Random Author Note

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I'm working on scenarios I promise you they're parts before this part I haven't published yet!! But I'm just going to get this out of the way first!!!

(Weeeeeells. Apparently I got tagged by a reader-chan on doing this. So, why not do it right? It's a wish that I do it for personal reasons XD.)

I'm probably going to fail at trying to do this right for I have no idea what I am doing XD heh, I should be used to saying that.

I have to list 15 facts about myself and apparently tag others. If I tag you, please don't get mad at Author-chan XD

Let's the information about me seep into all your minds!

1. The first letter of my name starts with a K. (It don't matter if you guess..hm? Guessing my name? That's a challenge XD)

2. I was born on February 13 on a Friday of 2000. (Let's see who gets this XD)

3. My favorite color is red.

4. I'm the oldest of two annoying brats. I mean siblings.

5. I name my pets after an AOT character, always.

6. I'm a neat freak with my own bedroom.

7. I have a Hidan shine of pictures I drew myself on a poster on my wall.

8. My favorite romance movie is Warm Bodies.

9. My middle name is Ann.

10. My nickname is Jean Kirstein from AOT.

11. My favorite place to eat is McDonald's.

12. I'm 5'5 feet tall.

13. 'Meh, Ehh, Heh, Ugh, Uhh.' Are my responses to everything before I gave an actual answer.

14. I have a deadly fear of frogs.

15. I have two scars that look like whisker lines on my left cheek from an unknown cause. (Grandmother says I was born with it but highly doubt it XD I got no tailed beast in me.)

All this information was probably not necessary but eh. I hoped you enjoyed this! More scenarios to come soon!)

Oh and you poor souls that are going to be tagged by me. Don't kill me for those who know me in person XD you don't have to but gonna tag you so anyways.


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