him and kissed your lips. "I did." You blushed as you continued to the stir the pot with him behind you and one arm wrapped your side. "Is that enough?" You turned around after putting everything away. "Yes. Perfect. Like you are." He looked at you then back down, you saw the edge of his lips curl slightly before you went into his room and sat on his lap. "You sure you don't want any?" He gave a nod as he worked on his puppets then pecked your lips still looking down. "Yes love." "We should cook again. It was fun. Not as fun as making puppets but." "Yes I agree love."
"Zetsu I'm hungry." "Should of ate before you came over here." "Come now. Do you want us to go bring you something my dear?" You shook your head as you stood up off the grass and looked down at him. "Come back to the base with me." His light side smiled while his dark side grunted. "Fine." "What are you hungry for my dear?" "People." "Ew Zetsu no. I wants some um. Rice." You got out the pots and bag of rice as he stood in the door way of the kitchen, about to sink into the ground. "No Zetsu waaiit. Cook with me." "We garden not cook." "It'll be fun. Let's try." "Ugh." "Please." You kissed the middle of his neck then looked up at him with a smile. "Okay." "No Zetsu add the water first it's not like gardening." "I see." "This is stupid." You rolled your eyes with a smile, as you waited up for the water to get hot you got out seasonings while Zetsu stared into the pot. "Is it got yet." "I don't know. Maybe you should touch it." "No! Don't put your hand in there." Zetsu rested his chin on the top of your head as you stirred the rice, then moved back after your tried to get him to taste it. "Ew." "Yes I do agree." "You haven't even tried it. If you do we can. Go out for people!" "Nice offer my dear." "Ugh." You giggled seeing both of them make the same face expression, they then chuckled at you as they put in seasonings. "Try that or no more garden." "That's not fair!" As you poured in the pot of rice into your bowl Zetsu held you from behind. "Finished yet." No rush my dear." "I am." You are your bowl of rice along the way back to the garden. "That was fun. It should be our new hobby." You stared up at Zetsu with a dork of rice in your mouth as he stared back at you. "We'll eat you first." "No we won't my dear."
Hidan rolled over in bed with a groan and a smirk as he reached for you. His eyes narrowed as he peeked one of his dark violet eyes open to see you not in bed. "The one fucken day we get the base to ourselves." Hidan rolled onto his back then got out of bed rubbing the back of his neck. "(Y/n)!" He stopped in the kitchen only to smirk and lean back against the door frame with his arms crossed as he saw you in his hoodie with black shorts that barley showed underneath it. "Mhm." You turned around only to blush then looked back forward. "Yes Hidan?" "Whatcha doing?" "Cooking cause I'm hungry." He 'Tch'ed as he wrapped his arms around you kissing on your neck as you poured rice into a boiling pot. "Hidan stop." "You enjoy you're breakfast and I'll enjoy mine." You blushed as you pecked his lips then shoved him off of you. "Rice? Seriously?" "Yeah. Gotta problem with it?" You smirked as you grabbed a bowl from the cabinet, only to be popped in the high by the wooden spoon. "Hidan!" "Gotta problem?" You narrowed your eyes as you tried to take the spoon back but he kept raising it higher above you. "Give it!" He chuckled and gave it back to you after kissing your forehead and after you kissed his bare chest, you stirred your rice as he grabbed seasoning. "Put that in there." "Why?" "Cause it fucken makes it taste better smart ass." You rolled your eyes and did so, Hidan stood behind you and held you from behind. "Ow Hidan! Don't pinch me or I'll knock the shit out of you with this spoon." "Do it!" You giggled and smiled as he smirked and kissed your ear. "I fucken love you." "I love you too." Hidan's arms were wrapped around you, with his face buried in the back of your shoulder, watching you try to pour the rice into a bowl but he kept moving your arm. "Hidan I swear." He chuckled until he had his fun. He laid on the couch with you leaned back against his stomach as he laid on his side. "Good?" You nodded with a fork full of rice and I smile. "Fucken told you." "We should cook more together." He pulled your side closer to him and shut his eyes. "Yeah but not on days like this. You lookin really fucken hot in that hoodie." "You lookin hot yourself." "So check." He checked the middle box as you rolled your eyes and continued to eat. "Dumbass."
"Morning sleepy head." You smiled and stretched as you sat up in bed and Kisame joined you since he just got out of the shower. "Morning." He kissed underneath your chin before looking down at your stomach. "Shark bait hungry?" You nodded and when you did Kisame got up and left the room. You walked into the Kitchen ten minutes later to see Kisame outing a box of rice into a pot. "Ooh." He smirked and pulled you close. "I didn't say this was for you." You narrowed your eye but you smirked. "Better be." "I wanna help." Kisame rolled his eyes as he handed you the spoon then went over to the spice cabinet. "Eww. You're adding tuna flavor?" "Only in my bowl." You smiled as you felt his arms wrap around you and got pulled into his bare chest. "Having fun?" You have a nod as you continued to stir the rice as he kissed your cheek. "After this we can go to the lake." "I'm going back to bed." "Well aren't you no fun." You smiled as you mixed the rice before he took the spoon tastes some. "Why not add a little flavoring into this?" You shrugged you shoulders with a smile as you watched him pour two bowls. "If you don't at lest try a little I'll throw you in the lake." You shook your head as you leaned back against the bed. Kisame smirked then kissed your forehead and took your empty bowl. "I'll let this slide." You smiled and laid back down in bed before you were scooped up. "Kisame!" "Don't worry, I just want you out there with me."
"What are you up to my precious snake?" You gave a small smile as you were filling up a pot of water when he came into the kitchen. "Just making me something to eat." He smirked and gave a nod and walked up to, pushing your (h:/c) hair out of your face. "Do you want some?" "No I'm good." You gave a nod as it was time to pour the rice and when you did, Orochimaru handed you a spoon and wrapped his arms around you from behind. "Might as well join you on the cooking instead of going back into the room." You smiled and turned to kiss his cheek, then handed him the spoon and went to go grab a bowl. "Orochimaru later can we go into the village?" "What for?" You stepped next to him and looked at him with a small smile as he poured in the rice. "To get more rice." He looked at you as you took the bowl and went into the living room, sitting on the couch. "Well cause later I heard Kisame was making to rice and. Something else not sure." He gave a sigh with his eyes closed, then a nod. "I suppose." You smiled as you looked back down at your rice only to get a kiss on the cheek by Orochimaru. "I'll be in the room."
"Okay. Love you." "I love you."

(Hello! Alright so hoped you enjoyed that sorry if some are iffy but I liked them X) more to come soon!)

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